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Created February 6, 2017 14:22
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How to set headers and body for SPFx httpClient
import { HttpClient, IHttpClientOptions, HttpClientResponse } from '@microsoft/sp-http';
private makeRequest(value1: string, value2: string, value3: string): Promise<HttpClientResponse> {
const postURL = "https://REST-API-URL";
const body: string = JSON.stringify({
'name1': value1,
'name2': value2,
'name3': value3,
const requestHeaders: Headers = new Headers();
requestHeaders.append('Content-type', 'application/json');
requestHeaders.append('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
//For an OAuth token
requestHeaders.append('Authorization', 'Bearer <TOKEN>');
//For Basic authentication
requestHeaders.append('Authorization', 'Basic <CREDENTIALS>');
const httpClientOptions: IHttpClientOptions = {
body: body,
headers: requestHeaders
console.log("About to make REST API request.");
.then((response: Response): Promise<HttpClientResponse> => {
console.log("REST API response received.");
return response.json();
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I am calling custom web service hosted into dedicated server through POST method from SPFx. I am fetching token from and passing into header. But I am getting below error in POST method.
Access to fetch at 'https://MyServer/WebService.svc/PostMethod' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Request header field cache-control is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.

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iMinion commented Aug 3, 2020

@manjeetjagtap Check if you've enabled CORS on the AppService that is hosting your Web Service

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You will likely need to setup some kind of proxy function if you're pulling your hair out trying to get it to work - here's a good article on the topic

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