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Day by Day, Night by Night, I'm steady learning 🙏🏾.

Bolarinwa TLTechbender

Day by Day, Night by Night, I'm steady learning 🙏🏾.
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adrianhajdin / Loader.jsx
Created January 20, 2023 10:50
Build and Deploy a Full Stack MERN AI Image Generation App & MidJourney & DALL E Clone
import React from 'react';
const Loader = () => (
<div role="status">
<svg aria-hidden="true" className="inline w-10 h-10 mr-2 text-gray-200 animate-spin fill-[#6469ff]" viewBox="0 0 100 101" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M100 50.5908C100 78.2051 77.6142 100.591 50 100.591C22.3858 100.591 0 78.2051 0 50.5908C0 22.9766 22.3858 0.59082 50 0.59082C77.6142 0.59082 100 22.9766 100 50.5908ZM9.08144 50.5908C9.08144 73.1895 27.4013 91.5094 50 91.5094C72.5987 91.5094 90.9186 73.1895 90.9186 50.5908C90.9186 27.9921 72.5987 9.67226 50 9.67226C27.4013 9.67226 9.08144 27.9921 9.08144 50.5908Z" fill="currentColor" />
<path d="M93.9676 39.0409C96.393 38.4038 97.8624 35.9116 97.0079 33.5539C95.2932 28.8227 92.871 24.3692 89.8167 20.348C85.8452 15.1192 80.8826 10.7238 75.2124 7.41289C69.5422 4.10194 63.2754 1.94025 56.7698 1.05124C51.7666 0.367541 46.6976 0.446843 41.7345 1.27873C39.2613 1.69328 37.813 4.19778 38.4501 6.62326C39.0873 9.04874 41.5694 10.4717 44.0505 10.1071C47.8511
MWins /
Last active July 20, 2024 19:25
Back end Projects - list

Project Ideas

Ok. I'm going to list off some ideas for projects. You will have to determine if any particular idea is good enough to include in a portfolio. These aren't creative ideas. They likely already exist. Some are way too advanced while others are simplistic.

I will recommend to post any project you make to github and make a github project page for it. Explain in as much detail as possible how you made it, how it can be improved etc. Document it.

If you pick an advanced idea, setup a development roadmap and follow it. This will show some project management skills.

Another piece of advice for those who are design challenged. Use different front end frameworks and use different themes for those frameworks to provide appealing designs without looking like yet another bootstrap site.

joshbuchea /
Last active July 24, 2024 08:58
Semantic Commit Messages

Semantic Commit Messages

See how a minor change to your commit message style can make you a better programmer.

Format: <type>(<scope>): <subject>

<scope> is optional
