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Last active January 17, 2020 15:49
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Returns the bitness of a dll file
DllPath := A_ScriptDir "\amf-component-vc-windesktop32.dll" ; point to full path of dll
DllName := (d:=StrSplit( DllPath,"\"))[d.Length()] ; for display purposes only
Bitness := GetDllBitness( DllPath ) ; test call
msgbox % DllName " is " Bitness "Bit"
GetDllBitness( dll, warn:=0 )
hM := DllCall( "LoadLibrary", "str", "imagehlp.dll", "ptr" ), VarSetCapacity( LIS, 88, 0 )
if DllCall( "imagehlp\MapAndLoad", AStr, dll, Ptr, 0, Ptr, &LIS, Int, 1, Int, 1 )
Bitness := (NumGet(NumGet(LIS, A_PtrSize*3, "UPtr")+4, "UShort") = 0x014c ? 32:64)
DllCall("imagehlp\UnMapAndLoad", Ptr, &Lis ), DllCall( "FreeLibrary", Ptr, hM )
if ( !Bitness && warn = 1 )
MsgBox, 0x30, Error!, %Bitness% >> Could not load the specified dll.
Exit 0
Return ( Bitness ? Bitness : 0 )
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