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Created May 8, 2016 23:55
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cvShowManyImages in Python - A basic replacement for matplotlib.pyplot
import cv2
import numpy as np
def multi_plot(height, width, rows, cols, images, titles,
title_color=(255, 255, 255), center_title=False,
background_color=(0, 0, 0),
padding=10, centered=True, borders=False, border_color=(0, 255, 0)):
Plot the specified images with the specified titles in a matrix of images
:type height: int
:param height: Height of the output image
:type width: int
:param width: Width of the output image
:type rows: int
:param rows: Row count of the matrix
:type cols: int
:param cols: Column count of the matrix
:type images: list[numpy.array]
:param images: List of images to be displayed
:type titles: list[string]
:param titles: Titles corresponding to each image
:raises: ValueError if number of titles is not equal with number of images
if len(images) != len(titles):
raise ValueError("The number of titles is different from the number of images")
text_size, baseline = cv2.getTextSize("ABCDEFGH", cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 1)
title_height = text_size[1]
disp_image = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
disp_image[:, :] = background_color
piece_height = int(float(height - (rows + 1) * (padding + title_height)) / rows)
piece_width = int(float(width - (cols + 1) * padding) / cols)
xpos, ypos = padding, padding
for i in range(rows):
ypos = padding
for j in range(cols):
if i * cols + j >= len(images):
curr_img = images[i * cols + j]
curr_title = titles[i * cols + j]
img_height, img_width = curr_img.shape[0], curr_img.shape[1]
scale = min(float(piece_width) / img_width, float(piece_height) / img_height)
new_height = int(img_height * scale)
new_width = int(img_width * scale)
h_diff = int(abs(piece_height - new_height) / 2) if centered else 0
w_diff = int(abs(piece_width - new_width) / 2) if centered else 0
# cvSetImageROI(disp_image, cvRect(...)));
xpos + h_diff + title_height:xpos + h_diff + title_height + new_height,
ypos + w_diff:ypos + w_diff + new_width
] = cv2.resize(curr_img, (new_width, new_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
text_size, baseline = cv2.getTextSize(curr_title, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 1)
t_diff = int(abs(piece_width - text_size[0]) / 2) if center_title else 0
# disp_image[xpos, ypos+w_diff:ypos+w_diff+new_width] = (255, 0, 0)
cv2.putText(disp_image, curr_title, (ypos + w_diff + t_diff, xpos + title_height - 1),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, title_color, 1)
if borders:
# Horizontal
disp_image[xpos + title_height, ypos:ypos + piece_width] = border_color
disp_image[((i + 1) * (piece_height + padding + title_height)) - 1,
ypos:ypos + piece_width] = border_color
# Vertical
disp_image[xpos + title_height:xpos + title_height + piece_height, ypos] = border_color
disp_image[xpos + title_height:xpos + title_height + piece_height,
((j + 1) * piece_width) - 1 + (j + 1) * padding] = border_color
ypos += piece_width + padding
xpos += piece_height + padding + title_height
return disp_image
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