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Created January 8, 2015 17:31
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graylog2 puppet profile
# === Class: lark::profile::graylog2
# Setup GrayLog2 Server
# GrayLog 2 also needs redis and elasticsearch
# === Parameters
# - secret - graylog2 secret (string >64 chars) - no default
# - root_password_sha2 - graylog2 root pass (string) - no default (sha256sum)
# - cluster_name - elasticsearch cluster name (string) - default: 'graylog2'
# - admin_ips - IP addresses that can access admin interface (list) - default []
# - syslog_client_ips - IP addresses that can (statically) access log port (list) - default []
# - syslog_port - Port(s) that will run syslogd (currently only used for firewall rules) - list - Default: 9514
# - web_port - Port(s) that will run the web interface (currently only used for firewall rules - list - Default: 9000
# === Sample invocation
# [*Puppet*]
# class { 'lark::profile::graylog2':
# secret => 'AReallyLongStringSoTheWebPartCanTalkTotheBackend',
# root_password_sha2 => 'Sha2HashedPasswordIguess',
# }
# [*Hiera YAML*]
# lark::profile::graylog2::secret: AReallyLongStringSoTheWebPartCanTalkTotheBackend
# lark::profile::graylog2::root_password_sha2: Sha2HashedPasswordIguess
class lark::profile::graylog2 (
$cluster_name = 'graylog2',
$admin_ips = [],
$syslog_client_ips = [],
$syslog_port = 9514,
$web_port = 9000,
) {
# Java is needed for ES
include ::java
include ::swap_file
# ElasticSearch
# Some defaults, simple one host, all in one install
$es_instance = "${cluster_name}-es"
$config_hash = {
'' => $cluster_name,
'' => false,
'' => ['localhost'],
'script.disable_dynamic' => true,
'' => '',
$init_defaults = {
'MAX_OPEN_FILES' => '65536',
include ::elasticsearch
elasticsearch::instance { $es_instance:
config => $config_hash,
init_defaults => $init_defaults,
# MongoDB
include ::mongodb::globals
include ::mongodb::server
include ::mongodb::client
include graylog2::repo
class { 'graylog2::server':
password_secret => $secret,
root_password_sha2 => $root_password_sha2,
elasticsearch_cluster_name => $cluster_name,
elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_multicast_enabled => false,
elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_unicast_hosts => 'localhost:9300',
require => [
class { 'graylog2::web':
application_secret => $secret,
require => Class['graylog2::server'],
if $::settings::storeconfigs {
# Let other systems connect outbound to us.
@@firewall { "200 OUTPUT allow log server tcp at ${::ipaddress}:${syslog_port}":
dport => $syslog_port,
proto => 'tcp',
action => 'accept',
chain => 'OUTPUT',
destination => $::ipaddress,
tag => "ptag_${::environment}_${::app_tier}_out_clients_to_syslog_server",
# Allow inbound connections.
Firewall <<| tag == "ptag_${::environment}_${::app_tier}_in_clients_to_syslog_server" |>>
# Manual firewall rule overrides
ensure_resource(lark::firewall, any2array($syslog_client_ips), {
direction => 'INPUT',
port => $syslog_port,
proto => 'tcp',
# Admin Firewall Rules (currently only accepting hard coded rules)
ensure_resource(lark::firewall, any2array($admin_ips), {
direction => 'INPUT',
port => $web_port,
proto => 'tcp',
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