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Created October 25, 2012 10:51
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Save TabsPH/3951985 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Testing the Correlation of the two variables.
* Project Title: Correlation
* Author: Alvin Tabontabn
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.util.*;
public class correlation extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
JButton[] proceedB = new JButton[ 3 ];
JButton computeB = new JButton();
JButton resetB = new JButton();
JLabel[] lblCaptions = new JLabel[ 3 ];
JLabel lblVar1, lblVar2, lblResult;
JTable table = new JTable();
Vector row = new Vector();
Vector column = new Vector();
DefaultTableModel tabModel;
JScrollPane spane;
JTextField[] tfInput = new JTextField[ 3 ];
JPanel pneInput = new JPanel();
JPanel pneTable = new JPanel();
JPanel pneResult = new JPanel();
JPanel pneBack;
Border bdrInput, bdrTable, bdrResult;
JTable tbl;
File imgPath = new File("main.jpg");
String[] strCaptions = { "How Many Inputs:",
"Variable One:",
"Variable Two:" };
int ctrInput = 0;
boolean fVar = false;
boolean sVar = fVar;
public static void main(String[] args){
new correlation();
} catch(Exception e){
public correlation(){
super( "CORRELATION" );
if( imgPath.exists() ){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(correlation.this, "Application stop initializing due to the following error: \n" +
" cant find \"main.jpg\"");
private void setBorder(){
bdrInput = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(),
new Font( "Courier", Font.BOLD, 15),
Color.ORANGE );
bdrTable = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(),
" TABLE ",
new Font( "Courier", Font.BOLD, 15),
Color.ORANGE );
bdrResult = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(),
new Font( "Courier", Font.BOLD, 15),
Color.ORANGE );
private void setJTable(){
tabModel = new DefaultTableModel();
tabModel.setDataVector( row, column );
table = new JTable(tabModel);
spane = new JScrollPane( table );
spane.setBounds(10, 20, 245, 200);
pneTable.add( spane );
private void setJLabel(){
int yAxis = 20;
lblResult = new JLabel( "" , SwingConstants.CENTER );
lblResult.setBounds( 30, 25, 520, 60 );
lblResult.setFont( new Font("Courier", Font.BOLD, 13));
lblResult.setForeground( Color.WHITE );
lblResult.setOpaque( false );
pneResult.add( lblResult );
for(int i=0; i<lblCaptions.length; i++){
lblCaptions[ i ] = new JLabel( strCaptions[ i ] );
lblCaptions[ i ].setBounds( 10, yAxis, 150, 30 );
lblCaptions[ i ].setFont( new Font("Courier", Font.BOLD, 12));
lblCaptions[ i ].setForeground( Color.WHITE );
lblCaptions[ i ].setOpaque( false );
pneInput.add( lblCaptions[ i ] );
yAxis += 50;
private void setJTextField(){
int yAxis = 50;
for(int i=0; i<tfInput.length; i++){
tfInput[ i ] = new JTextField();
tfInput[ i ].setBounds( 10, yAxis, 180, 22 );
tfInput[ i ].setFont( new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, 12));
tfInput[ i ].setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
pneInput.add( tfInput[ i ] );
yAxis += 50;
private void setJButton(){
int yAxis = 50;
for(int i=0; i<proceedB.length; i++){
proceedB[ i ] = new JButton( "PROCEED" );
proceedB[ i ].setBounds( 200, yAxis, 90, 20 );
proceedB[ i ].addActionListener( this );
pneInput.add( proceedB[ i ] );
yAxis += 50;
proceedB[ 1 ].setEnabled( false );
proceedB[ 2 ].setEnabled( false );
computeB = new JButton( "Perform Correlation" );
computeB.setBounds( 10, 180, 140, 35 );
computeB.addActionListener( this );
computeB.setEnabled( false );
resetB = new JButton( "New Correlation" );
resetB.setBounds( 150, 180, 140, 35 );
resetB.addActionListener( this );
pneInput.add( computeB );
pneInput.add( resetB );
private void setJPanel(){
pneInput.setLayout( null );
pneInput.setBounds( 10, 100, 305, 230 );
pneInput.setBorder( bdrInput );
pneInput.setOpaque( false );
pneTable.setLayout( null );
pneTable.setBounds( 320, 100, 265, 230 );
pneTable.setBorder( bdrTable );
pneTable.setOpaque( false );
pneResult.setLayout( null );
pneResult.setBounds( 10, 330, 575, 100 );
pneResult.setBorder( bdrResult );
pneResult.setOpaque( false );
