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Created January 28, 2023 22:44
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CNF for classic propositional logic
open import 1Lab.Prelude

open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.List
open import Data.Nat

module Data.Bool.CNF where

CNF For Booleans

private variable
   n : Nat

data Expr (n : Nat) : Type where
  evar   : Fin n  Expr n
  etrue  : Expr n
  efalse : Expr n
  enot   : Expr n  Expr n
  eand   : Expr n  Expr n  Expr n
  eor    : Expr n  Expr n  Expr n

⟦_⟧ᵉ : Expr n  (Fin n  Bool)  Bool
⟦ evar x ⟧ᵉ ρ = ρ x
⟦ etrue ⟧ᵉ ρ = true
⟦ efalse ⟧ᵉ ρ = false
⟦ enot e ⟧ᵉ ρ = not (⟦ e ⟧ᵉ ρ)
⟦ eand e1 e2 ⟧ᵉ ρ = and (⟦ e1 ⟧ᵉ ρ) (⟦ e2 ⟧ᵉ ρ)
⟦ eor e1 e2 ⟧ᵉ ρ = or (⟦ e1 ⟧ᵉ ρ) (⟦ e2 ⟧ᵉ ρ)

data Atom (n : Nat) : Type where
  avar    : Fin n  Atom n
  anegvar : Fin n  Atom n

Clause : Nat  Type
Clause n = List (Atom n)

CNF : Nat  Type
CNF n = List (Clause n)

⟦_⟧ᵃ : Atom n  (Fin n  Bool)  Bool
⟦ avar x ⟧ᵃ ρ = ρ x
⟦ anegvar x ⟧ᵃ ρ = not (ρ x)

⟦_⟧ᶜ : Clause n  (Fin n  Bool)  Bool
⟦ [] ⟧ᶜ ρ = false
⟦ a ∷ as ⟧ᶜ ρ = or (⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ) (⟦ as ⟧ᶜ ρ)

⟦_⟧ⁿ : CNF n  (Fin n  Bool)  Bool
⟦ [] ⟧ⁿ ρ = true
⟦ c ∷ cs ⟧ⁿ ρ = and (⟦ c ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ cs ⟧ⁿ ρ)

atom-not : Atom n  Atom n
atom-not (avar x) = anegvar x
atom-not (anegvar x) = avar x

clause-or : Clause n  Clause n  Clause n
clause-or as bs = as ++ bs

clause-not : Clause n  CNF n
clause-not [] = []
clause-not (a ∷ as) = (atom-not a ∷ []) ∷ clause-not as

cnf-var : Fin n  CNF n
cnf-var n = (avar n ∷ []) ∷ []

cnf-true : CNF n
cnf-true = []

cnf-false : CNF n
cnf-false = [] ∷ []

cnf-and : CNF n  CNF n  CNF n
cnf-and as bs = as ++ bs

cnf-or : CNF n  CNF n  CNF n
cnf-or [] bs = cnf-true
cnf-or (a ∷ as) bs = cnf-and (map (clause-or a) bs) (cnf-or as bs)

cnf-not : CNF n  CNF n
cnf-not [] = cnf-false
cnf-not (a ∷ as) = cnf-or (clause-not a) (cnf-not as) 

eval : Expr n  CNF n
eval (evar x) = cnf-var x
eval etrue = cnf-true
eval efalse = cnf-false
eval (enot e) = cnf-not (eval e)
eval (eand e1 e2) = cnf-and (eval e1) (eval e2)
eval (eor e1 e2) = cnf-or (eval e1) (eval e2)

reflect-atom : Atom n  Expr n
reflect-atom (avar x) = evar x
reflect-atom (anegvar x) = enot (evar x)

reflect-clause : Clause n  Expr n
reflect-clause = foldr (λ a  eor (reflect-atom a)) efalse

reflect : CNF n  Expr n
reflect = foldr (λ c  eand (reflect-clause c)) etrue

nf : Expr n  Expr n
nf e = reflect (eval e)

Soundness of evaluation

atom-not-sound :  (a : Atom n) : Fin n  Bool)
                ⟦ atom-not a ⟧ᵃ ρ ≡ not (⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ)
atom-not-sound (avar x) ρ = refl
atom-not-sound (anegvar x) ρ = sym $ not-involutive (ρ x)

clause-or-sound :  (as bs : Clause n) : Fin n  Bool)
             ⟦ clause-or as bs ⟧ᶜ ρ ≡ or (⟦ as ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ᶜ ρ)
clause-or-sound [] bs ρ = refl
clause-or-sound (a ∷ as) bs ρ =
  or (⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ) (⟦ as ++ bs ⟧ᶜ ρ)            ≡⟨ ap (or (⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ)) (clause-or-sound as bs ρ) ⟩
  or (⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ) (or (⟦ as ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ᶜ ρ)) ≡⟨ or-associative (⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ) (⟦ as ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ᶜ ρ) ⟩
  or (or (⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ) (⟦ as ⟧ᶜ ρ)) (⟦ bs ⟧ᶜ ρ) ∎

