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Created June 4, 2020 13:33
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Save TBog/f22e15cc25055d51e629ed8310704262 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Generate a PNG file to use in i3lock
# we have 2 monitors
# 1. resolution 1440x2560 at offset +0+0
# 2. resolution 1920x1200 at offset +1440+1100
# get 2 random files from this folder
# name of the output image
PIC1=$DIRECTORY$(ls $DIRECTORY | shuf -n 1)
PIC2=$DIRECTORY$(ls $DIRECTORY | shuf -n 1)
INFO1=$(printf %q "$(identify $PIC1 | awk '{print $1,$3}')")
INFO2=$(printf %q "$(identify $PIC2 | awk '{print $1,$3}')")
# monitor info can be taken by calling
# xrandr | awk '$2=="connected"{print $3}'
# MONITOR_1_SIZE='1440x2560'
# MONITOR_1_OFFS='+0+0'
# MONITOR_2_SIZE='1920x1200'
# MONITOR_2_OFFS='+1440+1100'
# or we can auto-generate variables HEAD_#_SIZE and HEAD_#_OFFS from the xrandr output
source <(\
xrandr | awk -F' |x|+' 'BEGIN{cnt=1} $2=="connected"{
print "HEAD_" cnt "_SIZE=\"" $3 "x" $4 "\""
print "HEAD_" cnt "_OFFS=\"+" $5 "+" $6 "\""
# TODO: change the label position
convert \
\( $PIC1 -resize $HEAD_1_SIZE^ -gravity Center -extent $HEAD_1_SIZE -repage $HEAD_1_OFFS \) \
\( $PIC2 -resize $HEAD_2_SIZE^ -gravity Center -extent $HEAD_2_SIZE -repage $HEAD_2_OFFS \) \
\( -background black -fill lime -size 1920x100 label:"$INFO1" -repage +1440+0 \) \
\( -background black -fill lime -size 1920x100 label:"$INFO2" -repage +1440+1000 \) \
-background None -layers merge $OUTPUT
identify $OUTPUT
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