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Last active March 8, 2016 15:30
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  • Save TGNThump/f25b722262838648a8d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TGNThump/f25b722262838648a8d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; Set the frequency of the PICAXE chip to 8 MHz
setfreq m8
; Pause for 1000 clock cycles
pause 1000
; Set the TRISC values
let trisc = 0x0F
; Define varibles and constants
symbol flgs = b0 ; A byte of flags, where each bit represents a boolean flag.
symbol lockflg = 0x00 ; The bit position of the lock flag in the flgs varible.
symbol failflg = 0x01 ; The bit position of the fail flag in the flgs varible.
symbol atmpts = b1 ; The number of attempts since the last successfull attempt.
symbol digit = b2 ; The position of the current code digit in the table.
symbol currin = b3 ; The current input.
symbol lastin = b4 ; The last input.
symbol value = b6 ; The current code digit from the table.
symbol currout = b7 ; The current output of PORTC.
table 0, (%01000001, %10000001, %11000001, %01000010) ; The code.
symbol codeln = 0x03 ; The length of the code - 1.
symbol resetbtn = %01001000 ; The port of the reset button.
symbol enterbtn = %11001000 ; The port of the enter button.
symbol lcd = B.7 ; The port of the LCD display.
symbol alarm = B.6 ; The port of the alarm circuit.
; Stepper Ports
symbol brown = B.5 ; The port of the stepper brown connection.
symbol yellow = B.4 ; The port of the stepper yellow connection.
symbol black = B.3 ; The port of the stepper black connection.
symbol orange = B.2 ; The port of the stepper orange connection.
; Column Outputs
symbol col1 = 0x06 ; The port of the first collumn of the matrix keypad.
symbol col2 = 0x05 ; The port of the second collumn of the matrix keypad.
symbol col3 = 0x04 ; The port of the thrid collumn of the matrix keypad.
; Call the lock function.
gosub lock
; Start a loop that goes until the power or the chip dies.
; If the lock flag is set, call the locked function.
if flgs bit lockflg set then
gosub locked
; Else, call the unlocked function.
gosub unlocked
; Call the function to read the matrix keypad input.
gosub readin
select case currin
; If the current input is equal to the last input, return.
case lastin
; If the current input is equal to the last input, return.
case 0x00
; If the current input is equal to the reset button:
case resetbtn
; And the current digit is not zero:
if digit != 0 then
; Increment the atempts count.
inc atmpts
; Call the reset function.
gosub rset
; Call the function to set the LCD message to Locked.
gosub lcdLocked
; If the current input is equal to the enter button:
case enterbtn
; If the fail flag is cear:
if flgs bit failflg clear then
; If the digit count is greater than the number of digits:
if digit > codeln then
; Call the unlock method.
gosub unlock
; Return from the function.
; If the digit does not equal zero:
if digit != 0 then
; Increment the attempt count.
inc atmpts
; Call the reset function.
gosub rset
; Call the function to set the LCD message to Locked.
gosub lcdLocked
; If the fail flag is clear:
if flgs bit failflg clear then
; Read the current digit from the code table to the value varible.
readtable digit, value
; If the current input does not equal the value:
if currin != value then
; Set the failure flag.
setbit flgs, failflg
; If the fail flag is set:
if flgs bit failflg set then
; If the attempt count is greater than 0x03:
if atmpts >= 0x03 then
; Turn on the alarm.
high alarm
; Increment the digit count.
inc digit
; Add a '*' character to the LCD.
serout lcd, N1200, ("*")
; Call the function to read the matrix keypad input.
gosub readin
select case currin
; If the current input equals the last input, return.
case lastin
; If the current input is zero, return.
case 0x00
; If the current input is the reset button:
case resetbtn
; Call the lock function.
gosub lock
; Set the last input to the current input.
let lastin = currin
; Set the current input to 0x00
let currin = 0x00
; Turn on the column 1 output.
high portc col1
; Call the read function.
gosub readone
; Turn off the column 1 output.
low portc col1
; If the current input is not 0x00:
if currin != 0x00 then
; Add a column identifier to the current input varible.
let currin = currin + %01000000
; Return
; Turn on the column 2 output.
high portc col2
; Call the read function.
gosub readone
; Turn off the column 2 output.
