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Created July 6, 2013 18:05
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---- Dismounts Scrip ----
-- v1.0 - 5. July 2013
-- By Marc "MBot" Marbot
-- Control functions:
-- AddDismounts(UnitName, dm_type)
-- UnitName: string, name of group
-- dm_type: string, "MANPADS", "Mortar", "Rifle", "ZU-23"
--Table that holds all ground units that carry mounted units
local DismountsCarrier = {}
--Function to add mounted units to a carrier
function AddDismounts(UnitName, dm_type) --Options for dm_type: "MANPADS", "Mortar", "Rifle", "ZU-23"
DismountsCarrier[#DismountsCarrier + 1] = {
name = UnitName,
countryID = Unit.getByName(UnitName):getCountry(),
UnitID = Unit.getByName(UnitName):getID(),
cargo = dm_type,
cargo_status = "mounted",
--Function go get a unit heading
local function GetHeading(Pos3)
if (Pos3.x.x > 0) and (Pos3.x.z == 0) then
return 0
elseif (Pos3.x.x > 0) and (Pos3.x.z > 0) then
return math.atan(Pos3.x.z / Pos3.x.x)
elseif (Pos3.x.x == 0) and (Pos3.x.z > 0) then
return math.rad(90)
elseif (Pos3.x.x < 0) and (Pos3.x.z > 0) then
return math.rad(90) - math.atan(Pos3.x.x / Pos3.x.z)
elseif (Pos3.x.x < 0) and (Pos3.x.z == 0) then
return math.rad(180)
elseif (Pos3.x.x < 0) and (Pos3.x.z < 0) then
return math.rad(180) + math.atan(Pos3.x.z / Pos3.x.x)
elseif (Pos3.x.x == 0) and (Pos3.x.z < 0) then
return math.rad(270)
elseif (Pos3.x.x > 0) and (Pos3.x.z < 0) then
return math.rad(270) - math.atan(Pos3.x.x / Pos3.x.z)
--Repeating function to steer dismounted rifle squads
local function SetRifleWaypoint(CarrierUnitName, DMGroupName)
local function ScheduledFunction()
local rifle = Group.getByName(DMGroupName)
if rifle ~= nil then
local rifle_leader = rifle:getUnit(1)
if rifle_leader ~= nil then
local rifle_leader_point = rifle_leader:getPoint() --Get current position of the rifle leader for the first waypoint
local rifle_controller = rifle:getController() --Get controller of the rifle group for the waypoint task
local carrier = Unit.getByName(CarrierUnitName)
if carrier ~= nil then
local carrier_pos = carrier:getPosition() --Get current position of the carrier for the second waypoint (100m in front of carrier)
GoToTask = {
id = 'Mission',
params = {
route = {
points = {
[1] = {
action = "Custom",
x = rifle_leader_point.x, --Current position of rifle leader
y = rifle_leader_point.z, --Current position of rifle leader
speed = 3.8888888888889,
ETA = 0,
ETA_locked = false,
name = "",
task = {
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
[2] = {
action = "Custom",
x = carrier_pos.p.x + carrier_pos.x.x * 100, --100m in front of carrier
y = carrier_pos.p.z + carrier_pos.x.z * 100, --100m in front of carrier
speed = 3.8888888888889,
ETA = 0,
ETA_locked = false,
name = "",
task = {
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
Controller.setTask(rifle_controller, GoToTask)
return timer.getTime() + 15 --Repeat after 15 seconds, until rifle_leader is not existing anymore
timer.scheduleFunction(ScheduledFunction, nil, timer.getTime() + 15)
--Function to return the composition of the spawned group
local function GetDmGroup(countryID, carrierUnitID, carrierPos, dmType, CarrierUnitName)
local dmVec2 = { --Determine the x,y Vec2 position of the dismounts (10m behind of the carrier)
x = carrierPos.p.x + carrierPos.x.x * -10,
y = carrierPos.p.z + carrierPos.x.z * -10,
local heading = GetHeading(carrierPos) --Get heading of the carrier when dismounting
if countryID == 0 or countryID == 1 or countryID == 16 or countryID == 17 or countryID == 18 or countryID == 19 then --If eastern country
if dmType == "MANPADS" then --If MANPADS
local group = {
["visible"] = false,
["route"] =
["spans"] =
}, -- end of ["spans"]
["points"] =
[1] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 5.5555555555556,
["action"] = "Off Road",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of ["points"]
}, -- end of ["route"]
["groupId"] = carrierUnitID + 10000,
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
["hidden"] = false,
["units"] =
[1] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "SA-18 Igla-S manpad",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_01",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 10000,
["heading"] = 0,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
}, -- end of [1]
[2] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "SA-18 Igla-S comm",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_02",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 11000,
["heading"] = 0,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + 3,
}, -- end of [2]
}, -- end of ["units"]
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID,
["start_time"] = 0,
["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
return group
elseif dmType == "Mortar" then --If Mortar
local group = {
["visible"] = false,
["route"] =
["spans"] =
}, -- end of ["spans"]
["points"] =
[1] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 5.5555555555556,
["action"] = "Off Road",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of ["points"]
}, -- end of ["route"]
["groupId"] = carrierUnitID + 10000,
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
["hidden"] = false,
["units"] =
[1] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "2B11 mortar",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_01",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 12000,
["heading"] = heading + math.rad(180),
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
}, -- end of [1]
[2] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y -2,
["type"] = "Infantry AK",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_02",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 13000,
["heading"] = heading + math.rad(180),
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + 2,
}, -- end of [2]
[3] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y -2,
["type"] = "Infantry AK",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_03",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 14000,
["heading"] = heading + math.rad(180),
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x - 2,
}, -- end of [3]
}, -- end of ["units"]
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID,
["start_time"] = 0,
["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
return group
elseif dmType == "Rifle" then --If rifle squad
local group = {
["visible"] = false,
["route"] =
