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Created July 12, 2019 22:02
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Cayleys Theorem in Agda
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Algebra
module Cayley {a ℓ} {S : Semigroup a ℓ} where
open Semigroup S renaming (Carrier to A; assoc to ∙-assoc; setoid to S-Setoid )
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Algebra.Morphism; open Definitions
open import Function.Equality
open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_Preserves_⟶_)
open Setoid S-Setoid renaming (_≈_ to _≈₁_; refl to ≈₁-refl; sym to ≈₁-sym; trans to ≈₁-trans)
open Setoid (S-Setoid ⇨ S-Setoid) using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈₂_)
open import Function.Endomorphism.Setoid (S-Setoid)
cayley : A → Endo
cayley g = record { _⟨$⟩_ = λ x → g ∙ x ; cong = λ i≈j → ∙-cong refl i≈j }
cayley-cong₂ : cayley Preserves _≈₁_ ⟶ _≈₂_
cayley-cong₂ i≈₁j x≈₁y = ≈₁-trans (∙-cong ≈₁-refl x≈₁y) (∙-cong i≈₁j ≈₁-refl)
cayley-homo : Homomorphic₂ A Endo _≈₂_ cayley _∙_ _∘_
cayley-homo g h {x} {y} x≈₁y = ≈₁-trans (∙-cong ≈₁-refl x≈₁y) (∙-assoc g h y)
cayley-isSemigroupMorphism : IsSemigroupMorphism S ∘-semigroup cayley
cayley-isSemigroupMorphism = record
{ ⟦⟧-cong = cayley-cong₂
; ∙-homo = cayley-homo
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