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Last active June 14, 2024 14:55
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Dialectica Categories with Valeria
Dialectica categories, done representably. June 4th, 2024 at the HIM trimester.
module wip.DialecticaRep where
module _ {o ℓ}
  (C : Precategory o ℓ)
  (cart : has-products C)
  (term : Terminal C)
  (cc : Cartesian-closed C cart term)

  open Cat.Reasoning C
  open Binary-products C cart
  open Terminal term
  open Cartesian-closed  cc

Dialectica Categories, done representably

We begin by defining a representable relation on a category $\mathcal{C}$ as a pair of objects $U, X : \mathcal{C}$ along with a sieve on $X \times U$.

  record Rel : Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where
      src : Ob
      tgt : Ob
      rel :  {Γ}  Hom Γ src  Hom Γ tgt  Ω
      rel-stable :  {Δ Γ} {u : Hom Γ src} {x : Hom Γ tgt} : Hom Δ Γ)  ∣ rel u x ∣  ∣ rel (u ∘ σ) (x ∘ σ) ∣

  open Rel

A dialectica morphism between two representable relations $\alpha \subseteq U \times X$ and $\beta \subseteq V \times Y$ consists of:

  • a morphism $f : U \to V$
  • a morphism $F : U \times Y \to X$
  • such that for all generalized objects $u, y$, $\alpha(u, F(u,y))$ entails $\beta(f(u), y)$.
  record Dia-hom (α β : Rel) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where
      fwd :  {Γ}  Hom Γ (α .src)  Hom Γ (β .src)
      bwd :  {Γ}  Hom Γ (α .src)  Hom Γ (β .tgt)  Hom Γ (α .tgt)
      preserve :  {Γ} {u : Hom Γ (α .src)} {y : Hom Γ (β .tgt)}  ∣ α .rel u (bwd u y) ∣  ∣ β .rel (fwd u) y ∣
      fwd-stable :  {Γ Δ} {u : Hom Γ (α .src)} : Hom Δ Γ)  (fwd u) ∘ σ ≡ fwd (u ∘ σ)
      bwd-stable :  {Γ Δ} {u : Hom Γ (α .src)} {y : Hom Γ (β .tgt)} : Hom Δ Γ)  (bwd u y) ∘ σ ≡ bwd (u ∘ σ) (y ∘ σ)

  open Dia-hom
  Dialectica : Precategory (o ⊔ ℓ) (o ⊔ ℓ)
  Dialectica .Precategory.Ob = Rel
  Dialectica .Precategory.Hom = Dia-hom
  Dialectica .Precategory.Hom-set _ _ = Dia-hom-is-set
  Dialectica .fwd u = u
  Dialectica .bwd u y = y
  Dialectica .preserve wα = wα
  Dialectica .fwd-stable _ = refl
  Dialectica .bwd-stable _ = refl
  Dialectica .Precategory._∘_ f g .fwd u = f .fwd (g .fwd u)
  Dialectica .Precategory._∘_ f g .bwd u z = g .bwd u (f .bwd (g .fwd u) z)
  Dialectica .Precategory._∘_ f g .preserve wα = f .preserve (g .preserve wα)
  Dialectica .Precategory._∘_ f g .fwd-stable σ = f .fwd-stable σ ∙ ap (f .fwd) (g .fwd-stable σ)
  Dialectica .Precategory._∘_ f g .bwd-stable {u = u} {y = y} σ =
    g .bwd-stable σ
    ∙ ap (g .bwd (u ∘ σ)) (f .bwd-stable σ ∙ ap (λ e  f .bwd e (y ∘ σ)) (g .fwd-stable σ))
  Dialectica .Precategory.idr f = trivial!
  Dialectica .Precategory.idl f = trivial!
  Dialectica .Precategory.assoc f g h = trivial!

Representability Kit

  proj1 : {Γ a b : Ob}  Hom Γ (a ⊗₀ b)  Hom Γ a
  proj1 = π₁ ∘_

  proj2 : {Γ a b : Ob}  Hom Γ (a ⊗₀ b)  Hom Γ b
  proj2 = π₂ ∘_
  _⇒_ : Ob  Ob  Ob
  a ⇒ b = Exp.B^A a b

  lam : {Γ a b : Ob}  ( {Δ}  Hom Δ Γ  Hom Δ a  Hom Δ b)  Hom Γ (a ⇒ b)
  lam k = ƛ (k π₁ π₂)

  _$$_ : {Γ a b : Ob}  Hom Γ (a ⇒ b)  Hom Γ a  Hom Γ b
  f $$ a = ev ∘ ⟨ f , a ⟩

  infixl -1 _$$_


  Tensor : Rel  Rel  Rel
  Tensor α β .src = α .src ⊗₀ β .src
  Tensor α β .tgt = α .tgt ⊗₀ β .tgt
  Tensor α β .rel u y = α .rel (proj1 u) (proj1 y) ∧Ω β .rel (proj2 u) (proj2 y)
  Tensor α β .rel-stable σ (wα , wβ) =
    subst₂ (λ u y  ∣ α .rel u y ∣) (sym (assoc _ _ _)) (sym (assoc _ _ _)) (α .rel-stable σ wα) ,
    subst₂ (λ u y  ∣ β .rel u y ∣) (sym (assoc _ _ _)) (sym (assoc _ _ _)) (β .rel-stable σ wβ)
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how do we do the constant $I$ the unit for the tensor?

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