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Last active September 8, 2016 22:03
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  • Save Tamakichi/14c644bd1557203fe3ccd47e2d3a807a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tamakichi/14c644bd1557203fe3ccd47e2d3a807a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
IchigoJam RTC DS3231利用サンプルソースその2
10 'RTC DS3231
20 'T="16090407085800":GSB @SET
30 CLS:M=#700:A=#68:POKE M,0:L=0:S=M+16
40 LET [0],31599,4681,29671,29647,23497,31183,31215,29257,31727,31695,0,1040,2184
45 LET [20],11,11,10:X=2:Y=5
50 FOR I=0 TO 12:FOR J=14 TO 0 STEP -1
70 IF ([I]>>J)&1 D=1 ELSE D=32
80 POKE S+L,D:L=L+1
130 @LP:R=I2CR(A,M,1,M+1,7):GSB@PDG:GOTO @LP
170 @SET:N=M+7
190 FOR I=T TO T+13 STEP 2
200 POKE N,(PEEK(I)-48)<<4+PEEK(I+1)-48:N=N-1
210 NEXT
220 R=I2CW(A,M,1,M+1,7)
230 RTN
240 @PDG:FOR I=0 TO 4:LC X,Y+I:K=20
270 FOR J=2TO0STEP -1:D=PEEK(M+1+J):E=S+I*3
290 ?STR$(E+(D>>4)*15,3);" ";STR$(E+(D&15)*15,3);STR$(E+[K]*15,3);
330 RTN
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