low portc col2
; If the current input is not 0x00:
if currin != 0x00 then
; Add a column identifier to the current input varible.
let currin = currin + %10000000
; Return
; Turn on the column 3 output.
high portc col3
; Call the read function.
gosub readone
; Turn off the column 3 output.
low portc col3
; If the current input is not 0x00:
if currin != 0x00 then
; Add a column identifier to the current input varible.
let currin = currin + %11000000
; Return
; Read the portc input.
readportc currin
; Mask the portc input.
let currin = currin & 0x0F
; Reset the current digit to 0x00.
let digit = 0x00
; Turn off the col1, col2 and col3 outputs.
low portc col1
low portc col2
low portc col3
; Clear the failure flag.
clearbit flgs, failflg
; Read the current outputs.
readoutputs currout
; If the alarm is deactivated:
if currout bit 0x06 clear then
; Turn on the alarm
high alarm
; Wait 200ms
call wait100ms
call wait100ms
; Turn off the alarm.
low alarm
; Send the LCD reset signal.
serout lcd, N1200, (254,1)
; Wait for the LCD to reset.
pause 60
; Set the current LCD position to the start of line 1.
serout lcd, N1200, (254,128)
; Add "Locked" to the LCD display.
serout lcd, N1200, ("Locked")
; Set the current LCD position to the start of line 2.
serout lcd, N1200, (254,192)
; Call the reset function.
gosub rset
; Clear the lock flag.
clearbit flgs, lockflg
; Turn off the alarm.
low alarm
; Set the attempt count to zero.
let atmpts = 0x00
; Send the LCD reset signal.
serout lcd, N1200, (254,1)
; Wait for the LCD to reset.
pause 60
; Set the current LCD position to the start of line 1.
serout lcd, N1200, (254,128)
; Add "Unlocked" to the LCD display.
serout lcd, N1200, ("Unlocked")
; Set the current LCD position to the start of line 2.
serout lcd, N1200, (254,192)
; Call the stepper unlock function.
gosub stepperUnlock
; Call the reset function.
gosub rset
; Set the lock flag.
setbit flgs, lockflg
; Call the LCD locked function.
gosub lcdLocked
; Call the stepper lock function.
gosub stepperLock
; Call the step1 function.
call step1
; Wait 10ms.
call wait10ms
; Call the step2 function.
call step2
; Wait 10ms.
call wait10ms
; Call the step3 function.
call step3
; Wait 10ms.
call wait100ms
; Call the step4 function.
call step4
; Wait 10ms
call wait100ms
; Call the step1 function.
call step1
; Wait 10ms.
call wait10ms
; Call the step2 function.
call step2
; Wait 10ms.
call wait10ms
; Call the step3 function.
call step3
; Wait 10ms.
call wait100ms
; Call the step4 function.
call step4
; Wait 10ms
call wait100ms
; Call the step1 function.
call step1
; Wait 10ms.
call wait10ms
; Call the step2 function.
call step2
; Wait 10ms.
call wait10ms
; Call the step3 function.
call step3
; Wait 10ms.
call wait100ms
; Call the step4 function.
call step4
; Wait 10ms
call wait100ms
; Call the stepper off function.
call stepOff
; Call the step4 function.
call step4
; Wait 10ms.
call wait100ms
; Call the step4 function.
call step3
; Wait 10ms.
call wait100ms
; Call the step2 function.
call step2
; Wait 10ms
call wait100ms
; Call the step1 function.
call step1
; Wait 10ms
; Call the step4 function.
call step4
; Wait 10ms.
call wait100ms
; Call the step4 function.
call step3
; Wait 10ms.
call wait100ms
; Call the step2 function.
call step2
; Wait 10ms
call wait100ms
; Call the step1 function.
call step1
; Wait 10ms
call wait100ms
; Call the step4 function.
call step4
; Wait 10ms.
call wait100ms
; Call the step4 function.
call step3
; Wait 10ms.
call wait100ms
; Call the step2 function.
call step2
; Wait 10ms
call wait100ms
; Call the step1 function.
call step1
; Wait 10ms
call wait100ms
; Call the stepper off function.
call stepOff
low orange
low black
high brown
high yellow
low brown
low orange
high black
high yellow
low brown
low yellow
high orange
high black
low black
low yellow
high brown
high orange
low brown
low orange
low black
low yellow
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