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Created January 21, 2014 18:32
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module WadParser
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open FParsec
module FParsec =
let anyByte : Parser<byte, unit> = anyChar |>> byte
let anyBytes n : Parser<byte array, unit> =
anyString n |>> (fun x -> byte <| x.ToCharArray())
let anyInt16 : Parser<int16, unit> =
anyBytes 2
|>> (fun x -> BitConverter.ToInt16 (x, 0))
let anyInt32 : Parser<int, unit> =
anyBytes 4
|>> (fun x -> BitConverter.ToInt32 (x, 0))
let skipAnyByte = skipAnyChar
let skipAnyBytes n = skipAnyString n |>> ignore
type WadType =
| IWad = 0
| PWad = 1
type WadHeader = { Type: WadType; LumpCount: int; DirectoryOffset: int }
type ThingFlags =
| SkillLevelOneAndTwo = 0x001
| SkillLevelThree = 0x002
| SkillLevelFourAndFive = 0x004
| Deaf = 0x008
| NotInSinglePlayer = 0x0010
type Thing = { X: int16; Y: int16; Angle: int16; Type: int16; Flags: ThingFlags }
type Lump =
| Map of string * Thing list
| Misc of string * byte array
type WadLump = { Name: string }
type Wad = { Header: WadHeader; Lumps: Lump [] }
let pheaderIdentification =
attempt <| pstring "IWAD" <|> pstring "PWAD"
|>> (fun x ->
match x with
| "IWAD" -> WadType.IWad
| _ -> WadType.PWad)
let HeaderSize = 12
let pheader =
pipe3 pheaderIdentification anyInt32 anyInt32
(fun x y z -> { Type = x; LumpCount = y; DirectoryOffset = z })
let ThingLumpSize = 10
let plumpThing =
pipe5 anyInt16 anyInt16 anyInt16 anyInt16 anyInt16
(fun x y angle typ flags ->
{ X = x; Y = y; Angle = angle; Type = typ; Flags = enum<ThingFlags>(int32 flags) })
let plumpMap =
let DirectorySize = 16
let plump =
pipe3 anyInt32 anyInt32 (anyString 8)
(fun _ size name ->
match name with
| _ when Regex.IsMatch (name, "^E.M.") ->
Lump.Map (name, [])
| _ ->
Lump.Misc (name, [||]))
let main args =
let data =
File.ReadAllBytes ("DOOM.WAD")
|> char
let dataString = String data
let header =
// end of data
let eod = HeaderSize - 1
match run pheader dataString.[..eod] with
| Success(result, _, _) -> result
| Failure(errorMsg, e, s) -> failwith errorMsg
let lumps = Array.init header.LumpCount (fun i ->
let offset = header.DirectoryOffset + (i * DirectorySize)
let eod = offset + DirectorySize - 1
match run plump dataString.[offset..eod] with
| Success(result, _, _) -> result
| Failure(errorMsg, e, s) -> failwith errorMsg)
|> Array.iter (fun x -> printfn "%A" x)
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