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Last active October 18, 2019 20:12
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Save TRPB/370ada4d1749725d5bd9492201d0df9a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"use strict";
//This is a line for line port of the python exampe at
//I have no idea how this works, sorry!
var net = require('net');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var HOST = 'media';
var PORT = 9982;
const HMF_MAP = 1;
const HMF_S64 = 2;
const HMF_STR = 3;
const HMF_BIN = 4;
const HMF_LIST = 5;
//JS Doesn't provide chr/ord.. wrapper functions for readaibility/consistency with the python example
function chr(i) {
return String.fromCharCode(i);
function ord(c) {
c = '' + c;
return c.charCodeAt(0);
class hmf_bin {}
class HTSPMessage {
hmf_type(f) {
if (Array.isArray(f)) return HMF_MAP;
else if (f instanceof hmf_bin) return HMF_BIN;
else if (typeof f == 'object') return HMF_LIST;
else if (typeof f == 'string') return HMF_STR;
else if (typeof f == 'number') return HMF_S64;
_binary_count(f) {
var ret = 0;
if (typeof f == 'string' || f instanceof hmf_bin || f instanceof Buffer) {
ret += f.length;
else if (typeof(f) == 'number') {
while (f) {
ret += 1;
f = f >> 8;
else if (typeof(f) == 'object' || Array.isArray(f)) {
ret += this.binary_count(f);
else throw new Error('invalid data type');
return ret;
binary_count(msg) {
var ret = 0;
var list = Array.isArray(msg)
for (var f in msg) {
ret += 6;
if (!list) {
//for objects add on the length of the key
ret += f.length;
//Python treats for ... in differently for objects and lists. works like JS for..of for lists
//but the same for objects! So for js ignore this line
//f = msg[f]
ret += this._binary_count(msg[f]);
return ret;
int2bin(i) {
return chr(i >> 24 & 0xFF) + chr(i >> 16 & 0xFF) + chr(i >> 8 & 0xFF) + chr(i & 0xFF);
bin2int(d) {
return (ord(d[0]) << 24) + (ord(d[1]) << 16)+ (ord(d[2]) << 8) + ord(d[3]);
binary_write(msg) {
var ret = '';
var list = Array.isArray(msg);
for (var f in msg) {
var na = '';
if (!list) {
na = f;
//Python treats for ... in differently for objects and lists. works like JS for..of for lists
//but the same for objects! ignore this line
//f = msg[f]
//set f to value rather than key
f = msg[f];
ret += chr(this.hmf_type(f));
ret += chr(na.length & 0xFF);
var l = this._binary_count(f);
ret += this.int2bin(l);
ret += na;
if (f instanceof Buffer) {
ret += f;
else if (f instanceof hmf_bin || typeof f == 'string') ret += f;
else if (typeof(f) == 'object' || Array.isArray(f)) ret += this.binary_write(f);
else if (typeof(f) == 'number') {
while (f) {
ret += chr(f & 0xFF);
f = f >> 8;
else throw new Error('invalid type');
return ret;
serialize(msg) {
var cnt = this.binary_count(msg);
return new Buffer(this.int2bin(cnt) + this.binary_write(msg), 'binary');
deserialize0(data, type = HMF_MAP) {
var isList = false;
var msg = {};
if (type == HMF_LIST) {
isList = true;
msg = [];
while (data.length > 5) {
//data type
var typ = ord(data[0]);
//length of the name
var nlen = ord(data[1]);
//length of the data for name/key in nlen
var dlen = this.bin2int(data.slice(2,6));
data = data.slice(6);
var name = data.slice(0, nlen);
data = data.slice(nlen);
var item = null;
if (typ == HMF_STR) {
item = data.slice(0, dlen).toString();
else if (typ == HMF_BIN) {
//not sure why there's a dummy wrapper for this in the python example..
// item = new Buffer(data.slice(0, dlen), 'binary');
item = data.slice(0, dlen);
else if (typ == HMF_S64) {
item = 0;
var i = dlen-1;
while (i >= 0) {
item = (item << 8) | ord(data[i]);
i = i -1;
else if (typ == HMF_LIST || type == HMF_MAP) {
item = this.deserialize0(data.slice(0, dlen), typ);
if (isList) msg.push(item);
else msg[name] = item;
data = data.slice(dlen);
return msg;
class HTSPClient {
constructor(host, port, user, pass, onConnect) {
this.username = user;
this.password = pass;
this.sock = new net.Socket();
var self = this;
this.sock.connect(port, host, function() {
this.onData = function() {
this.sock.on('data', function(data) {
// console.log(data);
this.sock.on('error', function(err) {
this.sock.on('close', function(had_error) {
this.sock.on('end', function() {
console.log('sock end');
htsp_digest(chal) {
var generator = crypto.createHash('sha1');
generator.update(this.password + chal);
// generator.update(chal);
return generator.digest('binary');
send(func, args, callback, debug) {
if (!args) args = {};
args['method'] = func;
if (this.auth) {
args['username'] = this.username;
args['digest'] = this.htsp_digest(this.auth);
if (debug) {
var s = new HTSPMessage().serialize(args);
this.sock.write(s, 'binary', callback);
hello(callback) {
var args = {
'htspversion' : 23,
'clientname' : 'node-htsp'
var self = this;
this.onData = function(data) {
self.recvHello(data, callback);
this.send('hello', args);
recvHello(data, callback) {
//The data comes back with 3 NULL chars and an odd symbol no idea why, need to remove them for this to work
//It seems to be a byte order mark but doesn't match utf-8, utf-16 etc.
//Is this added by the buffer? By the socket? Sent by the server? Could do with a proper explanation,
//but for now just remove the BOM and continue
data = data.slice(4);
var msg = new HTSPMessage().deserialize0(data);
this.auth = msg.challenge;
// console.log(msg.challenge);
authenticate() {
this.onData = function(data) {
console.log('auth response');
this.send('authenticate', null, function() {
}, true);
function onConnect(client) {
client.hello(function() {
//When the HELLO has been processed, authenticate
var client = new HTSPClient('media', 9982, 'media', 'media', onConnect);
function helloAndAuthenticate(socket) {
var args = {
'htspversion' : 25,
'clientname' : 'node-htsp'
send(socket, 'hello', args, function(data) {
USER = 'media';
PASS = 'media';
socket.on('data', function(data) {
//The data comes back with 3 NULL chars and an odd symbol no idea why, need to remove them for this to work
//It seems to be a byte order mark but doesn't match utf-8, utf-16 etc.
//Is this added by the buffer? By the socket? Sent by the server? Could do with a proper explanation,
//but for now just remove the BOM and continue
data = data.slice(4);
var msg = deserialize0(data);
USER = 'media';
PASS = htsp_digest('media', 'media', msg.challenge);
send(socket, 'authenticate');
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rw251 commented Oct 18, 2019

The 4 characters at the start are a 4 byte integer which gives the total length of the message to follow. Useful if the data sent comes in multiple packets.

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