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Last active February 6, 2021 16:38
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Template code for GLM power analysis

GLM power simulation template



  • two categorical predictors X1 and X2 (2 and 3 levels respectively)
  • their interaction
  • one continuous predictor Z (confounder) with range [-1, 1]
  • Linear predictor ~ X1*X2 + Z
  • balanced design for categorical predictors
  • Poisson response
  • inference focusses on significance of interaction

Parameter values

  • Intercept = 3
  • X1.B - X1.A = 2
  • X2.b - X2.a = -1.5
  • X2.c - X2.a = 0.5
  • Z = 2
  • X1B:X2b - X1A:X2a = -0.7
  • X1B:X2c - X1A:X2a = -0.3
  • type 1 error = 0.05
# assumed coef values (must correspond to columns of model matrix X)
# adjust as needed to reflect expected effect sizes
# (could be made random within the simulation loop
# to introduce uncertainty in effect sizes)
coef.values<- c(3, 2, -1.5, 0.5, 2, -0.7, -0.3)
alpha<- 0.05

Functions to simulate data

This is a basic implementation with the model hard-written in the function. You will need to adjust the function to your model or data structure.

dat.sim.pois<- function(Nrep, coef.val){
    # create all factor combinations
    factor.comb<- expand.grid(X1= LETTERS[1:2], X2= letters[1:3])
    # now, combine factor.comb with variable Z, 
    # and let R automatically recycle it Nrep times 
    # to achieve total sample size (given by the length of Z)
    dat<- data.frame(factor.comb, Z= runif(nrow(factor.comb)*Nrep, -1, 1))
    # create the predictor matrix corresponding to the desired model
    X<- model.matrix( ~ X1*X2 + Z, data= dat)
    # compute linear predictor
    LP<- X %*% coef.val
    # simulate Poisson observations
    Y<- rpois(n= length(LP), lambda= exp(LP))
    # and use as Poisson mean:
    output<- data.frame(Y, dat)

# dat.sim.norm<- function(N, coef.val, sd.resp){
#   fac.comb<- expand.grid(X1= LETTERS[1:2], X2= letters[1:3])
#   dat<- data.frame(fac.comb, Z= runif(nrow(fac.comb)*N, -1, 1))
#   X<- model.matrix( ~ X1*X2 + Z, data= dat)
#   Y<- rnorm(n= nrow(X), mean= X %*% coef.val, sd= sd.resp)
#   dat<- data.frame(Y, X)
# }

Set up loops with 1000 simulations for each replication level

N.rep<- 2:30 # replication level per (X1, X2) combination
N.sim<- 1000 # the larger the more precise the simulation
sim.out<- matrix(NA, N.sim, length(N.rep))

# set a seed for reproducibility (optional)

# set a progress bar
pb<- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = N.sim, width = 50, style = 3)

# run the simulations
for(i in 1:N.sim){
    for(j in 1:length(N.rep)){
        sim.dat<- dat.sim.pois(N= N.rep[j], coef.val= coef.values)
        sim.GLM<- glm(Y ~ X1*X2 + Z, data= sim.dat)
        sim.out[i, j]<- anova(sim.GLM, test= "Chisq")["X1:X2", "Pr(>Chi)"]
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, value= i)

Plot output

# compute proportion significant per replication level:
out.pow<- apply(sim.out < alpha, 2, mean) 

plot(out.pow ~ N.rep, xlab= "Replication", ylab= "Proportion significant interactions", type= "l", lwd= 3, col= 2, ylim= c(0, 1))
abline(h= 0.8, lty= 3, col= grey(0.5), lwd= 2)

# what is the minimum replication achieving >= 0.8 power?
min.ok<- min(which(out.pow > 0.8))
## [1] 10
abline(v= N.rep[min.ok])

10 or more replicates per factor combination yield a power over 80%

title: "GLM power simulation template"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d/%m/%Y')`"
chunk_output_type: console
output: github_document
## Assume
* two categorical predictors X1 and X2 (2 and 3 levels respectively)
* their interaction
* one continuous predictor Z (confounder) with range [-1, 1]
* Linear predictor ~ X1*X2 + Z
* balanced design for categorical predictors
* Poisson response
* inference focusses on significance of interaction
## Parameter values
* Intercept = 3
* X1.B - X1.A = 2
* X2.b - X2.a = -1.5
* X2.c - X2.a = 0.5
* Z = 2
* X1B:X2b - X1A:X2a = -0.7
* X1B:X2c - X1A:X2a = -0.3
* type 1 error = 0.05
# assumed coef values (must correspond to columns of model matrix X)
# adjust as needed to reflect expected effect sizes
# (could be made random within the simulation loop
# to introduce uncertainty in effect sizes)
coef.values<- c(3, 2, -1.5, 0.5, 2, -0.7, -0.3)
alpha<- 0.05
## Functions to simulate data
This is a basic implementation with the model hard-written in the function. You will need to adjust the function to your model or data structure.
dat.sim.pois<- function(Nrep, coef.val){
# create all factor combinations
factor.comb<- expand.grid(X1= LETTERS[1:2], X2= letters[1:3])
# now, combine factor.comb with variable Z,
# and let R automatically recycle it Nrep times
# to achieve total sample size (given by the length of Z)
dat<- data.frame(factor.comb, Z= runif(nrow(factor.comb)*Nrep, -1, 1))
# create the predictor matrix corresponding to the desired model
X<- model.matrix( ~ X1*X2 + Z, data= dat)
# compute linear predictor
LP<- X %*% coef.val
# simulate Poisson observations
Y<- rpois(n= length(LP), lambda= exp(LP))
# and use as Poisson mean:
output<- data.frame(Y, dat)
# dat.sim.norm<- function(N, coef.val, sd.resp){
# fac.comb<- expand.grid(X1= LETTERS[1:2], X2= letters[1:3])
# dat<- data.frame(fac.comb, Z= runif(nrow(fac.comb)*N, -1, 1))
# X<- model.matrix( ~ X1*X2 + Z, data= dat)
# Y<- rnorm(n= nrow(X), mean= X %*% coef.val, sd= sd.resp)
# dat<- data.frame(Y, X)
# }
## Set up loops with 1000 simulations for each replication level
```{r, results= F}
N.rep<- 2:30 # replication level per (X1, X2) combination
N.sim<- 1000 # the larger the more precise the simulation
sim.out<- matrix(NA, N.sim, length(N.rep))
# set a seed for reproducibility (optional)
# set a progress bar
pb<- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = N.sim, width = 50, style = 3)
# run the simulations
for(i in 1:N.sim){
for(j in 1:length(N.rep)){
sim.dat<- dat.sim.pois(N= N.rep[j], coef.val= coef.values)
sim.GLM<- glm(Y ~ X1*X2 + Z, data= sim.dat)
sim.out[i, j]<- anova(sim.GLM, test= "Chisq")["X1:X2", "Pr(>Chi)"]
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value= i)
## Plot output
# compute proportion significant per replication level:
out.pow<- apply(sim.out < alpha, 2, mean)
plot(out.pow ~ N.rep, xlab= "Replication", ylab= "Proportion significant interactions", type= "l", lwd= 3, col= 2, ylim= c(0, 1))
abline(h= 0.8, lty= 3, col= grey(0.5), lwd= 2)
# what is the minimum replication achieving >= 0.8 power?
min.ok<- min(which(out.pow > 0.8))
abline(v= N.rep[min.ok])
> `r N.rep[min.ok]` or more replicates per factor combination yield a power over 80%
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