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Created January 5, 2015 19:41
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# Get-MailboxSizes.ps1
# Requires Microsoft Active Directory module
If ((Get-Module | Where { $_.Name -eq "ActiveDirectory"}) -eq $null) {
Import-Module ActiveDirectory;
If ((Get-Module | Where { $_.Name -eq "ActiveDirectory"}) -eq $null) { throw "ActiveDirectory Module is required." }
$colServers = @("Server1", "Server2") # array of Exchange Servers to poll
$strGroup = "CN=O365-Migrated,CN=YourOU,DC=domain,DC=com" # dn of security group used to track those already migrated
$colDCs = @("domain1-dc") # one more more domain controllers -- in case spanning domains
$strCsvFile = "mailbox-sizes.csv"
# get all mailboxes, their size, their number of items
$colBoxes = @()
ForEach ($server in $colServers) {
Write-Host "Getting mailboxes from $($server)..."
$colBoxes += Get-WMIObject -namespace "root\MicrosoftExchangeV2" -class "Exchange_Mailbox" -Computer $server `
-Filter "NOT MailboxDisplayName like 'System%' and NOT MailboxDisplayName like 'SMTP%'" `
| Select-Object ServerName, MailboxDisplayName, @{N="Size";E={"{0:N0}" -f [int]($_.Size/1024)}}, @{N="Items";E={"{0:N0}" -f $_.TotalItems}}
# turn all of that into custom objects
$colDetails = @();
$colBoxes | % { $colDetails += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Server = $_.ServerName; Mailbox = $_.MailboxDisplayName; Size = $_.Size; `
Items = $_.Items; Department = ""; Office = ""; ForCSV = ""; ActiveMbx = "" } }
Write-Host "Getting accounts. This can take a while."
$colDetails | ForEach-Object {
$mbx = $_
$name = $mbx.Mailbox
ForEach ($strDC in $colDCs) {
$user = Get-ADUser -Server $strDC -Filter { DisplayName -like $name } -Properties DisplayName, MemberOf, Enabled, Department, Office, mail
if ($user) {
$mbx.Department = $user.Department
$mbx.Office = $user.Office
$mbx.ForCSV = "$($user.mail),,FALSE"
$mbx.ActiveMbx = ($user.Enabled -eq $true) -and ($user.Memberof -notcontains $strGroup)
$coldetails | Select-Object Mailbox, Server, @{N="Size (MB)";E={$_.Size}}, Items, Office, Department, ActiveMbx, `
@{N="EmailAddress,Password,ForceChangePassword";E={$_.ForCSV}} | Sort-Object Mailbox | Export-Csv $strCsvFile
Write-Output Wrote $strCsvFile
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