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TRtomasz / stremio-server.json
Created December 12, 2018 10:06
Stremio fast settings
"serverVersion": "4.3.4",
"appPath": "Path to the stremio-server",
"cacheRoot": "Path to the cache-folder",
"cacheSize": 2147483648,
"btMaxConnections": 200,
"btHandshakeTimeout": 20000,
"btRequestTimeout": 4000,
"btDownloadSpeedSoftLimit": 4194304,
"btDownloadSpeedHardLimit": 39321600,
TRtomasz / server-settings.json
Created December 12, 2018 10:06
Stremio soft settings
"serverVersion": "4.3.4",
"appPath": "Path to the stremio-server",
"cacheRoot": "Path to the cache-folder",
"cacheSize": 2147483648,
"btMaxConnections": 35,
"btHandshakeTimeout": 20000,
"btRequestTimeout": 4000,
"btDownloadSpeedSoftLimit": 1677721.6,
"btDownloadSpeedHardLimit": 1677721.6,
TRtomasz / server-settings.json
Last active March 4, 2024 19:09
Stremio default settings
"serverVersion": "4.15.0",
"appPath": "Path to the stremio-server",
"cacheRoot": "Path to the cache-folder",
"cacheSize": 2147483648,
"btMaxConnections": 55,
"btHandshakeTimeout": 20000,
"btRequestTimeout": 4000,
"btDownloadSpeedSoftLimit": 2621440,
"btDownloadSpeedHardLimit": 3670016,