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Created July 7, 2021 08:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Meeting scheduler based on Ford–Fulkerson algorithm.
A tool to generate or prove the lack of existance of a schedule for one-on-one
meetings given the availabilities of attendees for different time slots.
The solution is based on a modification of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm in
which edge capacities are binary. By converting the the availability matrix
into a bipartite graph with edges of capacity one and introducing source and
sink nodes connecting to each half (also with capacitity one), we can see that
a valid schedule is equivalent to obtaining a maximal flow each to the number
of attendees.
When multiple solutions exist, the greedy nature of the algorithm will ensure
that the times generated are the earliest possible. By reversing the BFS order,
we could instead show a preference for later times.
__author__ = "Tim Hargreaves"
__date__ = "2021-02-24"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.1"
import datetime as dt
from queue import Queue
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#### SETUP ####
# Check availability spreadsheet exists
if not os.path.exists('availability_template.xlsx'):
raise OSError("Could not found `availability_template.xlsx` in working "
# Load raw availability dataframe
raw = pd.read_excel('availability_template.xlsx', header=(0, 1), index_col=0)
raw = raw.fillna(1).replace('x', 0).astype('bool')
raw = raw[raw.index.notnull()]
# Process attendee names, possible times, and availibility
names = raw.index.values
times = np.vectorize(
lambda t: t[0] + " " + t[1].strftime('%H:%M')
availability = raw.values
# Convert availibility into adjacency matrix of corresponding graph
M, N = availability.shape
K = M + N + 2 # adjency matrix is K x K
adj = np.concatenate((
# Source
np.array([[False] + [True] * M + [False] * (N + 1)]),
# Bipartite graph
# Attendees
np.full((M, M+1), False),
np.full((M, 1), False)
), axis=1),
# Meetings
np.full((N, M+N+1), False),
np.full((N, 1), True)
), axis=1),
), axis=0),
# Sink
np.full((1, N+M+2), False),
), axis=0)
#### SOLVER ####
# Breadth-first search helper
def find_flow(cap, s, t):
Use breadth-first search to find an augmenting flow between two nodes.
adj (ndarray): Capacity
s (int): Index of source node
t (int): Index of target node
path (bool): Whether there is a flow between the two nodes
parents (dict): A dictionary of node parents in flow
# Mark only source node as visited and add to queue
visited = np.arange(K) == s
queue = Queue()
# Keep track of parents
parent = {}
# Complete BFS
while not queue.empty():
u = queue.get()
# Loop through all neighbours of u
for v in np.flatnonzero(cap[u, :] > 0):
if not visited[v]:
visited[v] = True
parent[v] = u
return visited[t], parent
## Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
# Keep track of node parents
parents = np.empty((K,), dtype=np.uint)
# Intitially no flow
max_flow = 0
# Convert adjecency matrix to residual capacity matrix
cap = adj.astype(
# Augment flow if there is a path from source to sink
while True:
# Check for flow
flow, parent = find_flow(cap, 0, K-1)
if not flow: break
for c, p in parent.items(): parents[c] = p
# Increment flow
max_flow += 1
# Update residual capacities and reverse edges along flow
v = K - 1
while v != 0:
u = parents[v]
cap[u, v] -= 1
cap[v, u] += 1
v = parents[v]
### OUTPUT ###
if max_flow == M:
print("Perfect solution found:")
'name': names,
'time': times[parents[1:(M + 1)] - (M + 1)]
print("No perfect solution exists.")
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