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Created February 12, 2014 05:24
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  • Save TIHan/8950457 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TIHan/8950457 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An unfinished type provider to handle fixed length types; it's broken. Do not use; but here for reference.
module FSharp.BitMatch.TypeProvider
open System
open System.IO
open System.Reflection
open System.Windows.Input
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.ExprShape
open ProviderImplementation
open ProviderImplementation.ProvidedTypes
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type nativestring =
abstract member Get : unit -> string
type BitMatchTypeProvider (cfg: TypeProviderConfig) as this =
inherit TypeProviderForNamespaces ()
let asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ()
let ns = this.GetType().Namespace
let pn = "BitMatch"
let tempAsm = ProvidedAssembly (Path.ChangeExtension (Path.GetTempFileName (), ".dll"))
let parameters = [
ProvidedStaticParameter ("bitSyntax", typeof<string>) ]
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.add_AssemblyResolve (fun _ args ->
let name = System.Reflection.AssemblyName(args.Name)
let existingAssembly =
|> Seq.tryFind(fun a -> System.Reflection.AssemblyName.ReferenceMatchesDefinition(name, a.GetName()))
match existingAssembly with
| Some a -> a
| None -> null)
let def = ProvidedTypeDefinition (asm, ns, pn, Some typeof<obj>, IsErased = false)
tempAsm.AddTypes [def]
def.DefineStaticParameters (parameters, this.GenerateTypes)
this.AddNamespace(ns, [def])
let generateFieldConst (name: string) (typ: Type) =
let field = ProvidedField (name, typ)
field.SetFieldAttributes (FieldAttributes.Public)
let generateFieldString (main: ProvidedTypeDefinition) (asm: ProvidedAssembly) (name: string) (n: int) =
let def = ProvidedTypeDefinition ("_string" + n.ToString (), Some typeof<System.ValueType>, IsErased = false)
def.SetAttributes (TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout)
//for i = 0 to n - 1 do
def.AddMember <| ProvidedField ("s", typeof<sbyte>)
asm.AddTypes [def]
main.AddMember def
//main.AddMemberDelayed <| fun _ ->
// asm.AddTypes [def]
// def
let field = ProvidedField (name, def)
field.SetFieldAttributes (FieldAttributes.Public)
/// GenerateTypes
member internal this.GenerateTypes (typeName: string) (args: obj[]) =
let bitSyntax = args.[0] :?> string
let ctor = ProvidedConstructor ([], InvokeCode = fun _ -> <@@ () @@>)
let def = ProvidedTypeDefinition (asm, ns, typeName, Some typeof<System.ValueType>, IsErased = false)
def.SetAttributes (TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout)
tempAsm.AddTypes [def]
let bits = bitSyntax.Replace(" ", "").Split (',')
let fields =
bits |> Array.mapi (fun i x ->
match x with
| "byte" -> generateFieldConst (i.ToString()) typeof<byte>
| "sbyte" -> generateFieldConst (i.ToString()) typeof<sbyte>
| "int16" -> generateFieldConst (i.ToString()) typeof<int16>
| "uint16" -> generateFieldConst (i.ToString()) typeof<uint16>
| "int" -> generateFieldConst (i.ToString()) typeof<int>
| "uint32" -> generateFieldConst (i.ToString()) typeof<uint32>
| "int64" -> generateFieldConst (i.ToString()) typeof<int64>
| "uint64" -> generateFieldConst (i.ToString()) typeof<uint64>
| _ ->
let matc = Regex.Match (x, "string\[(.*?)\]")
match matc.Success with
| true ->
match Int32.TryParse (matc.Groups.[1].Value) with
| (true, n) -> generateFieldString def tempAsm (i.ToString()) (n)
| _ -> failwithf "Unable to parse %s." matc.Groups.[1].Value
| _ ->
failwithf "Bad type, %s." x)
|> List.ofArray
def.AddMemberDelayed <| fun () -> ctor
def.AddMembersDelayed <| fun () -> fields
// let types =
// Assembly.types masm
// |> List.filter (fun x -> FSharpType.IsRecord x)
// |> (fun x ->
// let state = ProvidedField ("state", x)
// state.SetFieldAttributes (FieldAttributes.Private ||| FieldAttributes.InitOnly)
// { ModelType = x; ModuleType = moduleType x masm; State = state })
// def.AddMembersDelayed <| fun () ->
// let defs = generateViewModel types
// tempAsm.AddTypes defs
// defs
do ()
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