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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Save TakaakiIchijo/e303c1c8f5848a658fa1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unity オレオレサウンドマネージャー
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System;
public class SoundManager : SingletonMonoBehaviour<SoundManager>,IPausable {
//From resources folder//
public string seAudioClipPath = "AudioClips/SE";
public string bgmAudioClipPath = "AudioClips/BGM";
public int seMaxNum = 5;//SEの同時再生上限数//
private static List<AudioSource> audioSourceSEs = new List<AudioSource>();
private static List<AudioSource> audioSourceBGMs = new List<AudioSource>();
private static List<AudioClip> seAudioClips = new List<AudioClip>();
private static List<AudioClip> bgmAudioClips = new List<AudioClip>();
private static string currentBgmClipName;//再生中、または再生へ向けてフェードイン中のbgm;
public float masterVolume = 1.0f;//インスペクタから弄る用//
public float seVolume = 0.5f;//インスペクタから弄る用//
public float bgmVolume = 0.5f;//インスペクタから弄る用//
public static float _masterVolume = 1.0f;//全体ボリューム//
public static float _fixedSeVolume = 1.0f;//masterと掛け算したseVolume//
public static float _fixedBgmVolume = 1.0f;//masterと掛け算したbgmVolume//
public bool isDebugMuteMode = false;
private bool isPaused = false;
public bool IsPaused
return isPaused;
public bool enableDebugMonitor = false;
private static bool _enableDebugMonitor;
private static GameObject thisGameObject;
private static float defaultFadeTime = 2f;
void Awake()
_masterVolume = masterVolume;
_fixedSeVolume = masterVolume * seVolume;
_fixedBgmVolume = masterVolume * bgmVolume;
_enableDebugMonitor = enableDebugMonitor;
thisGameObject = this.gameObject;
seAudioClips = LoadAudioClipsFromResourcesFolder(seAudioClipPath);
bgmAudioClips = LoadAudioClipsFromResourcesFolder(bgmAudioClipPath);
audioSourceBGMs = InstantiateAudioSourceList(2);
audioSourceSEs = InstantiateAudioSourceList(seMaxNum);
audioSourceBGMs.ForEach(asb => asb.loop = true);
public static void PlaySE(string clipName)
PlaySE(clipName, _fixedSeVolume);
public static void PlaySE(string clipName, float volume)
AudioSource _audioSource = GetStoppedAudioSoureFromList(audioSourceSEs);
_audioSource.clip = GetAudioClipFromRoadedList(clipName, seAudioClips);
_audioSource.volume = volume;
_audioSource.PlayOneShot( GetAudioClipFromRoadedList(clipName, seAudioClips));
if (_enableDebugMonitor) Debug.Log(clipName + "が再生されました。");
public void OnPause()
isPaused = true;
audioSourceSEs.ForEach(ase => ase.Pause());
audioSourceBGMs.ForEach(asb => asb.Pause());
public void OnResume()
isPaused = false;
audioSourceSEs.ForEach(ase => ase.UnPause());
audioSourceBGMs.ForEach(asb => asb.UnPause());
public static void PlayBGM(string clipName)
PlayBGMWithFade(clipName, 0.1f);
public static void PlayBGMWithFade(string clipName)
PlayBGMWithFade(clipName, defaultFadeTime);
public static void PlayBGMWithFade(string clipName, float fadeTime)
//all audio source is playing (already crossfading?)
if (audioSourceBGMs.All(asb => asb.isPlaying == true))
AudioSource _toStopAudioSource = audioSourceBGMs.FirstOrDefault(asb => asb.isPlaying == true);
AudioSource _toPlayAudioSource = audioSourceBGMs.First(asb => asb.isPlaying == false);
if (_toStopAudioSource != null)
FadeOutAudioSource(_toStopAudioSource, fadeTime);
_toPlayAudioSource.clip = GetAudioClipFromRoadedList(clipName, bgmAudioClips);
FadeInAudioSource(_toPlayAudioSource, fadeTime);
public static void StopBGM()
audioSourceBGMs.ForEach(asb => FadeOutAudioSource(asb, 0.1f));
static void FadeInAudioSource(AudioSource targetAudioSource, float fadeTime)
targetAudioSource.volume = 0f;
iTween.AudioTo(thisGameObject, iTween.Hash(
"audiosource", targetAudioSource,
"time", fadeTime,//3秒かけて//
"volume", 1f//ボリュームを1に//
static void FadeOutAudioSource(AudioSource targetAudioSource, float fadeTime)
iTween.AudioTo(thisGameObject, iTween.Hash(
"audiosource", targetAudioSource,
"time", fadeTime,//3秒かけて//
"volume", 0f,//ボリュームをゼロに//
"oncomplete", "OnFadeOutComplete",
"oncompletetarget", thisGameObject,
"oncompleteparams", targetAudioSource
void OnFadeOutComplete(AudioSource targetAudioSource)
#region Util
List<AudioSource> InstantiateAudioSourceList(int num)
List<AudioSource> _audioSourceList = new List<AudioSource>();
for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++)
AudioSource _audioSource = this.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>() as AudioSource;
_audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
return _audioSourceList;
static AudioSource GetStoppedAudioSoureFromList(List<AudioSource> audioSourceList)
AudioSource _audioSource = audioSourceList.FirstOrDefault(i => i.isPlaying == false);
if (_audioSource == null)
if (_enableDebugMonitor)
return _audioSource;
private static AudioClip GetAudioClipFromRoadedList(string clipName, List<AudioClip> clipList)
AudioClip _clip = clipList.Find(i => == clipName);
if (_clip == null)
if (_enableDebugMonitor)
Debug.LogWarning("オーディオクリップ「" + clipName + "」は読み込まれていません。");
return _clip;
private List<AudioClip> LoadAudioClipsFromResourcesFolder(string path)
return Resources.LoadAll(path, typeof(AudioClip)).Cast<AudioClip>().ToList();
IEnumerator LoadAsyncAudioClip()
ResourceRequest request = Resources.LoadAsync("AudioClips/SE/Footstep_L");
yield return request;
seAudioClips.Add(request.asset as AudioClip);
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