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Created September 27, 2017 23:08
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Convert CEL files to PNG
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdint>
extern "C" {
#include "png.h"
struct Colour {
std::uint8_t red;
std::uint8_t green;
std::uint8_t blue;
struct CELImage {
std::uint16_t width;
std::uint16_t height;
std::uint16_t unknown1;
std::uint16_t unknown2;
std::uint16_t bitdepth;
std::uint32_t length;
std::uint16_t palColours = 256;
Colour* palette;
std::uint8_t* pixelData;
// Main program I/O functions
CELImage* readCelImage(const char* celFname);
char* getPngFname(const char* celFname);
bool writeCelToPng(CELImage* cel, const char* fname);
// Misc functions
void usage();
// File I/O helpers
std::uint16_t byteSwap16(std::uint16_t toSwap);
std::uint16_t readUInt16LE(FILE* fp);
std::uint32_t byteSwap32(std::uint32_t toSwap);
std::uint32_t readUInt32LE(FILE* fp);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
CELImage* cel = readCelImage(argv[i]);
if ( cel != nullptr ) {
char* pngFile = getPngFname(argv[i]);
if (writeCelToPng(cel, pngFile)) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
delete[] cel->palette;
delete[] cel->pixelData;
delete cel;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
void usage() {
"CEL to PNG by Kevin Caccamo\n"
"Version 1.0\n"
"Usage: celtopng *.CEL..\n"
"Converts each CEL to a PNG.");
std::uint16_t byteSwap16(std::uint16_t toSwap) {
std::uint16_t temp = (toSwap >> 8) & 0x00ff;
temp |= (toSwap << 8) & 0xff00;
return temp;
std::uint16_t readUInt16LE(FILE* fp) {
std::uint16_t buf;
std::fread(&buf, 2, 1, fp);
buf = byteSwap16(buf);
return buf;
std::uint32_t byteSwap32(std::uint32_t toSwap) {
std::uint32_t temp = (toSwap >> 16) & 0x000000ff;
temp |= (toSwap >> 8) & 0x0000ff00;
temp |= (toSwap << 8) & 0x00ff0000;
temp |= (toSwap << 16) & 0xff000000;
return temp;
std::uint32_t readUInt32LE(FILE* fp) {
std::uint32_t buf;
std::fread(&buf, 4, 1, fp);
buf = byteSwap32(buf);
return buf;
CELImage* readCelImage(const char* celFname) {
FILE* celp = std::fopen(celFname, "rb");
std::uint16_t magic = readUInt16LE(celp);
if (magic != 37145) {
std::fprintf(stderr, "CEL magic number is not 37145.\n");
return nullptr;
CELImage* cel = new CELImage;
cel->width = readUInt16LE(celp);
cel->height = readUInt16LE(celp);
cel->unknown1 = readUInt16LE(celp);
cel->unknown2 = readUInt16LE(celp);
cel->bitdepth = readUInt16LE(celp);
cel->length = readUInt32LE(celp);
#ifdef DEBUG
"========== Image: %s ==========\n"
"width: %hu\n"
"height: %hu\n"
"unknown1 (offset X?): %hu\n"
"unknown2 (offset Y?): %hu\n"
"bit depth: %hu\n"
"length: %u\n", celFname, cel->width, cel->height,
cel->unknown1, cel->unknown2, cel->bitdepth, cel->length);
if (cel->length < cel->width * cel->height) {
std::puts("Warning! This file may be compressed. View at your own risk!\n");
} else if (cel->length > cel->width * cel->height) {
std::uint32_t palOffset = 32; // Found this by trial and error.
//if (argv[2] != nullptr) palOffset = std::atoi(argv[2]);
std::fseek(celp, palOffset, SEEK_SET);
//int palBytes = 768;
cel->palColours = 256; // palBytes / 3;
cel->palette = new Colour[cel->palColours];
for (int x = 0; x < cel->palColours; x++) {
cel->palette[x].red = (std::uint8_t) std::fgetc(celp) << 2; // << 2 because I took a screenshot of WC2 in DOSBox, and noticed the difference in colour when I opened the screenshot in GIMP.
cel->palette[x].green = (std::uint8_t) std::fgetc(celp) << 2;
cel->palette[x].blue = (std::uint8_t) std::fgetc(celp) << 2;
cel->pixelData = new std::uint8_t[cel->length];
for (int i = 0; i < cel->length; i++) cel->pixelData[i] = (std::uint8_t) std::fgetc(celp);
return cel;
char* getPngFname(const char* celFname) {
// Copy filename string
std::uint32_t celFnameLength = std::strlen(celFname);
char* pngFname = (char*) std::malloc(celFnameLength + 1);
std::strcpy(pngFname, celFname);
pngFname[celFnameLength] = 0;
// Change to working directory
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
char dirsep = '\\'; // Windows
char dirsep = '/'; // Unix (Linux/MacOS/BSD)
char* wdir = std::strrchr(pngFname, dirsep);
if (!wdir) wdir = pngFname;
else wdir += 1;
// Change extension to PNG
char* extn = std::strrchr(pngFname, '.');
std::strncpy(extn+1, "png\0", 4);
return wdir;
bool writeCelToPng(CELImage* cel, const char* fname) {
std::printf("Attempting to write to %s\n", fname);
// Init PNG writing
png_structp pngWriter = png_create_write_struct(
png_get_libpng_ver(NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL);
png_infop pngInfo = png_create_info_struct(pngWriter);
if (!pngInfo) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&pngWriter, nullptr);
return false;
// libPNG error handler
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(pngWriter))) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&pngWriter, nullptr);
return false;
FILE* pngFp = std::fopen(fname, "w");
png_init_io(pngWriter, pngFp);
//png_set_write_status_fn(pngWriter, writePngRow);
png_set_IHDR(pngWriter, pngInfo, cel->width, cel->height,
png_set_compression_level(pngWriter, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
// Convert CEL palette to PNG palette
png_colorp celPal = new png_color[cel->palColours];
for (int i = 0; i < cel->palColours; i++) {
celPal[i].red = cel->palette[i].red;
celPal[i].green = cel->palette[i].green;
celPal[i].blue = cel->palette[i].blue;
png_byte** pngRows = new png_byte*[cel->height];
for (int i = 0; i < cel->height; i++) {
std::uint8_t* curCelRow = cel->pixelData+(i*cel->width);
pngRows[i] = new png_byte[cel->width];
std::memcpy(pngRows[i], curCelRow, cel->width);
png_set_PLTE(pngWriter, pngInfo, celPal, cel->palColours);
png_set_rows(pngWriter, pngInfo, pngRows);
png_write_png(pngWriter, pngInfo, 0, nullptr);
png_destroy_info_struct(pngWriter, &pngInfo);
png_destroy_write_struct(&pngWriter, nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i < cel->height; i++) {
delete[] pngRows[i];
delete[] pngRows;
delete[] celPal;
return true;
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This is for WC2 CEL files. The other CEL files can be converted to PNG using ffmpeg.

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