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Created May 28, 2021 21:08
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Port of Roslyn's AsyncLazy in F#
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
module internal rec FSharp.Compiler.AsyncLazy
// This is a port of AsyncLazy from Roslyn.
open System
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Runtime.ExceptionServices
type SemaphoreDisposer(semaphore: NonReentrantLock) =
interface IDisposable with
member _.Dispose() = semaphore.Release()
/// <summary>
/// A lightweight mutual exclusion object which supports waiting with cancellation and prevents
/// recursion (i.e. you may not call Wait if you already hold the lock)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// The <see cref="NonReentrantLock"/> provides a lightweight mutual exclusion class that doesn't
/// use Windows kernel synchronization primitives.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The implementation is distilled from the workings of <see cref="SemaphoreSlim"/>
/// The basic idea is that we use a regular sync object (Monitor.Enter/Exit) to guard the setting
/// of an 'owning thread' field. If, during the Wait, we find the lock is held by someone else
/// then we register a cancellation callback and enter a "Monitor.Wait" loop. If the cancellation
/// callback fires, then it "pulses" all the waiters to wake them up and check for cancellation.
/// Waiters are also "pulsed" when leaving the lock.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// All public members of <see cref="NonReentrantLock"/> are thread-safe and may be used concurrently
/// from multiple threads.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
type NonReentrantLock(useThisInstanceForSynchronization: bool) as this =
/// <summary>
/// A synchronization object to protect access to the <see cref="_owningThreadId"/> field and to be pulsed
/// when <see cref="Release"/> is called and during cancellation.
/// </summary>
let _syncLock =
if useThisInstanceForSynchronization then this :> obj
else obj()
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId" /> of the thread that holds the lock. Zero if no thread is holding
/// the lock.
/// </summary>
let mutable _owningThreadId = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
static let s_cancellationTokenCanceledEventHandler: Action<obj> = Action<_>(NonReentrantLock.CancellationTokenCanceledEventHandler)
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the lock is currently held.
/// </summary>
member this.IsLocked = _owningThreadId <> 0
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the lock is currently held by the calling thread.
/// </summary>
member this.IsOwnedByMe = _owningThreadId = Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId
/// <summary>
/// Take ownership of the lock (by the calling thread). The lock may not already
/// be held by any other code.
/// </summary>
member this.TakeOwnership() =
Debug.Assert(not this.IsLocked)
_owningThreadId <- Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId
/// <summary>
/// Release ownership of the lock. The lock must already be held by the calling thread.
/// </summary>
member this.ReleaseOwnership() =
_owningThreadId <- 0
/// <summary>
/// Determine if the lock is currently held by the calling thread.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the lock is currently held by the calling thread.</returns>
member this.LockHeldByMe() =
/// <summary>
/// Throw an exception if the lock is not held by the calling thread.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The lock is not currently held by the calling thread.</exception>
member this.AssertHasLock() =
if not (this.LockHeldByMe()) then
invalidOp "The lock is not currently held by the calling thread."
/// <summary>
/// Callback executed when a cancellation token is canceled during a Wait.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="o">The syncLock that protects a <see cref="NonReentrantLock"/> instance.</param>
static member CancellationTokenCanceledEventHandler(o: obj) =
Debug.Assert(o <> null)
lock o (fun () ->
// Release all waiters to check their cancellation tokens.
member this.DisposableWait(cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
new SemaphoreDisposer(this)
/// <summary>
/// Blocks the current thread until it can enter the <see cref="NonReentrantLock"/>, while observing a
/// <see cref="CancellationToken"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Recursive locking is not supported. i.e. A thread may not call Wait successfully twice without an
/// intervening <see cref="Release"/>.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The <see cref="CancellationToken"/> token to
/// observe.</param>
/// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException"><paramref name="cancellationToken"/> was
/// canceled.</exception>
/// <exception cref="LockRecursionException">The caller already holds the lock</exception>
member this.Wait(cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
if this.IsOwnedByMe then
let mutable cancellationTokenRegistration = Unchecked.defaultof<CancellationTokenRegistration>
let canReturn =
if cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled then
// Fast path to try and avoid allocations in callback registration.
lock _syncLock (fun () ->
if not this.IsLocked then
if canReturn then ()
if cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled then
cancellationTokenRegistration <- cancellationToken.Register(s_cancellationTokenCanceledEventHandler, _syncLock, useSynchronizationContext = false)
// PERF: First spin wait for the lock to become available, but only up to the first planned yield.
