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Created June 21, 2023 16:31
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A short proof that lists form a set

A short, self-contained proof that List A has UIP if A has UIP

First, we enable the --without-K flag, which removes UIP as an axiom. We also import Agda.Primitive, which gives us access to the Level type, though this isn't strictly required. We also add a variable block so we don't need to constantly abstract over types and levels.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module ListHLevels where

open import Agda.Primitive

private variable
  : Level
  A B C : Set

Before we get to the proof, we need to define the equality type. This is all standard.

data _≡_ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} (x : A) : A  Setwhere
  refl : x ≡ x

infix 4 _≡_

cong :  {a a'}  (f : A  B)  a ≡ a'  f a ≡ f a'
cong f refl = refl

cong₂ :  {a a' b b'}  (f : A  B  C)  a ≡ a'  b ≡ b'  f a b ≡ f a' b'
cong₂ f refl refl = refl

sym :  {x y : A}  x ≡ y  y ≡ x
sym refl = refl

_∙_ :  {x y z : A}  x ≡ y  y ≡ z  x ≡ z
refl ∙ refl = refl

infixr 5 _∙_


We say a type A is a proposition if all of it's elements can be identified.

is-prop :  {ℓ}  Set Set ℓ
is-prop A =  (x y : A)  x ≡ y

Furthermore, we say a type has UIP if it's identity type is a proposition for all elements. Explicitly, this means that for all x y : A and all p q : x ≡ y, we have p ≡ q.1

has-uip :  {ℓ}  Set Set ℓ
has-uip A =  (x y : A)  is-prop (x ≡ y)

Now, for our crucial lemma: is-prop is closed under retractions.

  : (f : A  B)  (g : B  A)
   ( x  f (g x) ≡ x)
   is-prop A
   is-prop B
retract→is-prop f g retract A-prop x y =
  sym (retract x) ∙ cong f (A-prop (g x) (g y)) ∙ retract y

Lists and Pointwise Equality

Next, we define lists, and pointwise equality of lists.

data List {ℓ} (A : Set ℓ) : Setwhere
  [] : List A
  _∷_ : A  List A  List A

data Pointwise {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} : List A  List A  Setwhere
  [] : Pointwise [] []
  _∷_ :  {x y xs ys}  x ≡ y  Pointwise xs ys  Pointwise (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys)

We can show that pointwise equality is a proposition when A has UIP by a straightforward induction.

Pointwise-is-prop :  {xs ys : List A}  has-uip A  is-prop (Pointwise xs ys)
Pointwise-is-prop A-uip [] [] = refl
Pointwise-is-prop A-uip (p ∷ ps) (q ∷ qs) =
  cong₂ _∷_ (A-uip _ _ p q) (Pointwise-is-prop A-uip ps qs)

Pointwise Equality and Equality

Given xs ≡ ys, we can deduce that xs and ys are equal pointwise.

encode :  {xs ys : List A}  xs ≡ ys  Pointwise xs ys
encode {xs = []} {ys = []} p = []
encode {xs = x ∷ xs} {ys = .x ∷ .xs} refl = refl ∷ (encode refl)

Likewise, if xs and ys are pointwise equal, then they are equal.

decode :  {xs ys : List A}  Pointwise xs ys  xs ≡ ys
decode [] = refl
decode {xs = x ∷ xs} {ys = .x ∷ ys} (refl ∷ ps) = cong (x ∷_) (decode ps)

Crucially, decode and encode form a retraction.

decode-encode :  {xs ys : List A} (p : xs ≡ ys)  decode (encode p) ≡ p
decode-encode {xs = []} {ys = []} refl = refl
decode-encode {xs = x ∷ xs} {ys = .x ∷ .xs} refl =
  cong (cong (x ∷_)) (decode-encode refl)

The final result

Time to put all the pieces together! If A has UIP, then pointwise equality is a prop. Furthermore, decode and encode form a retraction, so the equality type for List A must also be a proposition. However, this is the definition of has-uip, so we are done!

has-uip→List-has-uip : has-uip A  has-uip (List A)
has-uip→List-has-uip A-set xs ys =
  retract→is-prop decode encode decode-encode (Pointwise-is-prop A-set)


  1. In HoTT we would call this property is-set, though this is somewhat confusing, as Agda calls types Set. If this were a serious development of HoTT we would change this, but this proof is meant to be short 🙂. More generally, we should also be talking about h-levels here, but again, brevity takes precedence!

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