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Created October 7, 2014 16:48
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var $ = require("jQuery")
, Delegator
Delegator = function () {
this.$el = $("<p/>");
// Add a function to the object that delegates to a property on the same object.
// @param obj [Object] - the object to add the function to.
// @param functionName [String] - the name of the function to delegate.
// @param delegateToPropName [String] - the name of the property on the object to delegate to.
// @return objFunction [Function] - the function that was created.
Delegator.delegate = function (obj, functionName, delegateToPropName) {
var objFunction = function () {
var delegateTo = this[delegateToPropName];
return delegateTo[functionName].apply(delegateTo, arguments);
return obj[functionName] = objFunction;
// Add basic event functions to an object.
// functions added: `on` `off` `trigger`
// @param obj [Object] - the object to add the functions to.
// @param delegateToPropName [String] - the name of the property on the object to delegate to.
// Example use:
// Delegator.extendEventDelegation(MyClass.prototype, "delegator");
Delegator.extendEventDelegation = function (obj, delegateToPropName) {
// Listen for an event.
Delegator.delegate(obj, "on", delegateToPropName);
// Stop listening for an event.
Delegator.delegate(obj, "off", delegateToPropName);
// Trigger an event.
Delegator.delegate(obj, "trigger", delegateToPropName);
// Delegate event functions to $el.
Delegator.extendEventDelegation(Delegator.prototype, "$el");
module.exports = Delegator;
var $ = require("jQuery")
, template = require("../template")
, Delegator = require("../Delegator")
, Model = require("./Model")
, Demplate
// Demplate: Data-Dependent Template
// @param el [Selector] - the element to render the template into
// @param templateID [String] - the ID of the script element with the template data
// @param options [Object] - key/value object of options
// @option data [Object] - the data to pass to the model
// @option model [Model] - the demplate Model
Demplate = function (el, templateID, options) {
options = (options || {});
this.$el = $(el);
this.templateID = templateID;
this.options = options;
this.model = (options.model || new Model( || {}));
this.currentContent = undefined;
this.bindings = [];
// Listen for key events.
// Events:
// render - triggered after new content is rendered.
// teardown - triggered before render if any rendered content already existed.
Delegator.delegate(Demplate.prototype, "on", "$el");
// Set the value of a key from the model and trigger a render.
Delegator.delegate(Demplate.prototype, "set", "model");
// Get the value of a key from the model.
Delegator.delegate(Demplate.prototype, "get", "model");
// Register an event which will be bound to matching elements after content is rendered.
// Events will be automatically unbound on tearddown to avoid rogue listeners.
// @param selector [String]
// @param eventName [String]
// @param fn [callback]
Demplate.prototype.bind = function (selector, eventName, fn) {
this.bindings.push([selector, eventName, fn]);
Demplate.prototype.render = function () {
var content = template(this.templateID,;
Demplate.prototype.clear = function () {
Demplate.prototype.setContent = function (content) {
if (this.currentContent) {
this.$el.trigger("teardown", [this.$el]);
this.currentContent = content;
this.$el.trigger("render", [this.$el]);
// For each binding, setup a listener.
Demplate.prototype._onRender = function () {
var self = this
, $el, eventName, fn;
$.each(self.bindings, function (_, data) {
$el = self.$el.find(data[0]);
eventName = data[1];
fn = data[2];
$el.on(eventName, fn);
// Remove each binding listener.
Demplate.prototype._onTeardown = function () {
var self = this
, $el, eventName, fn;
$.each(self.bindings, function (_, data) {
$el = self.$el.find(data[0]);
eventName = data[1];
fn = data[2];
$, fn);
Demplate.prototype.bindListeners = function () {
var self = this;
self.model.on("change", function (event, key, value) {
module.exports = Demplate;
var $ = require("jQuery")
, Delegator = require("../Delegator")
, Model
// TODO: Store default so that it may be reset
Model = function (data) { = (data || {});
this.delegator = new Delegator();
// Set a single attribute or multiple attributes and trigger the "change" event.
Model.prototype.set = function () {
var attributes, key, value;
if (arguments.length == 1) {
attributes = arguments[0];
else {
key = arguments[0];
value = arguments[1];
this._setSingle(key, value);
this.delegator.trigger("change", [key, value]);
Model.prototype.get = function (key) {
Model.prototype._setSingle = function (key, value) {[key] = value;
Model.prototype._setMultiple = function (attributes) {
var self = this;
$.each(attributes, function (key, value) {
self._setSingle(key, value);
Delegator.extendEventDelegation(Model.prototype, "delegator");
module.exports = Model;
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