// This additional amount of spinwaiting was inherited from SemaphoreSlim's implementation where
// it showed measurable perf gains in test scenarios.
let spin = new SpinWait()
while this.IsLocked && not spin.NextSpinWillYield do
lock _syncLock (fun () ->
while this.IsLocked do
// If cancelled, we throw. Trying to wait could lead to deadlock
// Another thread holds the lock. Wait until we get awoken either
// by some code calling "Release" or by cancellation.
Monitor.Wait(_syncLock) |> ignore
// We now hold the lock
/// <summary>
/// Exit the mutual exclusion.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The calling thread must currently hold the lock.
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The lock is not currently held by the calling thread.</exception>
member this.Release() =
lock _syncLock (fun () ->
// Release one waiter
/// <remarks>
/// This inherits from <see cref="TaskCompletionSource{TResult}"/> to avoid allocating two objects when we can just use one.
/// The public surface area of <see cref="TaskCompletionSource{TResult}"/> should probably be avoided in favor of the public
/// methods on this class for correct behavior.
/// </remarks>
type Request<'T> =
inherit TaskCompletionSource<'T>
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="CancellationToken"/> associated with this request. This field will be initialized before
/// any cancellation is observed from the token.
/// </summary>
val mutable private _cancellationToken: CancellationToken
val mutable private _cancellationTokenRegistration: CancellationTokenRegistration
// We want to always run continuations asynchronously. Running them synchronously could result in deadlocks:
// if we're looping through a bunch of Requests and completing them one by one, and the continuation for the
// first Request was then blocking waiting for a later Request, we would hang. It also could cause performance
// issues. If the first request then consumes a lot of CPU time, we're not letting other Requests complete that
// could use another CPU core at the same time.
new() =
{ inherit TaskCompletionSource<'T>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously) }
member this.RegisterForCancellation(callback: Action<obj>, cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
this._cancellationToken <- cancellationToken
this._cancellationTokenRegistration <- cancellationToken.Register(callback, this)
member this.Cancel() = this.TrySetCanceled(this._cancellationToken)
member this.CompleteFromTask(task: Task<'T>) =
// As an optimization, we'll cancel the request even we did get a value for it.
// That way things abort sooner.
if task.IsCanceled || this._cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested then
this.Cancel() |> ignore
elif task.IsFaulted then
// TrySetException wraps its argument in an AggregateException, so we pass the inner exceptions from
// the antecedent to avoid wrapping in two layers of AggregateException.
Debug.Assert(task.Exception <> null)
if task.Exception.InnerExceptions.Count > 0 then
this.TrySetException(task.Exception.InnerExceptions) |> ignore
this.TrySetException(task.Exception) |> ignore
this.TrySetResult(task.Result) |> ignore
type WaitThatValidatesInvariants<'T>(asyncLazy: AsyncLazy<'T>) =
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
type AsynchronousComputationToStart<'T>(asynchronousComputeFunction: Func<CancellationToken, Task<'T>>, cancellationTokenSource: CancellationTokenSource) =
member _.AsynchronousComputeFunction = asynchronousComputeFunction
member _.CancellationTokenSource = cancellationTokenSource
type Task<'T> with
member this.WaitAndGetResult_CanCallOnBackground(cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
| :? AggregateException as ex ->
ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(if ex.InnerException <> null then ex.InnerException else ex :> Exception).Throw()
type AsyncLazy private () =
/// <summary>
/// Mutex used to protect reading and writing to all mutable objects and fields. Traces
/// indicate that there's negligible contention on this lock, hence we can save some memory
/// by using a single lock for all AsyncLazy instances. Only trivial and non-reentrant work
/// should be done while holding the lock.
/// </summary>
static let _s_gate = NonReentrantLock(useThisInstanceForSynchronization = true)
// Remove unread private members - We want to hold onto last exception to make investigation easier
static let mutable s_reportedException: Exception = null
static let mutable s_reportedExceptionMessagge: string = null
static member s_gate: NonReentrantLock = _s_gate
static member Report(ex: Exception) =
// hold onto last exception to make investigation easier
s_reportedException <- ex
s_reportedExceptionMessagge <- ex.ToString()
/// <summary>
/// Represents a value that can be retrieved synchronously or asynchronously by many clients.
/// The value will be computed on-demand the moment the first client asks for it. While being
/// computed, more clients can request the value. As long as there are outstanding clients the
/// underlying computation will proceed. If all outstanding clients cancel their request then
/// the underlying value computation will be cancelled as well.
