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Created May 9, 2018 11:41
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[query] => [select] + ' ' + [from] + ' ' + [where] + ';'
[query] => [select] + ' ' + [from] + ';'
[select] => 'SELECT ' + [selectList]
[from] => 'FROM ' + [fromList]
[where] => 'WHERE ' + [condition]
[selectList] => '*'
[selectList] => [selectElement] + [comma] + [selectList]
[selectList] => [selectElement]
[selectElement] => [field] + ' AS ' + [string]
[selectElement] => [field]
[fromList] => [fromElement] + [comma] + [fromList]
[fromList] => [fromElement]
[fromElement] => [join]
[fromElement] => [table]
[fromElement] => [fromElement] + ' AS ' + [table]
[fromElement] => '(' + [query] + ') ' + [table]
[join] => [fromElement] + ' JOIN ' + [fromElement] + ' ON ' + [condition]
[condition] => [literal]
[condition] => '(' + [condition] + ')'
[condition] => [andCondition]
[condition] => [orCondition]
[condition] => [notCondition]
[literal] => [value]
[literal] => [value] + [operator] + [value]
[literal] => [value] + ' ' + [operator] + ' ' + [value]
[literal] => [value] + [operator] + ' ' + [value]
[literal] => [value] + ' ' + [operator] + [value]
[andCondition] => [condition] + ' AND ' + [condition]
[orCondition] => [condition] + ' OR ' + [condition]
[notCondition] => 'NOT ' + [condition]
[operator] => '='
[operator] => '<>'
[operator] => '>'
[operator] => '<'
[operator] => '<='
[operator] => '>='
[value] => [field]
[value] => [numeric]
[value] => [quote] + [string] + [quote]
[value] => [null]
[null] => 'NULL'
[int] => [0-9]
[int] => [int] + [0-9]
[numeric] => [int]
[numeric] => [int] + '.' + [int]
[quote] => '\''
[quote] => '"'
[comma] => ','
[comma] => ',' + ' '
[char] => [a-zA-Z]
[char] => [int]
[string] => [char]
[string] => [char] + [string]
[table] => [string]
[field] => [string]
[field] => [string] + '.' + [string]
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