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Created June 3, 2013 16:45
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local SuppressedGroups = {} --Table to temporary store data for suppressed groups
--Function to end suppression and let group open fire again
local function SuppressionEnd(id)
id.ctrl:setOption( , AI.Option.Ground.val.ROE.OPEN_FIRE)
SuppressedGroups[id.groupName] = nil
--trigger.action.outText(id.groupName .. " suppression end", 2) --Info for debug
local SuppressionEndCounter = 0 --Since SuppressionEnd() is a scheduled function it can exist in multiple instances at the same time. This counter will be used to identify each instance with the subsequent number.
--Function to run suppress a group
local function SuppressGroup(tgt)
local delay = 15 --Time in seconds the group of a hit unit will be unable to fire
local id = {
groupName = tgt:getGroup():getName(),
ctrl = tgt:getGroup():getController()
if SuppressedGroups[id.groupName] == nil then --If group is currently not suppressed, add to table.
SuppressionEndCounter = SuppressionEndCounter + 1 --Increase counter to indentify instance of comming SuppressionEnd() scheduled function
SuppressedGroups[id.groupName] = {
SuppressionEndTime = timer.getTime() + delay,
SuppressionEndN = SuppressionEndCounter --Store instance of SuppressionEnd() scheduled function
timer.scheduleFunction(SuppressionEnd, id, SuppressedGroups[id.groupName].SuppressionEndTime) --Schedule the SuppressionEnd() function
else --If group is already suppressed, update table and increase delay
local timeleft = SuppressedGroups[id.groupName].SuppressionEndTime - timer.getTime() --Get how long to the end of the suppression
local addDelay = (delay / timeleft) * delay --The longer the suppression is going to last, the smaller it is going to be increased by additional hits
if timeleft < delay then --But if the time left is shorter than a complete delay, add another full delay
addDelay = delay
SuppressedGroups[id.groupName].SuppressionEndTime = SuppressedGroups[id.groupName].SuppressionEndTime + addDelay
timer.setFunctionTime(SuppressedGroups[id.groupName].SuppressionEndN, SuppressedGroups[id.groupName].SuppressionEndTime) --Update the execution time of the existing instance of the SuppressionEnd() scheduled function
id.ctrl:setOption( , AI.Option.Ground.val.ROE.WEAPON_HOLD) --Set ROE weapons hold to initate suppression
--trigger.action.outText(id.groupName .. " suppressed until " .. SuppressedGroups[id.groupName].SuppressionEndTime, 2) --Info for debug
--Handler to get when units are hit
SuppressionHandler = {}
function SuppressionHandler:onEvent(event)
if == world.event.S_EVENT_HIT then
local tgt =
local tgtType = tgt:getTypeName()
if tgt:hasAttribute("Infantry") or tgt:hasAttribute("Static AAA") or (tgtType == "Ural-375 ZU-23") then --Check if hit unit is infantry, static or mobile ZU-23
SuppressGroup(tgt) --Run suppression of hit unit (group)
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