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SuperFileCheck - wrapper around LLVM FileCheck that allows writing .NET Core JIT tests easier in C#
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using System.Text;
namespace SuperFileCheck
internal readonly record struct MethodDeclarationInfo(MethodDeclarationSyntax Syntax, string Name);
internal readonly record struct FileCheckResult(int ExitCode, string StandardOutput, string StandardError);
internal class Program
const string CommandLineArgumentCSharp = "--csharp";
const string CommandLineArgumentCSharpListMethodNames = "--csharp-list-method-names";
const string CommandLineCheckPrefixes = "--check-prefixes";
const string CommandLineCheckPrefixesEqual = "--check-prefixes=";
const string CommandLineInputFile = "--input-file";
const string SyntaxDirectiveFullLine = "-FULL-LINE:";
const string SyntaxDirectiveFullLineNext = "-FULL-LINE-NEXT:";
static string FileCheckPath;
static Program()
// Determine the location of LLVM FileCheck as being next to
// the location of SuperFileCheck
var superFileCheckPath = typeof(Program).Assembly.Location;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(superFileCheckPath))
throw new Exception("Invalid SuperFileCheck path.");
var superFileCheckDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(superFileCheckPath);
if (superFileCheckDir != null)
FileCheckPath = Path.Combine(superFileCheckDir, "FileCheck");
FileCheckPath = "FileCheck";
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the given string contains LLVM "<prefix>" directives, such as "<prefix>:", "<prefix>-LABEL:", etc..
/// </summary>
static bool ContainsCheckPrefixes(string str, string[] checkPrefixes)
// LABEL, NOT, SAME, etc. are from LLVM FileCheck
// FULL-LINE and FULL-LINE-NEXT are not part of LLVM FileCheck - they are new syntax directives for SuperFileCheck to be able to
// match a single full-line, similar to that of LLVM FileCheck's --match-full-lines option.
var pattern = $"({String.Join('|', checkPrefixes)})+?({{LITERAL}})?(:|-LABEL:|-NOT:|-SAME:|-EMPTY:|-COUNT:|-DAG:|{SyntaxDirectiveFullLine}|{SyntaxDirectiveFullLineNext})";
var regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern);
return regex.Count(str) > 0;
/// <summary>
/// Runs LLVM's FileCheck executable.
/// Will always redirect standard error and output.
/// </summary>
static async Task<FileCheckResult> RunLLVMFileCheckAsync(string[] args)
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.FileName = FileCheckPath;
startInfo.Arguments = String.Join(' ', args);
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
using (AutoResetEvent outputWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false))
using (AutoResetEvent errorWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false))
using (var proc = Process.Start(startInfo))
if (proc == null)
return new FileCheckResult(1, String.Empty, String.Empty);
var stdOut = new StringBuilder();
var stdErr = new StringBuilder();
proc.OutputDataReceived += (_, e) =>
if (e.Data == null)
proc.ErrorDataReceived += (_, e) =>
if (e.Data == null)
await proc.WaitForExitAsync();
var exitCode = proc.ExitCode;
return new FileCheckResult(exitCode, stdOut.ToString(), stdErr.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
return new FileCheckResult(1, String.Empty, ex.Message);
/// <summary>
/// Get the method name from the method declaration.
/// </summary>
static string GetMethodName(MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDecl)
.Where(x => x.IsKind(SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken)).First().ValueText;
/// <summary>
/// Gather all syntactical method declarations whose body contains
/// FileCheck syntax.
/// </summary>
static MethodDeclarationInfo[] FindMethodsByFile(string filePath, string[] checkPrefixes)
.Where(x => ContainsCheckPrefixes(x.ToString(), checkPrefixes))
.Select(x => new MethodDeclarationInfo(x, GetMethodName(x)))
static string? TryTransformDirective(string lineStr, string[] checkPrefixes, string syntaxDirective, string transformSuffix)
var index = lineStr.IndexOf(syntaxDirective);
if (index == -1)
return null;
var prefix = lineStr.Substring(0, index);
// Do not transform if the prefix is not part of --check-prefixes.