pneBack = new JPanel(){
public void paint(Graphics g){
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon( imgPath.getAbsolutePath() );
g.drawImage( image.getImage(), 0, 0, null, null );
super.paint( g );
pneBack.setLayout( null );
pneBack.setBounds( 0, 0, 600, 480 );
pneBack.setOpaque( false );
pneBack.add( pneInput );
pneBack.add( pneTable );
pneBack.add( pneResult );
private void setContentPane(){
Container c = getContentPane();
c.add( pneBack );
private void setJFrame(){
setSize( 600, 480 );
setVisible( true );
setResizable( false );
setLocationRelativeTo( null );
setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ae ){
if (ae.getSource() == proceedB[0] ){
ctrInput = Integer.parseInt( tfInput[0].getText() );
tfInput[0].setEditable( false );
else if (ae.getSource() == proceedB[1] ){
if( !tfInput[1].getText().trim().equals("") ){
column.addElement( tfInput[1].getText() );
tfInput[1].setEditable( false );
fVar = true;
}else if (ae.getSource() == proceedB[2] ){
if( !tfInput[2].getText().trim().equals("") ){
column.addElement( tfInput[2].getText() );
tfInput[2].setEditable( false );
sVar = true;
computeB.setEnabled( true );
resetB.setEnabled( false );
for(int i=0; i<ctrInput; i++){
Vector r = new Vector();
r = createBlankElement();
else if( ae.getSource() == resetB ){
int ans = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(correlation.this, "Are you sure?", "New Correlation",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if( ans == 0 ){
new correlation(); this.dispose();
else if( ae.getSource() == computeB ){
if( computeB.getActionCommand().equals("Perform Correlation")){
double[] X = new double[ ctrInput ];
double[] Y = new double[ ctrInput ];
double[] X2 = new double[ ctrInput ];
double[] Y2 = new double[ ctrInput ];
double[] XY = new double[ ctrInput ];
//---------------------- Getting the Value from the JTable ----------------------------//
for(int i=0; i<ctrInput; i++){
String strX = table.getValueAt(i, 0).toString();
String strY = table.getValueAt(i, 1).toString();
X[ i ] = Double.parseDouble( strX.trim() );
Y[ i ] = Double.parseDouble( strY.trim() );
XY[ i ] = ( X[ i ] * Y[ i ] );
X2[ i ] = X[ i ] * X[ i ];
Y2[ i ] = Y[ i ] * Y[ i ];
double N = ctrInput;
double sumX = 0;
double sumY = 0;
double sumXY = 0;
double sumX2 = 0;
double sumY2 = 0;
//---------------------- Getting the Summation -------------------------//
for(int i=0; i<ctrInput; i++){
sumX += X[ i ];
sumY += Y[ i ];
sumXY += XY[ i ];
sumX2 += X2[ i ];
sumY2 += Y2[ i ];
double numerator = 0;
double denominator = 0;
double correlateVal = 0;
String strResult = "";
numerator = (N * sumXY) - (sumX * sumY);
denominator = Math.sqrt( ((N * sumX2) - (sumX * sumX)) * ((N * sumY2) - (sumY * sumY)) );
correlateVal = numerator / denominator;
if (correlateVal >= 0){
strResult = String.format("<html>The correlation for our cases is %.2f, which is a fairly strong " +
"positive relationship. I guess there is a relationship between %s and %s, " +
"at least in this made up data!</html>" , correlateVal, tfInput[1].getText(), tfInput[2].getText());
strResult = String.format("<html>The correlation for our cases is %.2f, which is a fairly strong " +
"negative relationship. I guess there is no relationship between %s and %s, " +
"at least in this made up data!</html>" , correlateVal, tfInput[1].getText(), tfInput[2].getText());
lblResult.setText( strResult );
table.setEnabled( false );
else if( computeB.getActionCommand().equals("Close")){
int ans = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(correlation.this, "Do you really want to close?", "Exit",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if( ans == 0 ){
if( fVar && sVar ){
resetB.setEnabled( true );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( correlation.this, "Please start filling up the table");
fVar = sVar = false;
}catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( correlation.this, "Please Enter a valid data!");
public Vector createBlankElement()
Vector t = new Vector();
t.addElement((String) " ");
t.addElement((String) " ");
return t;
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