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Sherlock Lim TT1943

  • San Francisco
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TT1943 /
Created July 2, 2016 08:24 — forked from havencruise/
Django + Python2.7 + Apache setup for AWS EC2 with mod_wsgi A how-to on setting up Python 2.7, Django and mod_wsgi, and using Python 2.7 with virtual_env(which is the right thing to do) on Amazon EC2 instances. .. .. .. Why? - Because Amazon EC2 instances usually come with Python 2.6 by default.
# You will need to run these with superuser permissions.
# Either prefix `sudo` to all commands, or switch user
# Be very careful when you switch user
sudo su - root
# Update all the packages
yum update
# Install the basics - python27, gcc, svn, git, httpd, make, uuid