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Rmixmod quickstart


A quick example of code to get started with fitting a finite Gaussian mixture model (here with just 2 clusters).

Load Rmixmod library

## Loading required package: Rcpp

## Rmixmod v. 2.1.5 / URI:

Simulate data

set.seed(84)<- data.frame(doy= c(rnorm(1000, mean= 3, sd= 1), rnorm(2000, mean= 6, sd= 0.8)))

hist($doy, nclass= 50)

Estimate a finite Gaussian mixture model with 2 clusters

nclass<- 2

dat4EM1<- na.omit([, c("doy")]) # making a copy with just the covariates of interest (not required)

DD.EM1 <- mixmodCluster(dat4EM1, nbCluster= nclass, 
    models = mixmodGaussianModel(), criterion= c("BIC","ICL"), 
    strategy= mixmodStrategy(algo= "EM", nbTry= 1, 
        initMethod= "smallEM", nbTryInInit= 50, 
        nbIterationInInit= 5, nbIterationInAlgo= 200, 
        epsilonInInit= 0.001, epsilonInAlgo= 0.001), 
    seed= 45)

A few outputs from the model:

# show a summary of the best model containing the estimated parameters , the likelihood
## **************************************************************
## * Number of samples    =  3000 
## * Problem dimension    =  1 
## **************************************************************
## *       Number of cluster =  2 
## *              Model Type =  Gaussian_pk_Lk_C 
## *               Criterion =  BIC(10759.8586) ICL(11434.3488)
## *              Parameters =  list by cluster
## *                  Cluster  1 : 
##                          Proportion =  0.6653 
##                               Means =  6.0014 
##                           Variances =  0.6293 
## *                  Cluster  2 : 
##                          Proportion =  0.3347 
##                               Means =  3.0402 
##                           Variances =  0.9809 
## *          Log-likelihood =  -5359.9134 
## **************************************************************

Note that the order of the clusters is random, but the simulated parameters are estimated pretty well.

Plot the estimated model

hist(DD.EM1) # default Rmixmod plot
## [1] 1

# plot(DD.EM1) if more than one cluster predictor

Doing our own plot to compare estimated with data-generating model

hist($doy, nclass= 50, freq= F)
x.seq<- seq(-4, 15, l= 200) # create a regular sequence along the x-axis

# add the distributions from which the data were generated:
lines(x.seq, dnorm(x.seq, mean= 3, sd= 1) * 1/3, col= 2)
lines(x.seq, dnorm(x.seq, mean= 6, sd= 0.8) * 2/3, col= 3)

# add the estimated distributions:
    # (really awkward parameter extraction from these models: 
    # surely there must be a better way!)
prop.Cluster1<- DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@proportions[1] 
prop.Cluster2<- DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@proportions[2]

lines(x.seq, dnorm(x.seq, 
                    mean= DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@mean[1, ],
                    sd= DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@variance[[1]][1, 1])
                    * prop.Cluster1, 
            col= 3, lwd= 2, lty= 2)

lines(x.seq, dnorm(x.seq, 
                    mean= DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@mean[2, ],
                    sd= DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@variance[[2]][1, 1])
                    * prop.Cluster2,
            col= 2, lwd= 2, lty= 2)

Extract the cluster assignment probabilities for each observation (obs in rows, clusters in columns)

##              [,1]      [,2]
## [1,] 4.774383e-02 0.9522562
## [2,] 2.269764e-01 0.7730236
## [3,] 4.855727e-05 0.9999514
## [4,] 5.884160e-06 0.9999941
## [5,] 6.319097e-03 0.9936809
## [6,] 3.256917e-02 0.9674308
        xlab= "Observation index",
        ylab= "Group membership probability", 
        type= "p")

# Most likely cluster membership for each observation (as predicted by the best model)
dat4EM1$EM.class.2<- (DD.EM1@bestResult@partition)

        xlab= "Observation index", 
        ylab= "Predicted cluster",
        col= dat4EM1$EM.class.2)
legend(x= "right", paste("Cluster", 1:nclass),
        pch = 1, col = 1:nclass, bty= "n")

