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Created January 15, 2022 06:42
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YouTube playlist auto-configuration tool
* # Usage
* 1. start a new Google Apps Script project and paste this code into the script area.
* 2. After saving, set the `main()` function to be executed automatically.
* # Operation
* 1. Create a playlist.
* 2. Set the title of the video you want to add to the playlist as "Playlist Name:Video Title"(Colons can be full-size or half-size).
function main() {
// Get the necessary items (own channel object, playlist list, video list).
const channel = YouTube.Channels.list(["snippet"], {
"mine": true
const playlists = YouTube.Playlists.list(["snippet"], {
"mine": true
const videos = YouTube.Search.list(["snippet"], {
"order": "date",
"maxResults": 50,
// video foreach
Array.from(videos.items).forEach((v, i) => {
Logger.log(`>> ${v.snippet.title}`);
// Category Extraction
const cn = v.snippet.title.split(/[::]/);
if (cn.length == 2 && cn[0] && cn[1]) {
// Does the category name exist as a playlist?
const pl = playlists.items.find(item => item.snippet.title == cn[0]);
if (pl) {
// Is the video already on the relevant playlist?
if(YouTube.PlaylistItems.list(["id"], {
}).items.length == 0){
// Subscribe to the playlist!
Logger.log(`Since the video is not in the list, add it.`);
const res = {
snippet: {
resourceId: {
kind: 'youtube#video'
YouTube.PlaylistItems.insert(res, ["snippet"]);
Logger.log(`The video is already registered.`);
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