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Created March 9, 2012 04:31
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Project Interop Sample
#r "Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.dll"
#r "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll"
open System
open Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject
open Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
module ProjectInterop =
type TaskAssignment =
ResourceName : string
ResourceGroup : string
TaskName : string
Project : string
Critical : string
TaskDuration : float
TaskProgress : float
StartDate : DateTime
AssignmentDuration : float
let constructTA project resource group task taskDuration progress isCritic startDate duration =
ResourceName = resource
ResourceGroup = group
TaskName = task
Project = project
Critical = isCritic
TaskDuration = taskDuration
TaskProgress = progress
StartDate = startDate
AssignmentDuration = duration
// Time scale data parameters.
let patd = Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.PjAssignmentTimescaledData.pjAssignmentTimescaledWork
let ptu = PjTimescaleUnit.pjTimescaleDays
/// Returns the day scaled values of an assignment (work / day).
let dayScaledValues (assignment : Assignment) =
assignment.TimeScaleData(assignment.Start, assignment.Finish, patd, ptu,1)
|> Seq.cast<TimeScaleValue>
|> Seq.toArray
|> (fun x ->
let startDate = DateTime.Parse(x.StartDate.ToString())
let value = x.Value.ToString()
startDate, value)
|> Array.filter (fun (x, y) -> y <> "")
|> (fun (x, y) -> x, float y / 60.)
/// Returns a task's total duration.
let getTaskDuration (task : Task) =
|> float
|> (fun x -> x / 60.)
/// Returns a task's progress percentage.
let getTaskProgress (task : Task) =
|> float
|> (fun x -> x / 60. * 100.)
|> (fun x -> Math.Round(x, 2))
/// Gathers assignment related data.
let assignmentData (assignment : Assignment) project =
let resource = assignment.Resource
let resourceName = resource.Name
let group = resource.Group
let task = assignment.Task
let taskName = task.Name
let taskDuration = getTaskDuration task
let critical = task.Critical.ToString()
let progress = getTaskProgress task
let dsvs = dayScaledValues assignment
let f = constructTA project resourceName group taskName taskDuration progress critical
dsvs |> (fun (startDate, duration) ->
f startDate duration)
/// Returns planned assignments for the given date.
let whoDoesWhat (project : Project) date =
let name = project.Name
|> Seq.cast<Task>
|> Seq.toArray
|> (fun x -> x.Assignments |> Seq.cast<Assignment> |> Seq.toArray)
|> Array.concat
|> (fun x -> assignmentData x name)
|> Array.concat
|> Array.filter (fun x -> x.StartDate = date)
module ExcelInterop =
/// Launches Excel.
let startExcel() =
let excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass(Visible=true)
let sheet = excel.Workbooks.Add().Worksheets.[1] :?> Worksheet
/// Formats a worksheet by inserting headers and autofitting columns.
let formatWorksheet (sheet : Worksheet) =
sheet.Cells.[1, 1] <- "Resource"
sheet.Cells.[1, 2] <- "Group"
sheet.Cells.[1, 3] <- "Task"
sheet.Cells.[1, 4] <- "Project"
sheet.Cells.[1, 5] <- "Critical"
sheet.Cells.[1, 6] <- "Duration"
sheet.Cells.[1, 7] <- "Progress"
sheet.Cells.[1, 8] <- "Assignment"
sheet.Range("A1", "H1").Font.Bold <- true
sheet.Range("A1", "H1").EntireColumn.AutoFit() |> ignore
/// Displays assignments in a worksheet.
let displayAssignments (assignments : TaskAssignment []) (sheet : Worksheet) =
assignments |> Array.iteri (fun idx x ->
let idx' = idx + 2
let strings = [|x.ResourceName; x.ResourceGroup; x.TaskName; x.Project; x.Critical|]
let floats = [|x.TaskDuration; x.TaskProgress; x.AssignmentDuration|]
let range =
let col = sprintf "A%d" idx'
let col' = sprintf "E%d" idx'
sheet.Range(col, col')
let range' =
let col = sprintf "F%d" idx'
let col' = sprintf "H%d" idx'
sheet.Range(col, col')
range.Value2 <- strings
range'.Value2 <- floats)
module Main =
printfn "Starting Project\n"
let app = Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.ApplicationClass(Visible = false)
let path = "test.mpp"
app.FileOpen path |> ignore
printfn "Getting assignment data\n"
let project = app.Projects.[1]
let today = DateTime.Today.AddDays 1.
let assignments = whoDoesWhat project today
match assignments with
| [||] ->
printfn "No assignment data to display\n"
| arr ->
printfn "Displaying assignment data\n"
let worksheet = startExcel()
displayAssignments arr worksheet
formatWorksheet worksheet
printfn "Done."
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