Classification “performance”

trueClass<- rep(LETTERS[1:2], times= c(1000, 2000))

table('True'= trueClass, 'Predicted'= dat4EM1$EM.class.2)
##     Predicted
## True    1    2
##    A   71  929
##    B 1955   45
title: "Rmixmod quickstart"
date: 28/01/2021 # "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d/%m/%Y')`"
chunk_output_type: console
output: github_document
```{r setup, echo= FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo= TRUE, message= TRUE, warning= FALSE, eval= TRUE, cache= FALSE)
A quick example of code to get started with fitting a finite Gaussian mixture model (here with just 2 clusters).
## Load `Rmixmod` library
```{r packages}
## Simulate data
```{r simulation}
set.seed(84)<- data.frame(doy= c(rnorm(1000, mean= 3, sd= 1), rnorm(2000, mean= 6, sd= 0.8)))
hist($doy, nclass= 50)
## Estimate a finite Gaussian mixture model with 2 clusters
```{r mixmod estimation}
nclass<- 2
dat4EM1<- na.omit([, c("doy")]) # making a copy with just the covariates of interest (not required)
DD.EM1 <- mixmodCluster(dat4EM1, nbCluster= nclass,
models = mixmodGaussianModel(), criterion= c("BIC","ICL"),
strategy= mixmodStrategy(algo= "EM", nbTry= 1,
initMethod= "smallEM", nbTryInInit= 50,
nbIterationInInit= 5, nbIterationInAlgo= 200,
epsilonInInit= 0.001, epsilonInAlgo= 0.001),
seed= 45)
## A few outputs from the model:
```{r model outputs}
# show a summary of the best model containing the estimated parameters , the likelihood
> Note that the order of the clusters is random, but the simulated parameters are estimated pretty well.
## Plot the estimated model
```{r plot model}
hist(DD.EM1) # default Rmixmod plot
# plot(DD.EM1) if more than one cluster predictor
## Doing our own plot to compare estimated with data-generating model
```{r custom plots}
hist($doy, nclass= 50, freq= F)
x.seq<- seq(-4, 15, l= 200) # create a regular sequence along the x-axis
# add the distributions from which the data were generated:
lines(x.seq, dnorm(x.seq, mean= 3, sd= 1) * 1/3, col= 2)
lines(x.seq, dnorm(x.seq, mean= 6, sd= 0.8) * 2/3, col= 3)
# add the estimated distributions:
# (really awkward parameter extraction from these models:
# surely there must be a better way!)
prop.Cluster1<- DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@proportions[1]
prop.Cluster2<- DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@proportions[2]
lines(x.seq, dnorm(x.seq,
mean= DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@mean[1, ],
sd= DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@variance[[1]][1, 1])
* prop.Cluster1,
col= 3, lwd= 2, lty= 2)
lines(x.seq, dnorm(x.seq,
mean= DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@mean[2, ],
sd= DD.EM1@bestResult@parameters@variance[[2]][1, 1])
* prop.Cluster2,
col= 2, lwd= 2, lty= 2)
## Extract the cluster assignment probabilities for each observation (obs in rows, clusters in columns)
```{r cluster assignment}
xlab= "Observation index",
ylab= "Group membership probability",
type= "p")
# Most likely cluster membership for each observation (as predicted by the best model)
dat4EM1$EM.class.2<- (DD.EM1@bestResult@partition)
xlab= "Observation index",
ylab= "Predicted cluster",
col= dat4EM1$EM.class.2)
legend(x= "right", paste("Cluster", 1:nclass),
pch = 1, col = 1:nclass, bty= "n")
## Classification "performance"
```{r contingency table}
trueClass<- rep(LETTERS[1:2], times= c(1000, 2000))
table('True'= trueClass, 'Predicted'= dat4EM1$EM.class.2)
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