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Created December 12, 2021 22:51
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# Input data
# Create the Employment Range field which captures the employees full tenure at the company in the MMM yyyy to MMM yyyy format.
# Work out for each year employed per person:
# Number of months they worked
# Their salary they will have received
# Their sales total for the year
# For each Reporting Year (the individual year someone worked for us), calculate their cumulative months (called Tenure)
# Determine the bonus payments the person will have received each year
# It's 5% of their sales total
# Round Salary Paid and Yearly Bonus to two decimal places
# Add Salary Paid and Yearly Bonus together to form Total Paid
import <-
read_csv("PD 2021 Wk 49 Input - Input.csv") %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
mutate(date = dmy(date))
# Create the Employment Range field which captures the employees full tenure at the company in the MMM yyyy to MMM yyyy format.
employment_range <-
import %>%
group_by(name) %>%
summarise(min_date = min(date),
max_date = max(date)) %>%
mutate(across(c(min_date, max_date), list(tidy = ~.x %>% format("%b %Y"))),
employment_range = glue::glue("{min_date_tidy} to {max_date_tidy}"))
# Work out for each year employed per person:
# Number of months they worked
# Their salary they will have received
# Their sales total for the year
yearly_worker_summary_stats <-
import %>%
group_by(name, year_of_employment = year(date)) %>%
total_months_worked = n(),
min_month = min(date),
max_month = max(date),
# unique_annual_salaries = n_distinct(annual_salary),
annual_salary = min(annual_salary),
total_sales = sum(sales)) %>%
mutate(yearly_bonus = 0.05*total_sales)
month_to_month <-
import %>%
group_by(name) %>%
min_month = min(date),
max_month = max(date)) %>%
mutate(tenure_months = map2(min_month, max_month, ~seq.Date(.x, .y, by = "month"))) %>%
select(name, tenure_months) %>%
unnest(tenure_months) %>%
mutate(year_of_employment = year(tenure_months)) %>%
yearly_worker_summary_stats %>% select(name, year_of_employment, annual_salary)
, by = c("name", "year_of_employment")) %>%
mutate(monthly_salary = annual_salary/12, .keep = "unused") %>%
arrange(tenure_months) %>%
group_by(name) %>%
mutate(cumulative_salary = cumsum(monthly_salary),
cumulative_months = row_number())
# For each Reporting Year (the individual year someone worked for us), calculate their cumulative months (called Tenure)
# Determine the bonus payments the person will have received each year
# It's 5% of their sales total
# Round Salary Paid and Yearly Bonus to two decimal places
# Add Salary Paid and Yearly Bonus together to form Total Paid
output_as_requested <-
month_to_month %>%
group_by(name, year_of_employment) %>%
summarise(cumulative_salary = max(cumulative_salary),
cumulative_months = max(cumulative_months)) %>%
yearly_worker_summary_stats %>% select(name, year_of_employment, yearly_bonus)
, by = c("name", "year_of_employment")) %>%
mutate(`Total Paid` = cumulative_salary + yearly_bonus) %>%
employment_range %>% select(name, employment_range)
, by = "name") %>%
select(Name = name,
`Employment Range` = employment_range,
`Reporting Year` = year_of_employment,
`Tenue by End of Re` = cumulative_months,
`Salary Paid` = cumulative_salary,
`Yearly Bonus` = yearly_bonus,
`Total Paid`)
output_as_requested %>%
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