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Created December 26, 2016 11:01
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Sass mixin which generates font-face declaration for multiple file formats.
// == Font face SASS mixin
// --------------------------------------------------
// Generates font-face declaration for multiple file formats.
// @author TMMC <>
// @licence MIT <>
// @param $font-family (string) - font family name
// @param $font-path (string) - path to font files location ending with slash
// @param $font-file-name (string) - font file name (basename w/out extension)
// @param $font-style (normal|italic|oblique|inherit) - font style, default `normal`
// @param $font-weight (string|number) - font weight, default `normal`
// @param $font-svg-id (string|null) - quoted id for svg font format, default `null`
// @param $text-rendering (auto|optimizeSpeed|optimizeLegibility|geometricPrecision|null) - font optimization when rendering text, default `null`
// @param $font-formats (map) - sass map of font formats and extensions to use [font extension: font format string]
@mixin _font-face($font-family, $font-path, $font-file-name, $font-style: normal, $font-weight: normal, $font-svg-id: null, $text-rendering: null, $font-formats: (eot: embedded-opentype, woff2: woff2, woff: woff, ttf: truetype, otf: opentype, svg: svg)) {
$font-src: (); // Initiate empty list with values for `src` property.
@each $font-ext, $font-format in $font-formats { // Loop through font formats.
@if ($font-ext == 'eot') { // If it is eot font (IE).
$font-ext: '#{$font-ext}#iefix'; // Add fix to font extension.
} @else if ($font-ext == 'svg' and $font-svg-id != null) { // If it is svg font and id for svg font is not null.
$font-ext: '#{$font-ext}##{$font-svg-id}'; // Add id to font extension.
// Append font format to the list of values for `src` property.
$font-src: append($font-src, url('#{$font-path}#{$font-file-name}.#{$font-ext}') format('#{$font-format}'), comma);
@at-root {
@font-face {
font-family: '#{$font-family}';
@if (map-has-key($font-formats, eot)) { // If there is an eot font (IE).
src: url('#{$font-path}#{$font-file-name}.eot'); // Add `src` w/out `format` for older IE.
src: $font-src;
font-style: $font-style;
font-weight: $font-weight;
text-rendering: $text-rendering;
// Usage example 01: all font formats, normal font style and weight, given id for svg format, text rendering set to auto
@include _font-face('sample-font-family', 'sample/path/to/', 'font-file-regular', normal, normal, 'font-regular-id', auto, (eot: embedded-opentype, woff2: woff2, woff: woff, ttf: truetype, otf: opentype, svg: svg));
// Usage example 02: same font family as above, no open type format, font style set to italic, font weight set to bold, no id for svg format, no text rendering
@include _font-face('sample-font-family', 'sample/path/to/', 'font-file-bold-italic', italic, bold, null, null, (eot: embedded-opentype, woff2: woff2, woff: woff, ttf: truetype, svg: svg));
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