cnf-and-sound :  (as bs : CNF n) : Fin n  Bool)
            ⟦ cnf-and as bs ⟧ⁿ ρ ≡ and (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)
cnf-and-sound [] bs ρ = refl
cnf-and-sound (b ∷ as) bs ρ =
  and (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ as ++ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)             ≡⟨ ap (and (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ)) (cnf-and-sound as bs ρ) ⟩
  and (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (and (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) ≡⟨ and-associative (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ) ⟩
  and (and (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ)) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ) ∎

map-clause-or-sound :  (a : Clause n) (bs : CNF n) : Fin n  Bool)
               ⟦ map (clause-or a) bs ⟧ⁿ ρ ≡ or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)
map-clause-or-sound a [] ρ = sym $ or-truer _
map-clause-or-sound a (b ∷ bs) ρ =
  and (⟦ clause-or a b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ map (clause-or a) bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)                                  ≡⟨ ap (and (⟦ clause-or a b ⟧ᶜ ρ)) (map-clause-or-sound a bs ρ) ⟩
  and (⟦ clause-or a b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ))                                    ≡⟨ and-distrib-orl (⟦ clause-or a b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ) ⟩
  or (and ⌜ ⟦ clause-or a b ⟧ᶜ ρ ⌝ (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ)) (and (⟦ clause-or a b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ))     ≡⟨ ap! (clause-or-sound a b ρ) ⟩
  or ⌜ and (or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ)) (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) ⌝ (and (⟦ clause-or a b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) ≡⟨ ap! (and-commutative (or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ)) (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) ∙ and-absorbs-orr (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ)) ⟩
  or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (and ⌜ ⟦ clause-or a b ⟧ᶜ ρ ⌝ (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ))                                  ≡⟨ ap! (clause-or-sound a b ρ) ⟩
  or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) ⌜ and (or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ)) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ) ⌝                              ≡⟨ ap! (and-distrib-orr (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) ⟩
  or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (or (and (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) (and (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)))              ≡⟨ or-associative (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (and (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) (and (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) ⟩
  or ⌜ or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (and (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) ⌝ (and (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ))            ≡⟨ ap! (or-absorbs-andr (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) ⟩
  or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (and (⟦ b ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ))                                                ∎

cnf-or-sound :  (as bs : CNF n) : Fin n  Bool)
             ⟦ cnf-or as bs ⟧ⁿ ρ ≡ or (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)
cnf-or-sound [] bs ρ = refl
cnf-or-sound (a ∷ as) bs ρ =
  ⟦ cnf-and (map (clause-or a) bs) (cnf-or as bs) ⟧ⁿ ρ         ≡⟨ cnf-and-sound (map (clause-or a) bs) (cnf-or as bs) ρ ⟩
  and ⌜ ⟦ map (clause-or a) bs ⟧ⁿ ρ ⌝ (⟦ cnf-or as bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)    ≡⟨ ap! (map-clause-or-sound a bs ρ) ⟩
  and (or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) ⌜ ⟦ cnf-or as bs ⟧ⁿ ρ ⌝      ≡⟨ ap! (cnf-or-sound as bs ρ) ⟩
  and (or (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) (or (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ)) ≡˘⟨ or-distrib-andr (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ) ⟩
  or (⟦ a ∷ as ⟧ⁿ ρ) (⟦ bs ⟧ⁿ ρ) ∎

clause-not-sound :  (as : Clause n) : Fin n  Bool)
                  ⟦ clause-not as ⟧ⁿ ρ ≡ not (⟦ as ⟧ᶜ ρ)
clause-not-sound [] ρ = refl
clause-not-sound (a ∷ as) ρ =
  and (or (⟦ atom-not a ⟧ᵃ ρ) false) (⟦ clause-not as ⟧ⁿ ρ) ≡⟨ ap (λ ϕ  and ϕ (⟦ clause-not as ⟧ⁿ ρ)) (or-falser (⟦ atom-not a ⟧ᵃ ρ)) ⟩
  and (⟦ atom-not a ⟧ᵃ ρ) (⟦ clause-not as ⟧ⁿ ρ)            ≡⟨ ap₂ and (atom-not-sound a ρ) (clause-not-sound as ρ) ⟩
  and (not (⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ)) (not (⟦ as ⟧ᶜ ρ))                    ≡˘⟨ not-or≡and-not (⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ) (⟦ as ⟧ᶜ ρ) ⟩
  not (⟦ a ∷ as ⟧ᶜ ρ) ∎