/// Creators of an <see cref="AsyncLazy{T}" /> can specify whether the result of the computation is
/// cached for future requests or not. Choosing to not cache means the computation functions are kept
/// alive, whereas caching means the value (but not functions) are kept alive once complete.
/// </summary>
type AsyncLazy<'T> =
/// <summary>
/// The underlying function that starts an asynchronous computation of the resulting value.
/// Null'ed out once we've computed the result and we've been asked to cache it. Otherwise,
/// it is kept around in case the value needs to be computed again.
/// </summary>
val mutable private _asynchronousComputeFunction: Func<CancellationToken, Task<'T>>
/// <summary>
/// The underlying function that starts a synchronous computation of the resulting value.
/// Null'ed out once we've computed the result and we've been asked to cache it, or if we
/// didn't get any synchronous function given to us in the first place.
/// </summary>
val mutable private _synchronousComputeFunction: Func<CancellationToken, 'T>
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not we should keep the value around once we've computed it.
/// </summary>
val private _cacheResult: bool
/// <summary>
/// The Task that holds the cached result.
/// </summary>
val mutable private _cachedResult: Task<'T>
/// <summary>
/// The hash set of all currently outstanding asynchronous requests. Null if there are no requests,
/// and will never be empty.
/// </summary>
val mutable private _requests: HashSet<Request<'T>>
/// <summary>
/// If an asynchronous request is active, the CancellationTokenSource that allows for
/// cancelling the underlying computation.
/// </summary>
val mutable private _asynchronousComputationCancellationSource: CancellationTokenSource
/// <summary>
/// Whether a computation is active or queued on any thread, whether synchronous or
/// asynchronous.
/// </summary>
val mutable private _computationActive: bool
// #region Lock Wrapper for Invariant Checking
member this.AssertInvariants_NoLock() =
// Invariant #1: thou shalt never have an asynchronous computation running without it
// being considered a computation
if this._asynchronousComputationCancellationSource <> null && not this._computationActive then
failwith "Unexpected true"
// Invariant #2: thou shalt never waste memory holding onto empty HashSets
if this._requests <> null && this._requests.Count = 0 then
failwith "Unexpected true"
// Invariant #3: thou shalt never have an request if there is not
// something trying to compute it
if this._requests <> null && not this._computationActive then
failwith "Unexpected true"
// Invariant #4: thou shalt never have a cached value and any computation function
if this._cachedResult <> null && (this._synchronousComputeFunction <> null || this._asynchronousComputeFunction <> null) then
failwith "Unexpected true"
// Invariant #5: thou shalt never have a synchronous computation function but not an
// asynchronous one
if this._asynchronousComputeFunction = null && this._synchronousComputeFunction <> null then
failwith "Unexpected true"
/// <summary>
/// Takes the lock for this object and if acquired validates the invariants of this class.
/// </summary>
member this.TakeLock(cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
new WaitThatValidatesInvariants<'T>(this)
// #endregion
member this.CreateNewRequest_NoLock() =
if this._requests = null then
this._requests <- HashSet()
let request = new Request<'T>()
this._requests.Add(request) |> ignore
member this.RegisterAsynchronousComputation_NoLock() =
if this._computationActive then
failwith "Unexpected true"
if this._asynchronousComputeFunction = null then
nullArg (nameof(this._asynchronousComputeFunction))
this._asynchronousComputationCancellationSource <- new CancellationTokenSource()
this._computationActive <- true
new AsynchronousComputationToStart<'T>(this._asynchronousComputeFunction, this._asynchronousComputationCancellationSource)
member this.OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled(o: obj) =
let request = o :?> Request<'T>
let mutable cancellationTokenSource = Unchecked.defaultof<CancellationTokenSource>
using (this.TakeLock(CancellationToken.None)) (fun _ ->
// Now try to remove it. It's possible that requests may already be null. You could
// imagine that cancellation was requested, but before we could acquire the lock
// here the computation completed and the entire CompleteWithTask synchronized
// block ran. In that case, the requests collection may already be null, or it
// (even scarier!) may have been replaced with another collection because another
// computation has started.
