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Last active June 18, 2017 02:47
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hasMatchingBrackets :: String -> Bool
hasMatchingBrackets = fst . foldr reducingFn (True, mempty)
reducingFn _ (False, xs) = (False, xs) -- short circuit if already false
reducingFn char (True, tokens) | char `elem` openingTokens = (True, char : tokens)
reducingFn char (True, []) | char `elem` closingTokens = (False, [])
reducingFn char (True, x:xs) | char `elem` closingTokens = if isClosingToken x char then (True, xs) else (False, x:xs)
reducingFn _ st = st
tokenPairs :: [(Char, Char)]
tokenPairs = [ ('(', ')'), ('{', '}')]
openingTokens :: String
openingTokens = fst <$> tokenPairs
closingTokens :: String
closingTokens = snd <$> tokenPairs
isClosingToken :: Char -> Char -> Bool
isClosingToken opening closing = undefined
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