["spans"] =
}, -- end of ["spans"]
["points"] =
[1] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 3.8888888888889,
["action"] = "Custom",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [1]
[2] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = carrierPos.p.z + carrierPos.x.z * 100,
["x"] = carrierPos.p.x + carrierPos.x.x * 100,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 3.8888888888889,
["action"] = "Custom",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [2]
}, -- end of ["points"]
}, -- end of ["route"]
["groupId"] = carrierUnitID + 10000,
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
["hidden"] = false,
["units"] =
[1] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "Infantry AK",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_01",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 15000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
}, -- end of [1]
[2] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y - carrierPos.z.z * 5,
["type"] = "Paratrooper RPG-16",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_02",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 16000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x - carrierPos.z.x * 5,
}, -- end of [2]
[3] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y + carrierPos.z.z * 5,
["type"] = "Infantry AK",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_03",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 17000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + carrierPos.z.x * 5,
}, -- end of [3]
[4] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y - carrierPos.z.z * 10,
["type"] = "Infantry AK",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_04",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 18000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x - carrierPos.z.x * 10,
}, -- end of [4]
[5] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y + carrierPos.z.z * 10,
["type"] = "Infantry AK",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_05",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 19000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + carrierPos.z.x * 10,
}, -- end of [5]
[6] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y - carrierPos.z.z * 15,
["type"] = "Infantry AK",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_06",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 20000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x - carrierPos.z.x * 15,
}, -- end of [6]
[7] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y + carrierPos.z.z * 15,
["type"] = "Infantry AK",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_07",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 21000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + carrierPos.z.x * 15,
}, -- end of [7]
}, -- end of ["units"]
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID,
["start_time"] = 0,
["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
SetRifleWaypoint(CarrierUnitName, "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID) --Launch scheduled function to refresh the wayoint of the dismounted group
return group
elseif dmType == "ZU-23" then --If ZU-23 AAA
local group = {
["visible"] = false,
["route"] =
["spans"] =
}, -- end of ["spans"]
["points"] =
[1] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 5.5555555555556,
["action"] = "Off Road",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of ["points"]
}, -- end of ["route"]
["groupId"] = carrierUnitID + 10000,
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
["hidden"] = false,
["units"] =
[1] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "ZU-23 Emplacement",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_01",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 22000,
["heading"] = heading + math.rad(180),
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
}, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of ["units"]
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID,
["start_time"] = 0,
["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
return group
else --if western country
if dmType == "MANPADS" then --If MANPADS
local group = {
["visible"] = false,
["route"] =
["spans"] =
}, -- end of ["spans"]
["points"] =
[1] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 5.5555555555556,
["action"] = "Off Road",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of ["points"]
}, -- end of ["route"]
["groupId"] = carrierUnitID + 10000,
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
["hidden"] = false,
["units"] =
[1] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "Stinger manpad",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_01",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 23000,
["heading"] = 0,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
}, -- end of [1]
[2] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "Stinger comm",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_02",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 24000,
["heading"] = 0,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + 3,
}, -- end of [2]
}, -- end of ["units"]
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID,
["start_time"] = 0,
["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
return group
elseif dmType == "Mortar" then --If Mortar
local group = {
["visible"] = false,
["route"] =
["spans"] =
}, -- end of ["spans"]
["points"] =
[1] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 5.5555555555556,
["action"] = "Off Road",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of ["points"]
}, -- end of ["route"]
["groupId"] = carrierUnitID + 10000,
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
["hidden"] = false,
["units"] =
[1] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "2B11 mortar",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_01",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 25000,
["heading"] = heading + math.rad(180),
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
}, -- end of [1]
[2] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y -2,
["type"] = "Soldier M4",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_02",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 26000,
["heading"] = heading + math.rad(180),
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + 2,
}, -- end of [2]
[3] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y -2,
