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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Save TJM/3ac28478da612cf14dc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lookup Akamai Staging Hosts to create a hosts file entry
# Convert a hostname to an "Akamai Staging" DNS entry
$parameters = array(
'h' => 'help',
'd' => 'debug'
$DEBUG = true;
$ip = array();
$hosts = array();
# Handle STDIN (list of sites)
stream_set_blocking(STDIN, 0); # Don't block on STDIN
while ( $host=trim(fgets(STDIN))) {
if (strpos($host, '#') === 0) { # Skip comments
# The following are to "clean up" the inputs
$host = preg_replace('/\s*#.*$/', '', $host); #strip trailing comments
$host = preg_replace('/^https?:\/\//', '', $host); # strip http:// or https://
array_push($hosts, $host);
$options = getopt(implode('', array_keys($parameters)), $parameters);
$DEBUG = isset($options['d']) || isset($options['debug']);
# The cleans up the argv array (removing options)
$pruneargv = array();
foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
foreach ($argv as $key => $chunk) {
$regex = '/^'. (isset($option[1]) ? '--' : '-') . $option . '/';
if ($chunk == $value && $argv[$key-1][0] == '-' || preg_match($regex, $chunk)) {
array_push($pruneargv, $key);
while ($key = array_pop($pruneargv)) unset($argv[$key]);
# Look for hosts as command line args
foreach ($argv as $arg) {
if ($arg == $argv[0]) continue; # skip command name
if ( preg_match('/(\w\.){1,}\w/', $arg) ) { # Looks like a hostname
array_push($hosts, $arg);
} else {
fputs (STDERR, "ERROR: $arg doesn't appear to be a host" . PHP_EOL);
if (count($hosts) < 1) {
fputs (STDERR, "ERROR: NO Hosts Specified" . PHP_EOL);
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
$stagehost = get_staging_cname($host);
if ( ! $stagehost ) {
fputs (STDERR, "ERROR: Could not determine a staging CNAME for $host" . PHP_EOL);
if ( ! isset($ip["$stagehost"]) ) {
debug ("# gethostbyname: $stagehost ...");
$ip["$stagehost"] = gethostbyname($stagehost);
} else {
debug ("# using cached value for $stagehost");
fputs (STDOUT, $ip["$stagehost"] . "\t" . $host . PHP_EOL);
# debug: print a debug message if $DEBUG is true
# -- Args: msg - message to print
function debug($msg) {
global $DEBUG;
if ($DEBUG) fputs (STDERR, $msg . PHP_EOL);
# get_staging_cname: recursive function to return a staging CNAME that matches a regexp
# -- Args: host - hostname, match - regexp we are looking for
# -- Returns: CNAME target or FALSE
# NOTE: This chaos is not required on PHP 5.5+
function get_staging_cname($host, $match='/\.edge(suite|key).net$/i') {
debug("# Querying $host ...");
$results=dns_get_record($host, DNS_CNAME);
#debug(print_r($results, true));
$target = ''; # So we can catch the last $target
foreach ($results as $result) {
$target = $result['target'];
debug("# target: $target");
if ( preg_match($match, $target) ) {
$stagehost = preg_replace($match, '.edge${1}', $target);
debug("# stagehost: $stagehost");
return $stagehost;
if ( preg_match('/(\w\.){1,}\w/', $target) ) { # Looks like a hostname
return get_staging_cname($target, $match);
} else {
return FALSE;
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TJM commented Feb 24, 2015

NOTE: For some reason, this hangs on OSX 10.10.2 / PHP 5.5.14.

Wireshark is showing me that its querying CNAME against nothing (), instead of the name it is supposed to. I consider it a PHP bug versus a script problem.

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