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weather_import <- read_rds("weather.rds") %>%
mutate(rainfall = if_else(rainfall_mm == 0, "no rain", "rain")) %>%
select(date, rainfall)
day_of_week_effects <- tibble::tribble(
~weekday, ~dow_diff,
"Sun", -30L,
"Mon", 0L,
"Tue", 15L,
"Wed", 25L,
"Thu", 35L,
"Fri", 20L,
"Sat", -35L) %>%
mutate(dow_diff = dow_diff/100)
random_daily_sales <- seq.Date(to = floor_date(today(), "month")-1,
from = floor_date(today() - months(13), "month"),
by = "day") %>%
tibble(date = .) %>%
mutate(weekday = wday(date, label = TRUE),
day_index = row_number()) %>%
left_join(weather_import, by = "date") %>%
mutate(average_sales = 200,
daily_increase = runif(n(), 0.05/365, 0.25/365),
daily_increase = daily_increase * day_index,
rain_effect = if_else(rainfall == "rain", runif(n(), 0.15, 0.35), 0)) %>%
left_join(day_of_week_effects, by = "weekday") %>%
mutate(dow_diff = map_dbl(dow_diff, ~rnorm(1, .x, 0.1)), # stdev if 10% for each day of week percentage
total_sales = average_sales + daily_increase*average_sales + rain_effect*average_sales + dow_diff*average_sales,
total_sales = round(total_sales)) %>%
select(date, total_sales)
random_daily_sales %>%
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