if (!checkPrefixes.Any(x => prefix.EndsWith(x)))
return null;
return lineStr.Substring(0, index) + $"{transformSuffix}: {{{{^ *}}}}" + lineStr.Substring(index + syntaxDirective.Length) + "{{$}}";
static string TransformLine(TextLine line, string[] checkPrefixes)
var text = line.Text;
if (text == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("SourceText is null.");
var lineStr = text.ToString(line.Span);
var result = TryTransformDirective(lineStr, checkPrefixes, SyntaxDirectiveFullLine, String.Empty);
if (result != null)
return result;
result = TryTransformDirective(lineStr, checkPrefixes, SyntaxDirectiveFullLineNext, "-NEXT");
if (result != null)
return result;
return lineStr;
static string TransformMethod(MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDecl, string[] checkPrefixes)
return String.Join(Environment.NewLine, methodDecl.GetText().Lines.Select(x => TransformLine(x, checkPrefixes)));
static int GetMethodStartingLineNumber(MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDecl)
var leadingTrivia = methodDecl.GetLeadingTrivia();
if (leadingTrivia.Count == 0)
return methodDecl.GetLocation().GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition.Line;
return leadingTrivia[0].GetLocation().GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition.Line;
static string PreProcessMethod(MethodDeclarationInfo methodDeclInfo, string[] checkPrefixes)
var methodDecl = methodDeclInfo.Syntax;
var methodName = methodDeclInfo.Name;
// Create anchors from the first prefix.
var startAnchorText = $"// {checkPrefixes[0]}-LABEL: {methodName}(";
var endAnchorText = $"// {checkPrefixes[0]}: {methodName}(";
// Create temp source file based on the source text of the method.
// Newlines are added to pad the text so FileCheck's error messages will correspond
// to the correct line and column of the original source file.
// This is not perfect but will work for most cases.
var lineNumber = GetMethodStartingLineNumber(methodDecl);
var tmpSrc = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 1; i < lineNumber; i++)
tmpSrc.AppendLine(TransformMethod(methodDecl, checkPrefixes));
return tmpSrc.ToString();
static async Task<FileCheckResult> RunSuperFileCheckAsync(MethodDeclarationInfo methodDeclInfo, string[] args, string[] checkPrefixes, string tmpFilePath)
File.WriteAllText(tmpFilePath, PreProcessMethod(methodDeclInfo, checkPrefixes));
args[0] = tmpFilePath;
return await RunLLVMFileCheckAsync(args);
try { File.Delete(tmpFilePath); } catch { }
static bool IsArgumentCSharp(string arg)
return arg.Equals(CommandLineArgumentCSharp);
static bool IsArgumentCSharpListMethodNames(string arg)
return arg.Equals(CommandLineArgumentCSharpListMethodNames);
static bool IsArgumentCSharpFile(string arg)
return Path.GetExtension(arg).Contains(".cs", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
static bool ArgumentsContainHelp(string[] args)
return args.Any(x => x.Contains("-h"));
static string[] ParseCheckPrefixes(string[] args)
var checkPrefixesArg = args.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StartsWith(CommandLineCheckPrefixesEqual));
if (checkPrefixesArg == null)
return new string[] { };
.Replace(CommandLineCheckPrefixesEqual, "")
.Where(x => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x))
/// <summary>
/// Will always return one or more prefixes.
/// </summary>
static string[] DetermineCheckPrefixes(string[] args)
var checkPrefixes = ParseCheckPrefixes(args);
if (checkPrefixes.Length == 0)
// FileCheck's default.