if this._requests <> null then
if this._requests.Count = 0 then
this._requests <- null
if this._asynchronousComputationCancellationSource <> null then
cancellationTokenSource <- this._asynchronousComputationCancellationSource
this._asynchronousComputationCancellationSource <- null
this._computationActive <- false
request.Cancel() |> ignore
if cancellationTokenSource <> null then
member this.GetCachedValueAndCacheThisValueIfNoneCached_NoLock(task: Task<'T>) =
if this._cachedResult <> null then
if this._cacheResult && task.Status = TaskStatus.RanToCompletion then
// Hold onto the completed task. We can get rid of the computation functions for good
this._cachedResult <- task
this._asynchronousComputeFunction <- null
this._synchronousComputeFunction <- null
member this.CompleteWithTask(task: Task<'T>, cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
let requestsToComplete, task =
using (this.TakeLock(cancellationToken)) (fun _ ->
// If the underlying computation was cancelled, then all state was already updated in OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled
// and there is no new work to do here. We *must* use the local one since this completion may be running far after
// the background computation was cancelled and a new one might have already been enqueued. We must do this
// check here under the lock to ensure proper synchronization with OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled.
// The computation is complete, so get all requests to complete and null out the list. We'll create another one
// later if it's needed
let requestsToComplete: Request<'T> seq =
if this._requests = null then
this._requests :> _ seq
this._requests <- null
// The computations are done
this._asynchronousComputationCancellationSource <- null
this._computationActive <- false
let task = this.GetCachedValueAndCacheThisValueIfNoneCached_NoLock(task)
requestsToComplete, task
// Complete the requests outside the lock. It's not necessary to do this (none of this is touching any shared state)
// but there's no reason to hold the lock so we could reduce any theoretical lock contention.
for requestToComplete in requestsToComplete do
member this.StartAsynchronousComputation(computationToStart: AsynchronousComputationToStart<'T>, requestToCompleteSynchronously: Request<'T>, callerCancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
let cancellationToken = computationToStart.CancellationTokenSource.Token
// runs unsynchronized, it's possible that during this function this request
// might be cancelled, and then a whole additional request might start and
// complete inline, and cache the result. By grabbing state before we check
// the cancellation token, we can be assured that we are only operating on
// a state that was complete.
let mutable task = computationToStart.AsynchronousComputeFunction.Invoke(cancellationToken)
// As an optimization, if the task is already completed, mark the
// request as being completed as well.
// Note: we want to do this before we do the .ContinueWith below. That way,
// when the async call to CompleteWithTask runs, it sees that we've already
// completed and can bail immediately.
if requestToCompleteSynchronously <> null && task.IsCompleted then
using (this.TakeLock(CancellationToken.None)) (fun _ ->
task <- this.GetCachedValueAndCacheThisValueIfNoneCached_NoLock(task)
(fun (t: Task<'T>) (s: obj) -> this.CompleteWithTask(t, (s :?> CancellationTokenSource).Token)),
) |> ignore
| :? OperationCanceledException as ex when ex.CancellationToken = cancellationToken ->
// The underlying computation cancelled with the correct token, but we must ourselves ensure that the caller
// on our stack gets an OperationCanceledException thrown with the right token
// We can only be here if the computation was cancelled, which means all requests for the value
// must have been cancelled. Therefore, the ThrowIfCancellationRequested above must have thrown
// because that token from the requester was cancelled.
raise(InvalidOperationException("This program location is thought to be unreachable."))
| ex when AsyncLazy.Report ex ->
raise(InvalidOperationException("This program location is thought to be unreachable."))
member this.TryGetValue() =
// No need to lock here since this is only a fast check to
// see if the result is already computed.
if this._cachedResult <> null then
ValueSome this._cachedResult.Result
member this.GetValue(cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
// If the value is already available, return it immediately
match this.TryGetValue() with
| ValueSome value -> value
| _ ->
let mutable request = Unchecked.defaultof<Request<_>>
let mutable newAsynchronousComputation = Unchecked.defaultof<Nullable<AsynchronousComputationToStart<'T>>>
let resultOpt =
using (this.TakeLock(cancellationToken)) (fun _ ->
if this._cachedResult <> null then
ValueSome this._cachedResult.Result
// If there is an existing computation active, we'll just create another request
if this._computationActive then
request <- this.CreateNewRequest_NoLock()
elif this._synchronousComputeFunction = null then
// A synchronous request, but we have no synchronous function. Start off the async work
request <- this.CreateNewRequest_NoLock()
newAsynchronousComputation <- this.RegisterAsynchronousComputation_NoLock() |> Nullable
// We will do the computation here
this._computationActive <- true
if resultOpt.IsSome then resultOpt.Value
// If we simply created a new asynchronous request, so wait for it. Yes, we're blocking the thread
// but we don't want multiple threads attempting to compute the same thing.
