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Created May 22, 2016 13:58
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import socket
import sys
import sched, time
import re
server = "" #The irc server that you want the bot to connect to.
channel = "##kanal56" #The channel you want the bot to join on start
botnick = "vorabot" #The bot's IRC Nick
irc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #Defines the socket
silenceTime = 0
#Command Arrays
silenceCommandArray = [':!silence',':!scilence',':!silense',':!silens']
helloCommandArray = [':!hi',':!hello']
helpCommandArray = [':!help',':!list',':!commands',':!command']
awayCommandArray = [':!go',':!away','!left']
backCommandArray = [':!back']
#Information Arrays
awayArray = ['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','']
#Server connect. This part connects the bot to the IRC server, Joins a channel and set's the nick.
print "Connecting to:"+server
irc.connect((server, 6667)) #Connects to the server
irc.send("USER "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" :This is a chat bot!\n") #authenticates the bot with the server
irc.send("NICK "+ botnick +"\n") #Sets the bots nick
irc.send("JOIN "+ channel +"\n") #Joins the channel
def getMsg(line):
message = line.split()[-1]
return message;
def sendMsg(message):
irc.send('PRIVMSG '+channel+' :'+message+'\r\n')
def getNick(message): #This function gets the nick.
pos = message.find("!") #Finds the position of the end of the nick
print pos
nick = message[1:pos] #Selects everything between the first letter of the nick all the way to the position of the last nick charachter
print nick
return nick;
def getArgument(msg): #This function gets the word said after a command
m = message.split()[1]
return m;
def isAnInt(time): #This checks if time is an int
return True
except ValueError:
return False
while 1: #Getting the text. This is where the bot gets all the text outputted to the IRC channel and network
text = irc.recv(2040) #Recieves the IRC text
print text #Prints the IRC text
message = getMsg(text)
if text.find('PING') !=-1: #This checks for a PING from the server. IRC Servers does this to assure that the client still is connected
irc.send('PONG ' + text.split() [1] + '\r\n') #This responds PONG to the server to tell it that we are indeed still connected
#Custom commands
#Greeting command. This command greets a newly joined
if message in helloCommandArray or ' JOIN ' in text: #Greets the sender
sendMsg('Hello '+str(getNick(text))+'! Welcome to the channel!') #Sends hello back
#This command shows a list of all the available commands. Note: Make so that it sends the commandArray instead.
if message in helpCommandArray:
sendMsg('Command Listing. !help, !list - Show this screen. !hi, !hello - Greetings from the bot! Command executed by '+str(getNick(text))+'!')
#This command silences the bot for set amount of minutes
if message in silenceCommandArray:
sendMsg('Shutting up for'+str(silenceTime)+'minutes')
#This command toggles your away state. It adds the nick who executed it to the awayArray
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