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Created June 21, 2024 07:48
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Swift memoization helpers
// Source:
// Source:
typealias MemFn<Input, Output> = (Input) -> Output
// work with any sort of input and output as long as the input is hashable
// accept a function that takes Input and returns Output, and return a function with the same signature
func memoize<Input: Hashable, Output>(
_ work: @escaping MemFn<Input, Output>
) -> MemFn<Input, Output> {
// our item cache
var cache = [Input: Output]()
// send back a new closure that does our calculation
return { input in
if let cached = cache[input] {
return cached
let result = work(input)
cache[input] = result
return result
typealias MemRecFn<Input, Output> = (MemFn<Input, Output>, Input) -> Output
func memoizeRec<Input: Hashable, Output>(
work: @escaping MemRecFn<Input, Output>
) -> MemFn<Input, Output> {
var cache = [Input: Output]()
func wrap(_ input: Input) -> Output {
if let cached = cache[input] {
return cached
let result = work(wrap, input)
cache[input] = result
return result
return wrap
// Examples
let memoizedSqrt = memoize(sqrt)
let memoizedFactorial = memoizeRec {
factorial, x in
x == 0 ? 1 : x * factorial(x-1)
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