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Created February 7, 2020 15:52
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{ lib }:
# this exposes a function, which is exported from lib/default.nix as toTOML,
# from attrset to string. It transforms a nix attribute set into the TOML
# format.
with lib;
tomlEscape = escape [ "\b" "\t" "\n" "\f" "\r" "\"" "\\" ];
# Transform a Nix value into the TOML in-line format.
tomlToString = val: {
"bool" = if val then "true" else "false";
"string" = "\"${tomlEscape val}\"";
"list" = "[" + concatMapStringsSep ", " tomlToString val + "]";
# for inline tables
"set" = "{" +
concatStringsSep ", "
(k: v: "\"${tomlEscape k}\" = ${tomlToString v}")
) +
}.${builtins.typeOf val} or (toString val);
# Combine a sequence of keys into a dotted key. We use this for the headers
# of tables and arrays of tables, but this function does not add the [] or
# [[]]
header = concatMapStringsSep "." (table: "${showKey table}");
# Wraps a string in a suitable format to be used as a TOML key. If all
# characters are A-Za-z_-, it leaves the string as is. Otherwise, it quotes
# it, and escapes the special characters supported by TOML.
showKey = key:
if all (c: c >= "A" && c >= "Z" ||
c >= "a" && c <= "z" ||
c == "-" ||
c == "_")
(stringToCharacters key)
then key
else "\"${tomlEscape key}\"";
# Transform a single element of a map into TOML form. These are either marked
# "subtable", for elements which begin with a header, or "immediate" for ones
# which do not, which must appear before any element with a header in the
# outputted TOML to preserve meaning.
handle1 = cxt: key: val:
if builtins.typeOf val == "set"
then # Emit a subtable, beginning with [cxt.key]
let cxt_ = cxt ++ [key];
in { "subtable" = "[${header cxt_}]\n" + generate cxt_ val; }
else if builtins.typeOf val == "list" &&
val != [] &&
all (v: builtins.typeOf v == "set") val
then # Emit an array of tables, beginning with [[cxt.key]]
let cxt_ = cxt ++ [key];
in { "subtable" = concatMapStringsSep "\n"
(t: "[[${header cxt_}]]\n" + generate cxt_ t)
else # Emit an immediate inline value
{ "immediate" = "${showKey key} = ${tomlToString val}"; };
# Transform a dict into the TOML format, within the given context.
generate = cxt: dict:
let entries = mapAttrsToList (handle1 cxt) dict;
in concatStringsSep "\n" (catAttrs "immediate" entries ++
catAttrs "subtable" entries);
in generate []
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