return new string[] { "CHECK" };
return checkPrefixes;
static void PrintErrorExpectedCSharpFile()
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Error.WriteLine("Expected C# file.");
static void PrintErrorDuplicateMethodName(string methodName)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Duplicate method name found: {methodName}");
static void PrintErrorMethodNoInlining(string methodName)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Error.WriteLine($"'{methodName}' is not marked with attribute 'MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)'.");
static void PrintErrorNoMethodsFound(string[] checkPrefixes)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Error.WriteLine("No methods were found. Check if any method bodies are using one or more of the following FileCheck prefixes:");
foreach (var prefix in checkPrefixes)
Console.Error.WriteLine($" {prefix}");
static void PrintErrorNoInputFileFound()
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Error.WriteLine($"{CommandLineInputFile} is required.");
static void PrintHelp()
Console.WriteLine("USAGE: SuperFileCheck [options] <check-file>");
Console.WriteLine("USAGE: SuperFileCheck <super-option> <check-file> [options]");
Console.WriteLine("SUPER OPTIONS:");
Console.WriteLine($" --csharp - An {CommandLineInputFile} is required.");
Console.WriteLine($" <check-file> must be a C# source file.");
Console.WriteLine($" Methods must not have duplicate names.");
Console.WriteLine($" Methods must be marked as not inlining.");
Console.WriteLine($" One or more methods are required.");
Console.WriteLine($" Prefixes are determined by {CommandLineCheckPrefixes}.");
Console.WriteLine($" --csharp-list-method-names - Print a space-delimited list of method names to be");
Console.WriteLine($" supplied to environment variable DOTNET_JitDisasm.");
Console.WriteLine($" <check-file> must be a C# source file.");
Console.WriteLine($" Methods must not have duplicate names.");
Console.WriteLine($" Methods must be marked as not inlining.");
Console.WriteLine($" Prints nothing if no methods are found.");
Console.WriteLine($" Prefixes are determined by {CommandLineCheckPrefixes}.");
static string? TryFindDuplicateMethodName(MethodDeclarationInfo[] methodDeclInfos)
var set = new HashSet<string>();
var duplicateMethodDeclInfo =
methodDeclInfos.FirstOrDefault(x =>
return !set.Add(x.Name);
if (duplicateMethodDeclInfo.Name != null)
return duplicateMethodDeclInfo.Name;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Is the method marked with MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)?
/// </summary>
static bool MethodHasNoInlining(MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDecl)
return methodDecl.AttributeLists.ToString().Contains("MethodImplOptions.NoInlining");
/// <summary>
/// Will print an error if any duplicate method names are found.
/// </summary>
static bool CheckDuplicateMethodNames(MethodDeclarationInfo[] methodDeclInfos)
var duplicateMethodName = TryFindDuplicateMethodName(methodDeclInfos);
if (duplicateMethodName != null)
return false;
return true;
static bool CheckMethodsHaveNoInlining(MethodDeclarationInfo[] methodDeclInfos)
.All(methodDeclInfo =>
if (!MethodHasNoInlining(methodDeclInfo.Syntax))
return false;
return true;
// The goal of SuperFileCheck is to make writing LLVM FileCheck tests against the
// NET Core Runtime easier in C#.
static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length >= 1)
if (IsArgumentCSharpListMethodNames(args[0]))
if (args.Length == 1 || !IsArgumentCSharpFile(args[1]))
return 1;
var checkPrefixes = DetermineCheckPrefixes(args);
var methodDeclInfos = FindMethodsByFile(args[1], checkPrefixes);
if (methodDeclInfos.Length == 0)
return 0;
if (!CheckDuplicateMethodNames(methodDeclInfos))
return 1;
Console.Write(String.Join(' ', methodDeclInfos.Select(x => x.Name)));
return 0;
if (IsArgumentCSharp(args[0]))
if (args.Length == 1 || !IsArgumentCSharpFile(args[1]))
return 1;
var checkFilePath = args[1];
var checkFileNameNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(checkFilePath);
var hasInputFile = args.Any(x => x.Equals(CommandLineInputFile));
if (!hasInputFile)
return 1;
var checkPrefixes = DetermineCheckPrefixes(args);
var methodDeclInfos = FindMethodsByFile(checkFilePath, checkPrefixes);
if (!CheckDuplicateMethodNames(methodDeclInfos))
return 1;
if (!CheckMethodsHaveNoInlining(methodDeclInfos))
return 1;
if (methodDeclInfos.Length > 0)
var didSucceed = true;
var tasks = new Task<FileCheckResult>[methodDeclInfos.Length];
// Remove the first 'csharp' argument so we can pass the rest of the args
// to LLVM FileCheck.
var argsToCopy = args.AsSpan(1).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < methodDeclInfos.Length; i++)
var index = i;
var tmpFileName = $"__tmp{index}_{checkFileNameNoExt}.cs";
var tmpDirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(checkFilePath);
string tmpFilePath;
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tmpDirName))
tmpFilePath = tmpFileName;
tmpFilePath = Path.Combine(tmpDirName, tmpFileName);
tasks[i] = Task.Run(() => RunSuperFileCheckAsync(methodDeclInfos[index], argsToCopy.ToArray(), checkPrefixes, tmpFilePath));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
foreach (var x in tasks)
if (x.Result.ExitCode != 0)
didSucceed = false;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
if (didSucceed)
return 0;
return 1;
return 1;
var result = await RunLLVMFileCheckAsync(args);
if (ArgumentsContainHelp(args))
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
return result.ExitCode;
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