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Last active May 11, 2022 15:57
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Inventory Check Script
// Database setup, edit as needed
$database_info = array();
$database_info['hostname'] = "localhost";
$database_info['database'] = "grid";
$database_info['username'] = "grid";
$database_info['password'] = "grid";
$errors = 0;
$wikilink = "";
// Handle passed arguments
if (isset($argv[1]) && isset($argv[2]))
$firstname = $argv[1];
$lastname = $argv[2];
echo "Checking inventory of " . $firstname . " " . $lastname . "\n";
echo "##############################################\n";
$user = Get_useruuid($firstname, $lastname);
if (isset($argv[3]) && $argv[3] == "true")
else if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == "everyone")
// Running through all users with warnings
$everyone = Get_everyone();
foreach ($everyone as $user)
$user = $user['PrincipalID'];
echo "Checking user " . $user . "\n";
echo "##############################################\n";
if (isset($argv[2]) && $argv[2] == "true")
echo "##############################################\n";
echo "Specify a user first and last name or everyone to run through all users!\n";
// Functions
// Get all users
function Get_everyone()
global $database_info;
$connection = new mysqli($database_info['hostname'], $database_info['username'], $database_info['password'], $database_info['database']);
$query = $connection->query("SELECT PrincipalID FROM `UserAccounts`;");
if ($query->num_rows > 0)
echo "Found " . $query->num_rows . " users\n";
return $query;
// Fetch from useraccounts
function Get_useruuid($firstname, $lastname)
global $database_info;
$connection = new mysqli($database_info['hostname'], $database_info['username'], $database_info['password'], $database_info['database']);
$query = $connection->query("SELECT PrincipalID FROM `UserAccounts` WHERE FirstName = '".$firstname."' AND LastName = '".$lastname."';");
if ($query->num_rows == 1)
$row = $query->fetch_assoc();
return $row['PrincipalID'];
echo "User not found";
// Get parent folder
function Get_parentfolder($folderid)
global $database_info;
$connection = new mysqli($database_info['hostname'], $database_info['username'], $database_info['password'], $database_info['database']);
$query = $connection->query("SELECT parentFolderID FROM `inventoryfolders` WHERE folderID = '".$folderid."';");
if ($query->num_rows == 1)
$row = $query->fetch_assoc();
return $row['parentFolderID'];
// Get folder name
function Get_foldername($folderid)
global $database_info;
$connection = new mysqli($database_info['hostname'], $database_info['username'], $database_info['password'], $database_info['database']);
$query = $connection->query("SELECT folderName FROM `inventoryfolders` WHERE folderID = '".$folderid."';");
if ($query->num_rows == 1)
$row = $query->fetch_assoc();
return $row['folderName'];
// Check if there are folders of type 8 not named My Inventory
function Check_rootfolders($user_uuid)
global $database_info;
global $errors;
$connection = new mysqli($database_info['hostname'], $database_info['username'], $database_info['password'], $database_info['database']);
$query = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM `inventoryfolders` WHERE (`type` = '8' OR `type` = '9') AND agentID = '".$user_uuid."';");
if ($query->num_rows > 0)
foreach ($query as $row)
$foldername = $row['folderName'];
$folderuuid = $row['folderID'];
if ($foldername != "My Inventory")
echo "Found root type folder outside of inventory structure: " . $foldername . " (" . $folderuuid . ")\n";
if ($row['type'] == "9")
echo "Root type folder of wrong type: " . $row['type'] . "\n";
echo "No inventory found\n";
// Check if within an inventory all folders are exactly present once
function Check_duplicatefolders($user_uuid)
global $database_info;
global $errors;
$folders = array();
$connection = new mysqli($database_info['hostname'], $database_info['username'], $database_info['password'], $database_info['database']);
$query = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM `inventoryfolders` WHERE `type` != '-1' AND agentID = '".$user_uuid."';");
if ($query->num_rows > 0)
foreach ($query as $row)
// Stuff array key of type with all the folders found of that type
$folders[$row['type']] = (isset($folders[$row['type']])) ? $folders[$row['type']] = $folders[$row['type']] . "," . $row['folderID'] : $folders[$row['type']] = $row['folderID'];
// Now iterate over that and output the bad ones
foreach ($folders as $folder)
// If contains comma means more than one folder
if (strpos($folder, ",") !== false)
$dup_folder = explode(",", $folder);
foreach ($dup_folder as $folderid)
$foldername = Get_foldername($folderid);
echo "Duplicate folders: " . $foldername . " (" . $folderid . ") parent: " . Get_parentfolder($folderid);
$parentname = Get_foldername((Get_parentfolder($folderid)));
if ($parentname != "My Inventory")
echo " not in root inventory folder, found in: " . $parentname . "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "No inventory found\n";
function report()
global $errors;
global $wikilink;
echo "\nFound " . $errors . " potential inventory errors\n";
echo "Here is how: ". $wikilink . " to resolve them.\n";
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