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Created July 6, 2019 09:46
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Union find with groups! (completely untested)
module Data.UnionFind.Group where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Group
import Data.Primitive
data UFG' m g = UFG'
{ operator :: g
, root :: UFG m g
} deriving Eq
type UFG m g = MutVar (PrimState m) (Either Word (UFG' m g))
newUFG :: PrimMonad m => m (UFG m g)
newUFG = newMutVar $ Left 0
find :: (PrimMonad m, Monoid g) => UFG m g -> m (g, UFG m g)
find ref = do
deref <- readMutVar ref
case deref of
Left _ -> return (mempty, ref)
Right UFG' {root = next, operator = operator} -> do
(operator', root) <- find next
let operator'' = operator <> operator'
writeMutVar ref $ Right UFG' { operator = operator'', root = root}
return (operator'', root)
-- 'MonadPlus' constraint because we check that two elements that are 'union'ed
-- which already have the same route also have the same operator.
-- Group argument should go from l to r
union :: (PrimMonad m, MonadPlus m, Eq g, Group g) => UFG m g -> UFG m g -> g -> m ()
union l r o = do
(lo, lr) <- find l
(ro, rr) <- find r
if (lr == rr)
-- they are already united but we check for consistency
then guard (lo == ro)
-- they are not already united, so we don't need to check for consistency
else do
-- these we know should be Left unless there's some ghosts or concurrency
lrank <- readMutVar lr >>= either return (const mzero)
rrank <- readMutVar rr >>= either return (const mzero)
case lrank `compare` rrank of
LT -> writeMutVar lr $ Right UFG' { operator = invert o, root = rr }
GT -> writeMutVar rr $ Right UFG' { operator = o, root = lr }
EQ -> do
-- arbitrarily set the left as root, mostly so we don't need to compute
-- inverse, in case that's expensive
writeMutVar lr $ Left (lrank + 1)
writeMutVar rr $ Right UFG' { operator = o, root = lr}
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