["type"] = "Soldier M4",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_03",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 27000,
["heading"] = heading + math.rad(180),
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x - 2,
}, -- end of [3]
}, -- end of ["units"]
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID,
["start_time"] = 0,
["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
return group
elseif dmType == "Rifle" then --If rifle squad
local group = {
["visible"] = false,
["route"] =
["spans"] =
}, -- end of ["spans"]
["points"] =
[1] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 3.8888888888889,
["action"] = "Custom",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [1]
[2] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = carrierPos.p.z + carrierPos.x.z * 100,
["x"] = carrierPos.p.x + carrierPos.x.x * 100,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 3.8888888888889,
["action"] = "Custom",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [2]
}, -- end of ["points"]
}, -- end of ["route"]
["groupId"] = carrierUnitID + 10000,
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
["hidden"] = false,
["units"] =
[1] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "Soldier M4",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_01",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 28000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
}, -- end of [1]
[2] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y - carrierPos.z.z * 5,
["type"] = "Soldier M4",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_02",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 29000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x - carrierPos.z.x * 5,
}, -- end of [2]
[3] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y + carrierPos.z.z * 5,
["type"] = "Soldier M4",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_03",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 30000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + carrierPos.z.x * 5,
}, -- end of [3]
[4] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y - carrierPos.z.z * 10,
["type"] = "Soldier M249",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_04",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 31000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x - carrierPos.z.x * 10,
}, -- end of [4]
[5] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y + carrierPos.z.z * 10,
["type"] = "Soldier M249",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_05",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 32000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + carrierPos.z.x * 10,
}, -- end of [5]
[6] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y - carrierPos.z.z * 15,
["type"] = "Soldier M4",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_06",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 33000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x - carrierPos.z.x * 15,
}, -- end of [6]
[7] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y + carrierPos.z.z * 15,
["type"] = "Soldier M4",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_07",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 34000,
["heading"] = heading,
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x + carrierPos.z.x * 15,
}, -- end of [7]
}, -- end of ["units"]
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID,
["start_time"] = 0,
["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
SetRifleWaypoint(CarrierUnitName, "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID) --Launch scheduled function to refresh the wayoint of the dismounted group
return group
elseif dmType == "ZU-23" then --If ZU-23 AAA
local group = {
["visible"] = false,
["route"] =
["spans"] =
}, -- end of ["spans"]
["points"] =
[1] =
["alt"] = 0,
["type"] = "Turning Point",
["ETA"] = 0,
["alt_type"] = "BARO",
["formation_template"] = "",
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["ETA_locked"] = true,
["speed"] = 5.5555555555556,
["action"] = "Off Road",
["task"] =
["id"] = "ComboTask",
["params"] =
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
}, -- end of ["params"]
}, -- end of ["task"]
["speed_locked"] = true,
}, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of ["points"]
}, -- end of ["route"]
["groupId"] = carrierUnitID + 10000,
["tasks"] =
}, -- end of ["tasks"]
["hidden"] = false,
["units"] =
[1] =
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["type"] = "ZU-23 Emplacement",
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID .. "_01",
["unitId"] = carrierUnitID + 35000,
["heading"] = heading + math.rad(180),
["playerCanDrive"] = true,
["skill"] = "Average",
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
}, -- end of [1]
}, -- end of ["units"]
["y"] = dmVec2.y,
["x"] = dmVec2.x,
["name"] = "Dismounts_" .. carrierUnitID,
["start_time"] = 0,
["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
return group
--function to check if the dismounts carriers are moving
local function CheckMovement()
for n = 1, #DismountsCarrier do
local u = Unit.getByName(DismountsCarrier[n].name)
if u ~= nil then
local v = u:getVelocity() --Velocity is a Vec3
if v.x == 0 and v.y == 0 and v.z == 0 then --Check if speed is zero
if DismountsCarrier[n].cargo_status == "mounted" then
local carrierPos = u:getPosition()
local group = GetDmGroup(DismountsCarrier[n].countryID, DismountsCarrier[n].UnitID, carrierPos, DismountsCarrier[n].cargo, DismountsCarrier[n].name)
coalition.addGroup(DismountsCarrier[n].countryID, Group.Category.GROUND, group)
DismountsCarrier[n].cargo_status = "dismounted"
else --Else carrier is moving
if DismountsCarrier[n].cargo_status == "dismounted" then
if DismountsCarrier[n].cargo ~= "Rifle" or math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.z * v.z) > 5.3 then --Remount rifle squad only when speed bigger than 5.3 m/s (19 kph). Remount everyone else immediately when moving.
local g = Group.getByName("Dismounts_" .. DismountsCarrier[n].UnitID)
if g ~= nil then --Check if the group is still alive
DismountsCarrier[n].cargo_status = "mounted"
DismountsCarrier[n].cargo_status = "lost" --If the dismounted group is destroyed, set status of the carrier to lost to prevent it from deploying a new group
return timer.getTime() + 5
timer.scheduleFunction(CheckMovement, nil, timer.getTime() + 1)
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