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Created December 12, 2021 20:34
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PowerShell function that lets you encode videos via handbrake and move completed files to destinations
function Invoke-HandbrakeEncoding {
PowerShell function that lets you encode videos via handbrake and move completed files to destinations
dir | Invoke-HandbrakeEncoding -Dest . -WhatIf
# Shows the commands that _would_ run if this were ran without the -WhatIf switch.
dir | Invoke-HandbrakeEncoding -Dest foo
# Encodes all files in current directory and places their output in the subdirectory called 'foo'
dir | Invoke-HandbrakeEncoding -Dest . -VerBose
# Displays all handbrake encoding info for each file as it encodes
ls \\nas\GameCaptures\ | Invoke-HandbrakeEncoding -Destination . -InputMoveTo \\nas\GameCaptures\Completed\ -DestinationMoveTo \\nas\Plex-GameCaptures\
# Encode all files in the \\nas\GameCaptures folder to the current directory.
# After successful encode, move the output file to the new in the "Plex-GameCaptures" share.
# Then move the original file that was used to the "Completed" folder on the share
Invoke-HandbrakeEncoding -InputObject file.mkv -Destination .
# Encode the file "file.mkv" and place the encoded version in the current directory
Some helpful commands to keep in mind for HandbrakeCLI:
handbrakecli --help
handbrakecli --preset-list
# Files that you want to send to handbrake for encoding
# Folder path where the created files should be placed in
[string]$Destination = ".",
# Folder to move input files to after completing the encode
# Folder to move output files to after completing the encode
# The preset to use for encoding. It IS case sensitive!
[string]$Preset = "Discord Nitro Medium 5-10 Minutes 720p30"
begin {
$count = 0
process {
foreach ($item in $InputObject | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -eq $false }) {
try {
$outputPath = "$Destination\Encoded-$($item.Name).mp4"
$argumentList = @(
# Arguments with a space MUST be wrapped in extra quotes.
# '"{0}"' -f "Discord Nitro" gets turned into this when passed:
# "Discord Nitro"
'"{0}"' -f $Preset
# "--optimize" # Discord Nitro profile already has optimize enabled
'"{0}"' -f $item.FullName
'"{0}"' -f $outputPath
Write-Host "Encoding file: $($item.Name)" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($item.FullName, "Encode file and conditionally move output file")) {
if ($VerbosePreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") {
HandBrakeCLI.exe $argumentList
else {
HandBrakeCLI.exe $argumentList 2>$null
if (Test-Path $outputPath) {
if ((Get-Item $outputPath).length -eq 0) {
throw "Output file created at $outputPath was empty. Investigate why handbrake didn't run properly"
else {
throw "No output file was created at $outputPath. Investigate why handbrake didn't run"
if ($DestinationMoveTo) { Move-Item -Path $outputPath -Destination $DestinationMoveTo -ea stop }
if ($InputMoveTo) { Move-Item -Path $item.FullName -Destination $InputMoveTo -ea stop }
catch {
"Unable to encode file: $($"
end {
"Successfully encoded $count file(s)"
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