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Created October 21, 2018 19:36
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Redeye Crypto
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from hashlib import md5
def conv(d):
return bytes_to_long(d)
def add_padd(FLAG,H):
x = 0
for c in FLAG:
x += H
x *= ord(c)
return x
FLAG = ""
XH = conv(md5(FLAG).digest())
print str(add_padd(FLAG,XH)) # output: 27680346842550922509933685002354044605811561366528421414998951571
λ python
[+] factoring N
factors = [3, 23, 29, 29, 29, 97, 103, 223, 311, 443, 733, 1399, 3583, 6689, 134
96140451, 65522619611, 2465584954291]
[+] trying different values for H
[ 2000/131072 1%]
[ 4000/131072 3%]
[ 6000/131072 4%]
[ 8000/131072 6%]
[ 10000/131072 7%]
[ 12000/131072 9%]
[ 14000/131072 10%]
[ 16000/131072 12%]
[ 18000/131072 13%]
[ 20000/131072 15%]
[ 22000/131072 16%]
[ 24000/131072 18%]
[ 26000/131072 19%]
[ 28000/131072 21%]
[ 30000/131072 22%]
[ 32000/131072 24%]
[ 34000/131072 25%]
[ 36000/131072 27%]
[ 38000/131072 28%]
[ 40000/131072 30%]
[ 42000/131072 32%]
[ 44000/131072 33%]
[ 46000/131072 35%]
[+] found 'R3verseM4thAlg' H = 11861308874247834548682942435005747613
[+] took 14.44s
from itertools import *
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from math import gcd
from random import randint
from hashlib import md5
from functools import reduce
import time
def brent(N):
# brent returns a divisor not guaranteed to be prime, returns n if n prime
if N%2==0: return 2
y,c,m = randint(1, N-1),randint(1, N-1),randint(1, N-1)
g,r,q = 1,1,1
while g==1:
x = y
for i in range(r):
y = ((y*y)%N+c)%N
k = 0
while (k<r and g==1):
ys = y
for i in range(min(m,r-k)):
y = ((y*y)%N+c)%N
q = q*(abs(x-y))%N
g = gcd(q,N)
k = k + m
r = r*2
if g==N:
while True:
ys = ((ys*ys)%N+c)%N
g = gcd(abs(x-ys),N)
if g>1: break
return g
def factorize(n1):
if n1<=0: return []
if n1==1: return [1]
while n % 2 ==0 : b.append(2);n//=2
while n % 3 ==0 : b.append(3);n//=3
#use trial division for factors below 1M
while i <=mx:
while n % i == 0 : b.append(i); n//=i
#use brent for factors >1M
while n>mx:
#iterate until n=brent(n) => n is prime
while p1!=p:
if n!=1:b.append(n)
return b
def powerset(iterable):
"powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
s = list(iterable)
return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s) + 1))
def main():
N = 27680346842550922509933685002354044605811561366528421414998951571
print(f"N={N}\n[+] factoring N")
factors = factorize(N)
print(f"factors = {factors}\n[+] trying different values for H")
possibleH = powerset(factors)
count = 1;
for s in sorted(possibleH):
H = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, s, 1)
if count % 2000 == 0:
print(f"[{count:6}/{2**len(factors)} {(count*100)//2**len(factors):3}%]")
count += 1
if N % H == 0:
states = [(N // H, "")]
while len(states):
currN, currStr = states.pop()
if currN == 0:
XH = bytes_to_long(md5(currStr.encode()).digest())
if XH == H:
print(f"[+] found '{currStr}' H = {H}")
for c in range(0x30, 0x7b):
if currN % c == 0:
states.append((currN // c - 1, chr(c) + currStr))
if __name__ == '__main__':
startTime = time.time()
print(f"[+] took {(time.time() - startTime):4.2f}s")
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