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Created September 1, 2019 15:11
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Post active vSphere alarms to a Microsoft Teams channel
Post active vSphere alarms to a Microsoft Teams channel.
Connect to the specified vSphere vCenter, query for all active alarms, and post those
as a card to Microsoft Teams via a Webhook.
The card will contain one section per alarm with a few facts: the cluster involved,
the date and time of the alarm, the alarm status (yellow/red/etc), and whether
or not the alarm has been acknowledged.
The card will also have a button to visit the vCenter UI while each (alarm) section
has a button that goes directly to that object's summary tab in vCenter.
Hat tip to @ericblee6, who pointed me toward @TheLazyAdmin's article below. That gave
me a new way to form the collections and format the webhook data.
The vCenter server to be queried and linked to.
Your Microsoft Teams WebHook URI. To get this, add a Connector to a Teams Channel and
copy the provided URL.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$vCenter,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][uri]$TeamsUri
# Indicators found in MoRef for types of resources.
$clusterInd = "ClusterComputeResource-"
$hostInd = "HostSystem-"
$vmInd = "VirtualMachine-"
# Return active alarms from vCenter
function Get-Alarms() {
param (
try {
if ($global:DefaultVIServer.ServiceUri.Host -ne $vCenter) {
Connect-VIServer $vCenter | Out-Null
# we need the Uuid for direct-reference vCenter URLs
$Script:vcUuid = $global:DefaultVIServer.InstanceUuid.ToUpper()
catch {
Write-Output "Failed to connect to $vCenter"
return $null
$Clusters = Get-View -ViewType ComputeResource -Property Name, OverallStatus, TriggeredAlarmstate
$report = @()
$AlarmClusters = $Clusters | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.TriggeredAlarmState }
foreach ($ac in $AlarmClusters) {
foreach ($ta in $ac.TriggeredAlarmstate) {
$object = [PSCustomObject]@{
'AlarmTime' = (($ta.Time).ToLocalTime()).ToString()
'AlarmStatus' = $ta.OverallStatus.ToString()
'AlarmAcked' = $ta.Acknowledged
'Cluster' = $ac.Name
'ImageUrl' = ''
'Entity' = ''
'Type' = ''
'MoRef' = $ta.MoRef
'TriggeredAlarms' = (Get-AlarmDefinition -Id $ta.Alarm.ToString()).Name
$entity = $ta.Entity.ToString()
if ($entity -like "$($clusterInd)*") {
$object.Entity = $ac.Name
$object.Type = "Cluster"
$object.MoRef = $ac.MoRef
$object.ImageUrl = ""
elseif ($entity -like "$($hostInd)*") {
$vmHost = Get-VMHost -Id $entity
$object.Entity = $vmHost.Name
$object.Type = "VMHost"
$object.MoRef = $entity
$object.ImageUrl = ""
elseif ($entity -like "$($vmInd)*") {
$vm = Get-VM -Id $entity
$object.Entity = $vm.Name
$object.Type = "VM"
$object.MoRef = $entity
$object.ImageUrl = ""
$report += $object
return $report
# Grab the alarms
Write-Output "Querying active vSphere alarms from $vcenter"
$Alarms = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
Get-Alarms($vcenter) |
Sort-Object Cluster, Time, Entity |
ForEach-Object {
# throw into a collection consumable by Teams
# Build the card sections, one per alarm. Stuff them into a collection
# consumable by Teams
$Sections = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
foreach ($a in $Alarms) {
# Determine query string that lands us on our object in vCenter. It uses the MoRef, but
# with the first "-" replaced and the vCenter UUID
$qs = "#?extensionId=vsphere.core.vm.summary&objectId=urn:vmomi:$($a.MoRef):$($vcUuid)"
$qs = $qs -replace "(.*:vmomi:[a-z]+)-(.*)", '$1:$2' # adjust formatting
$s = @{
activityTitle = $a.Entity
activitySubtitle = $a.Type
activityText = $a.TriggeredAlarms
activityImage = $a.ImageUrl
activityImageType = "article" # avoid rounded corner icons
potentialAction = @(
'@type' = "OpenUri"
name = "Visit Object"
targets = @(
"os" = "default"
"uri" = "https://$($vcenter)/ui/$($qs)"
facts = @(
name = 'Cluster'
value = $a.Cluster
name = 'Alarm Time'
value = $a.AlarmTime
name = 'Alarm Status'
value = $a.AlarmStatus
name = 'Alarm Acked'
value = $a.AlarmAcked
# Post it if you got it
$count = $Sections.Count
if ($count -gt 0) {
$text = "There $(if ($count -gt 1) {'are'} else {'is'}) $count active alarm$(if ($count -gt 1) {'s'} else {''}) at $(Get-Date)"
Write-Output $text
$body = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8 @{
title = "Active vSphere Alarms via $($vCenter)"
text = $text
sections = $Sections
potentialAction = @(
'@context' = ''
'@type' = "ViewAction"
name = "vCenter"
target = @("https://$($vcenter)/ui/")
Write-Output "Posting $($count) sections to WebHook $($TeamsUri)"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $TeamsUri -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json'
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ddenson commented Sep 2, 2019

Very nice! Trying this out tomorrow.

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