if request <> null then
request.RegisterForCancellation(Action<_>(this.OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled), cancellationToken) |> ignore
if newAsynchronousComputation.HasValue then
this.StartAsynchronousComputation(newAsynchronousComputation.Value, requestToCompleteSynchronously = request, callerCancellationToken = cancellationToken)
// The reason we have synchronous codepaths in AsyncLazy is to support the synchronous requests
// that we may get from the compiler. Thus, it's entirely possible that this will be requested by the compiler or
// an analyzer on the background thread when another part of the IDE is requesting the same tree asynchronously.
// In that case we block the synchronous request on the asynchronous request, since that's better than alternatives.
if this._synchronousComputeFunction = null then
nullArg (nameof(this._synchronousComputeFunction))
let result =
// We are the active computation, so let's go ahead and compute.
| :? OperationCanceledException ->
using (this.TakeLock(CancellationToken.None)) (fun _ ->
this._computationActive <- false
if this._requests <> null then
// There's a possible improvement here: there might be another synchronous caller who
// also wants the value. We might consider stealing their thread rather than punting
// to the thread pool.
newAsynchronousComputation <- this.RegisterAsynchronousComputation_NoLock() |> Nullable
if newAsynchronousComputation.HasValue then
this.StartAsynchronousComputation(newAsynchronousComputation.Value, requestToCompleteSynchronously = null, callerCancellationToken = cancellationToken)
| ex ->
// We faulted for some unknown reason. We should simply fault everything.
this.CompleteWithTask(Task.FromException<'T>(ex), CancellationToken.None)
// We have a value, so complete
this.CompleteWithTask(Task.FromResult(result), CancellationToken.None)
// Optimization: if they did cancel and the computation never observed it, let's throw so we don't keep
// processing a value somebody never wanted
member this.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
// Optimization: if we're already cancelled, do not pass go
if cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested then
// Avoid taking the lock if a cached value is available
let cachedResult = this._cachedResult
if cachedResult <> null then
let mutable newAsynchronousComputation = Unchecked.defaultof<Nullable<AsynchronousComputationToStart<'T>>>
let request, resultOpt =
using (this.TakeLock(cancellationToken)) (fun _ ->
// If cached, get immediately
if this._cachedResult <> null then
null, ValueSome this._cachedResult
let request = this.CreateNewRequest_NoLock()
// If we have either synchronous or asynchronous work current in flight, we don't need to do anything.
// Otherwise, we shall start an asynchronous computation for this
if not this._computationActive then
newAsynchronousComputation <- this.RegisterAsynchronousComputation_NoLock() |> Nullable
request, ValueNone
match resultOpt with
| ValueSome result -> result
| _ ->
// We now have the request counted for, register for cancellation. It is critical this is
// done outside the lock, as our registration may immediately fire and we want to avoid the
// reentrancy
request.RegisterForCancellation(Action<_>(this.OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled), cancellationToken)
if newAsynchronousComputation.HasValue then
this.StartAsynchronousComputation(newAsynchronousComputation.Value, requestToCompleteSynchronously = request, callerCancellationToken = cancellationToken)
member this.IsComputing = this._computationActive
member this.HasValue = this._cachedResult <> null
new(asynchronousComputeFunction, cacheResult) =
AsyncLazy<'T>(asynchronousComputeFunction, null, cacheResult = cacheResult)
/// <summary>
/// Creates an AsyncLazy that supports both asynchronous computation and inline synchronous
/// computation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asynchronousComputeFunction">A function called to start the asynchronous
/// computation. This function should be cheap and non-blocking.</param>
/// <param name="synchronousComputeFunction">A function to do the work synchronously, which
/// is allowed to block. This function should not be implemented by a simple Wait on the
/// asynchronous value. If that's all you are doing, just don't pass a synchronous function
/// in the first place.</param>
/// <param name="cacheResult">Whether the result should be cached once the computation is
/// complete.</param>
new(asynchronousComputeFunction, synchronousComputeFunction, cacheResult) =
if asynchronousComputeFunction = null then
nullArg (nameof(asynchronousComputeFunction))
_asynchronousComputeFunction = asynchronousComputeFunction
_synchronousComputeFunction = synchronousComputeFunction
_cacheResult = cacheResult
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