cnf-not-sound :  (as : CNF n) : Fin n  Bool)
               ⟦ cnf-not as ⟧ⁿ ρ ≡ not (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ)
cnf-not-sound [] ρ = refl
cnf-not-sound (a ∷ as) ρ =
  ⟦ cnf-or (clause-not a) (cnf-not as) ⟧ⁿ ρ      ≡⟨ cnf-or-sound (clause-not a) (cnf-not as) ρ ⟩
  or ⌜ ⟦ clause-not a ⟧ⁿ ρ ⌝ (⟦ cnf-not as ⟧ⁿ ρ) ≡⟨ ap₂ or (clause-not-sound a ρ) (cnf-not-sound as ρ) ⟩
  or (not (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ)) (not (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ))          ≡˘⟨ not-and≡or-not (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ) ⟩
  not (and (⟦ a ⟧ᶜ ρ) (⟦ as ⟧ⁿ ρ))               ∎

cnf-var-sound :  (x : Fin n) : Fin n  Bool)
               ⟦ cnf-var x ⟧ⁿ ρ ≡ ρ x
cnf-var-sound x ρ =
  and (or (ρ x) false) true ≡⟨ and-truer (or (ρ x) false) ⟩
  or (ρ x) false            ≡⟨ or-falser (ρ x) ⟩
  ρ x                       ∎

eval-sound :  (e : Expr n) : Fin n  Bool)
            ⟦ eval e ⟧ⁿ ρ ≡ ⟦ e ⟧ᵉ ρ
eval-sound (evar x) ρ = cnf-var-sound x ρ
eval-sound etrue ρ = refl
eval-sound efalse ρ = refl
eval-sound (enot e) ρ =
  ⟦ cnf-not (eval e) ⟧ⁿ ρ ≡⟨ cnf-not-sound (eval e) ρ ⟩
  not (⟦ eval e ⟧ⁿ ρ)     ≡⟨ ap not (eval-sound e ρ) ⟩
  not (⟦ e ⟧ᵉ ρ) ∎
eval-sound (eand e1 e2) ρ =
  ⟦ cnf-and (eval e1) (eval e2) ⟧ⁿ ρ    ≡⟨ cnf-and-sound (eval e1) (eval e2) ρ ⟩
  and (⟦ eval e1 ⟧ⁿ ρ) (⟦ eval e2 ⟧ⁿ ρ) ≡⟨ ap₂ and (eval-sound e1 ρ) (eval-sound e2 ρ) ⟩
  and (⟦ e1 ⟧ᵉ ρ) (⟦ e2 ⟧ᵉ ρ) ∎
eval-sound (eor e1 e2) ρ =
  ⟦ cnf-or (eval e1) (eval e2) ⟧ⁿ ρ    ≡⟨ cnf-or-sound (eval e1) (eval e2) ρ ⟩
  or (⟦ eval e1 ⟧ⁿ ρ) (⟦ eval e2 ⟧ⁿ ρ) ≡⟨ ap₂ or (eval-sound e1 ρ) (eval-sound e2 ρ) ⟩
  or (⟦ e1 ⟧ᵉ ρ) (⟦ e2 ⟧ᵉ ρ) ∎

Soundness of reflection

reflect-atom-sound :  (a : Atom n) : Fin n  Bool)
                    ⟦ reflect-atom a ⟧ᵉ ρ ≡ ⟦ a ⟧ᵃ ρ
reflect-atom-sound (avar x) ρ = refl
reflect-atom-sound (anegvar x) ρ = refl

reflect-clause-sound :  (as : Clause n) : Fin n  Bool)
                      ⟦ reflect-clause as ⟧ᵉ ρ ≡ ⟦ as ⟧ᶜ ρ
reflect-clause-sound [] ρ = refl
reflect-clause-sound (a ∷ as) ρ =
  ap₂ or (reflect-atom-sound a ρ) (reflect-clause-sound as ρ)

reflect-sound :  (cs : CNF n) : Fin n  Bool)
               ⟦ reflect cs ⟧ᵉ ρ ≡ ⟦ cs ⟧ⁿ ρ
reflect-sound [] ρ = refl
reflect-sound (c ∷ cs) ρ =
  ap₂ and (reflect-clause-sound c ρ) (reflect-sound cs ρ)

Soundness of evaluation

nf-sound :  (e : Expr n) : Fin n  Bool)
          ⟦ nf e ⟧ᵉ ρ ≡ ⟦ e ⟧ᵉ ρ
nf-sound e ρ = reflect-sound (eval e) ρ ∙ eval-sound e ρ
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