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Created February 5, 2021 19:57
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Valheim Server Scripts (Windows Server)
# Will need to be run as an administrator
$rule_name = "Valheim Server 1"
# Change ports as needed
$tcp_ports = "2456,2457,2458"
# Change ports as needed
$udp_ports = "2456,2457,2458"
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="${rule_name}: TCP" dir=in protocol=tcp localport=$tcp_ports action=allow
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="${rule_name}: UDP" dir=in protocol=udp localport=$udp_ports action=allow
# Delete lines below as needed for password/no password servers
# Change server name as needed
$server_name = "My Valheim Server"
# Change world as needed
$world_name = "World"
# If not using password, delete this line
$password = "Password"
# Change port as needed
$server_port = "2456"
# Past here are dragons! (not really)
$server_full_name = "${server_name}: ${world_name}"
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
cd "$scriptPath\valheim-server"
# If not using password, delete this line
Start-Process -FilePath ".\valheim_server.exe" -ArgumentList "-nographics -batchmode -name ""$server_full_name"" -port $server_port -world ""$world_name"" -password ""$password"" -public 1"
# If using password, delete this line
Start-Process -FilePath ".\valheim_server.exe" -ArgumentList "-nographics -batchmode -name ""$server_full_name"" -port $server_port -world ""$world_name"" -public 1"
$app_path = "$pwd\valheim-server"
if(!(Test-Path $app_path))
mkdir $app_path
steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir "$app_path" +app_update 896660 validate +exit
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ssnd292 commented Feb 8, 2021


Used the PS Script to Open Ports, but my Server is not visible in the server browser. Direct connect does work on port 2457.

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