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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Quick knock-up of scrolling chevron effect
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
import ""
const ledsAcross = 12 // rows of display
const ledsDown = 16 // columns of display (was 8)
const ledTotal = 12*16
type Colour struct {
r, g, b int
var LEDs[ledTotal] Colour
// define a few colour shortcuts:
var black = Colour{0,0,0}
var red = Colour{255,0,0}
var blue = Colour{0,0,255}
var green = Colour{0,255,0}
var yellow = Colour{200,200,0}
func main() {
fmt.Println("total LEDs:", ledTotal)
setLED(0, 0, red)
setLED(ledsAcross-1, 0, green)
setLED(0, ledsDown-1, blue)
setLED(ledsAcross-1, ledsDown-1, yellow)
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
// Note that this clips coordinates to allowed region
func setLED(x,y int, c Colour) {
if x >= 0 && x < ledsAcross && y >= 0 && y < ledsDown {
LEDs[x + y*ledsAcross] = c
func blankLEDs() {
for i := range LEDs {
LEDs[i] = black
func chevronDemo(dir int) {
var ystart, yend int
if (dir > 0) {
ystart = ledsDown+10
yend = -10
} else {
ystart = 1
yend = ledsDown+14
for i:=ystart; i != yend; i+=-1*dir {
time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond)
chevron(i, dir, red)
chevron(i - 3, dir, yellow)
chevron(i - 4, dir, yellow)
chevron(i - 7, dir, green)
// direction should be -1 or 1
func chevron(y, direction int, c Colour) {
var middleX int = ledsAcross/2
offset := 0
for y >= -5 && y < ledsDown+5 && offset < middleX {
setLED(middleX-offset, y, c)
setLED(middleX+offset, y, c)
y += direction
offset ++
// A hacky way to display output to terminal while testing:
var ansiMap = map[Colour]string {
red: ansi.ColorCode("red+h:red+h"),
green: ansi.ColorCode("green+h:green+h"),
blue: ansi.ColorCode("blue+h:blue+h"),
yellow: ansi.ColorCode("yellow+h:yellow+h"),
black: ansi.ColorCode("gray:black"),
var ansiReset = ansi.ColorCode("reset")
func printLEDs() {
// clear screen:
for y := 0; y < ledsDown; y++ {
for x := 0; x < ledsAcross; x++ {
idx := x + y*ledsAcross
fmt.Print(" ")
fmt.Print(ansiMap[LEDs[idx]], "*", ansiReset)
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