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Created July 25, 2013 03:45
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Save TLMcode/6076764 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic Script Starter
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
InputBox, scriptName, Name of New Script, % "Current AHK version is: AHK"
. ( InStr( A_AhkVersion, "1.0." ) ? "Basic " : InStr( A_AhkVersion, "1.1." )
? "_L " : "Unknown " ) A_AhkVersion,,, 130
If ( ErrorLevel )
Else If ( !scriptName ) {
MsgBox, You Didn't Enter A Name!
GoSub, reStart
Dir := A_MyDocuments "\ACTIVE AHK SCRIPTS\AHK_" scriptName
File := Dir "\" scriptName ".ahk"
If FileExist( File ) {
MsgBox, That File Name Aleady Exists!
GoSub, reStart
FileCreateDir, % Dir
FileAppend, % "F1::`r`n`r`n`r`n/*`r`n`r`n*/`r`nReturn`r`n`r`nF2::Reload`r`n`r`n"
. "ESC::ExitApp" a_tab "; <-- Press escape to exit."
. "`r`n`r`n", % File
While !FileExist( File ) {
ToolTip % "Generating AHK file " scriptName ".ahk ." d.="." ( StrLen(d)>10 ? d:="" : "" ), 10, 10
Sleep, 100
Run, % Dir
WinWait, % Dir
Run, Notepad.exe %File%,,, npPid
WinWait, % "ahk_pid " npPid
ControlSend, Edit1, {down 2}, % "ahk_pid " npPid
Run, % File
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