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Created May 24, 2020 15:02
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Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// This configuration will create a GKE cluster that will be used for creating
// log information to be used by Stackdriver Logging. The configuration will
// also create the kubernetes resources and Stackdriver Logging exports for Cloud Storage
// and BigQuery.
// Provides access to available Google Container Engine versions in a zone for a given project.
data "google_container_engine_versions" "on-prem" {
location =
project = var.project
// Create the resources needed for the Stackdriver Export Sinks
// Random string used to create a unique bucket name
resource "random_id" "server" {
byte_length = 8
// Create a Cloud Storage Bucket for long-term storage of logs
// Note: the bucket has force_destroy turned on, so the data will be lost if you run
// terraform destroy
resource "google_storage_bucket" "gke-log-bucket" {
name = "stackdriver-gke-logging-bucket-${random_id.server.hex}"
storage_class = "NEARLINE"
force_destroy = true
// Create a BigQuery Dataset for storage of logs
// Note: only the most recent hour's data will be stored based on the table expiration
resource "google_bigquery_dataset" "gke-bigquery-dataset" {
dataset_id = "gke_logs_dataset"
location = "US"
default_table_expiration_ms = 3600000
labels = {
env = "default"
// Create the primary cluster for this project.
// Create the GKE Cluster
resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
name = "stackdriver-logging"
location =
initial_node_count = 2
min_master_version = data.google_container_engine_versions.on-prem.latest_master_version
node_config {
oauth_scopes = [
// These local-execs are used to provision the sample service
// These local-execs are used to provision the sample service
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${} --zone ${} --project ${var.project}"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "kubectl --namespace default create deployment hello-server --image"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "kubectl --namespace default expose deployment hello-server --type \"LoadBalancer\" --port=8080"
// Configure the stackdriver sinks and necessary roles.
// To enable writing to the various export sinks we must grant additional permissions.
// Refer to the following URL for details:
// Create the Stackdriver Export Sink for Cloud Storage GKE Notifications
resource "google_logging_project_sink" "storage-sink" {
name = "gke-storage-sink"
destination = "${}"
filter = "resource.type = k8s_container"
unique_writer_identity = true
// Create the Stackdriver Export Sink for BigQuery GKE Notifications
resource "google_logging_project_sink" "bigquery-sink" {
name = "gke-bigquery-sink"
destination = "${var.project}/datasets/${google_bigquery_dataset.gke-bigquery-dataset.dataset_id}"
filter = "resource.type = k8s_container"
unique_writer_identity = true
// Grant the role of Storage Object Creator
resource "google_project_iam_binding" "log-writer-storage" {
role = "roles/storage.objectCreator"
members = [,
// Grant the role of BigQuery Data Editor
resource "google_project_iam_binding" "log-writer-bigquery" {
role = "roles/bigquery.dataEditor"
members = [
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