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Last active November 10, 2023 23:06
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Simple text wrapping and breaking at the end of words for the TI-84 Plus CE
// Find where to break lines
unsigned int spaceSearch(const char *string, const unsigned int start) {
for (int k = start; k >= 0; k--) {
if (string[k] == ' ') {
return k + 1;
return start;
void printStringWrap(const char *string, unsigned int x, uint8_t y, unsigned int charsPerLine, uint8_t maxLines) {
// Offset in the current string to begin displaying the current line's text at
unsigned int offset = 0;
// Current number of lines that the text has been drawn for (To ensure it doesn't pass maxLines)
uint8_t line = 1;
// Offset in the string where to end displaying the current line's text
unsigned int end = 0;
while (line <= maxLines) {
gfx_SetTextXY(x, y);
// Break lines at the end of words, if possible
if (strlen(string + offset) <= charsPerLine || line == maxLines) {
end = charsPerLine;
} else {
end = util_SpaceSearch(string + offset, charsPerLine);
for (unsigned int byte = 0; byte < end; byte++) {
if ((string + offset)[byte] == '\0') {
if (line == maxLines && byte == end - 1 && (string + offset)[byte + 1] != '\0') {
// String extends past maximum space allowed, so cut it off with ...
} else {
gfx_PrintChar((string + offset)[byte]);
offset += end;
if (*(string + offset) == '\0') {
return y;
y += 12;
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